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Version: v4

Ongoing Call


The Ongoing Call is a Component that provides users with a dedicated interface for managing real-time voice or video conversations. It includes features like a video display area for video calls, call controls for mic and camera management, participant information, call status indicators, and options for call recording and screen-sharing.




CometChatOngoingCall being a custom view controller, offers versatility in its integration. It can be seamlessly launched via button clicks or any user-triggered action, enhancing the overall user experience and facilitating smoother interactions within the application.

// The sessionID should be received from CometChat SDK when the call was initiated or received
let sessionID = "your_session_id"

let cometChatOngoingCall = CometChatOngoingCall()
cometChatOngoingCall.set(sessionID: sessionID)
cometChatOngoingCall.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
self.present(cometChatOngoingCall, animated: true)

If you are already using a navigation controller, you can use the pushViewController function instead of presenting the view controller.


Actions dictate how a component functions. They are divided into two types: Predefined and User-defined. You can override either type, allowing you to tailor the behavior of the component to fit your specific needs.

1. SetOnCallEnded

The setOnCallEnded action is typically triggered when the call is ended, carrying out default actions. However, with the following code snippet, you can effortlessly customize or override this default behavior to meet your specific needs.

let cometChatOngoingCall = CometChatOngoingCall()
.setOnCallEnded { call in
//Perform Your Action



Filters allow you to customize the data displayed in a list within a Component. You can filter the list based on your specific criteria, allowing for a more customized. Filters can be applied using RequestBuilders of ChatSDK.

You can adjust the callSettingsBuilder in the OnGoing Call Component to customize the OnGoing Call. Numerous options are available to alter the builder to meet your specific needs. For additional details on CallSettingsBuilder, please visit CallSettingsBuilder.

1. CallSettingsBuilder

The CallSettingsBuilder enables you to filter and customize the call list based on available parameters in CallSettingsBuilder. This feature allows you to create more specific and targeted queries during the call. The following are the parameters available in CallSettingsBuilder

setAudioModeButtonDisableDisable the audio mode button.setAudioModeButtonDisable(Bool)
setAvatarModeSet the avatar mode.setAvatarMode("")
setDefaultAudioModeSet the default audio mode.setDefaultAudioMode("")
setDefaultLayoutSet the default layout.setDefaultLayout(Bool)
setDelegateSet the calls events delegate.setDelegate(CallsEventsDelegate)
setEnableDraggableVideoTileEnable draggable video tile.setEnableDraggableVideoTile(Bool)
setEnableVideoTileClickEnable click actions on video tile.setEnableVideoTileClick(Bool)
setEndCallButtonDisableDisable the end call button.setEndCallButtonDisable(Bool)
setIsAudioOnlySet the call as audio only.setIsAudioOnly(Bool)
setIsSingleModeSet the call as single mode.setIsSingleMode(Bool)
setModeSet the mode.setMode("NSString")
setMuteAudioButtonDisableDisable the mute audio button.setMuteAudioButtonDisable(Bool)
setPauseVideoButtonDisableDisable the pause video button.setPauseVideoButtonDisable(Bool)
setShowRecordingButtonShow or hide the recording button.setShowRecordingButton(Bool)
setShowSwitchToVideoCallShow or hide the switch to video call button.setShowSwitchToVideoCall(Bool)
setStartAudioMutedStart with audio muted.setStartAudioMuted(Bool)
setStartRecordingOnCallStartStart recording when the call starts.setStartRecordingOnCallStart(Bool)
setStartVideoMutedStart with video muted.setStartVideoMuted(Bool)
setSwitchCameraButtonDisableDisable the switch camera button.setSwitchCameraButtonDisable(Bool)
setVideoContainerSet the video container.setVideoContainer(NSMutableDictionary)
setVideoSettingsSet the video settings.setVideoSettings(NSMutableDictionary)


In the example below, we are applying a filter to the calls.

let callBuilder = CallSettingsBuilder()

let cometChatOngoingCall = CometChatOngoingCall()
.set(sessionId: "Your Session ID")
.set(callSettingsBuilder: callBuilder)

cometChatOngoingCall.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
self.present(cometChatOngoingCall, animated: true)


Ensure to include an NSMicrophoneUsageDescription key with a descriptive string value in the app's Info.plist


Events are emitted by a Component. By using event you can extend existing functionality. Being global events, they can be applied in Multiple Locations and are capable of being Added or Removed.

Events emitted by the Ongoing Call component is as follows.

onCallEndedTriggers when the ongoing or outgoing call ends.
// View controller from your project where you want to listen events.
public class ViewController: UIViewController {

public override func viewDidLoad() {

// Subscribing for the listener to listen events from user module
CometChatCallEvents.addListener("UNIQUE_ID", self as CometChatCallEventListener)

// Listener events from user module
extension ViewController: CometChatCallEventListener {

func onCallEnded(call: Call) {
// Do Stuff
Emitting Group Events
//emit this when logged in user cancels a call
CometChatCallEvents.emitOnCallEnded(call: Call)

View Controller
public override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Uncubscribing for the listener to listen events from user module


To fit your app's design requirements, you can customize the appearance of the conversation component. We provide exposed methods that allow you to modify the experience and behavior according to your specific needs.


Using Style you can customize the look and feel of the component in your app, These parameters typically control elements such as the color, size, shape, and fonts used within the component.

The OngoingCall component does not have any exposed Styles.


These are a set of small functional customizations that allow you to fine-tune the overall experience of the component. With these, you can change text, set custom icons, and toggle the visibility of UI elements.

let cometChatOngoingCall = CometChatOngoingCall()
.set(sessionId: "Your Session ID")
.set(callWorkFlow: .defaultCalling)

cometChatOngoingCall.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
self.present(cometChatOngoingCall, animated: true)


If you are already using a navigation controller, you can use the pushViewController function instead of presenting the view controller.

Below is a list of customizations along with corresponding code snippets

CallWorkFlowSets the call type to default and direct.CallWorkFlow
Session IdSets the user object for CometChatOngoingCall. .set(sessionId: String)


For advanced-level customization, you can set custom views to the component. This lets you tailor each aspect of the component to fit your exact needs and application aesthetics. You can create and define your views, layouts, and UI elements and then incorporate those into the component.

The OngoingCall component does not provide additional functionalities beyond this level of customization.