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Version: v4

Message Header


MessageHeader is a Component that showcases the User or Group details in the toolbar. Furthermore, it also presents a typing indicator and a back navigation button for ease of use.


The MessageHeader is comprised of the following components:

ListItem ComponentThis component’s view consists of avatar, status indicator , title, and subtitle. The fields are then mapped with the SDK’s user, group class.
Back ButtonBackButton that allows users to navigate back from the current activity or screen to the previous one



You can add MessageHeader component directly by setting the user.

// syntax for set(user: User)
messageHeader.set(user: user) // The object which is going to be rendered in the data item


Actions dictate how a component functions. They are divided into two types: Predefined and User-defined. You can override either type, allowing you to tailor the behavior of the component to fit your specific needs.

The MessageHeader component does not have any exposed actions.


Filters allow you to customize the data displayed in a list within a Component. You can filter the list based on your specific criteria, allowing for a more customized. Filters can be applied using RequestBuilders of ChatSDK.

The MessageHeader component does not have any exposed filters.


Events are emitted by a Component. By using event you can extend existing functionality. Being global events, they can be applied in Multiple Locations and are capable of being Added or Removed.

The MessageHeader component does not produce any events.


To fit your app's design requirements, you can customize the appearance of the conversation component. We provide exposed methods that allow you to modify the experience and behavior according to your specific needs.


Using Style you can customize the look and feel of the component in your app, These parameters typically control elements such as the color, size, shape, and fonts used within the component.

1. MessageHeader Style

To customize the appearance, you can assign a MessageHeaderStyle object to the MessageHeader component.

// Creating MessageHeaderStyle object
let messageHeaderStyle = MessageHeaderStyle()
.set(typingIndicatorTextColor: .orange)

let messageHeaderConfiguration = MessageHeaderConfiguration()
.set(messageHeaderStyle: messageHeaderStyle)

let cometChatMessages = CometChatMessages()
.set(user: user)
.set(messageHeaderConfiguration: messageHeaderConfiguration)

The properties exposed by MessageHeaderStyle are as follows:

Set BorderWidthUsed to set border.set(borderWidth: CGFloat)
Set BorderColorUsed to set border color.set(borderColor: UIColor)
Set CornerRadiusUsed to set corner radius.set(cornerRadius: CometChatCornerStyle)
Set BackgroundUsed to set background colour.set(background: UIColor)
Set BackIconTintUsed to set back button icon tint.set(backIconTint: UIColor)
Set TypingIndicatorTextAppearanceUsed to set typing indicator textStyle.set(typingIndicatorTextFont: UIFont)
Set TypingIndicatorTextColorUsed to set typing indicator text color.set(typingIndicatorTextColor: UIColor)
Set SubtitleTextAppearanceUsed to set subtitle text style.set(subtitleTextFont: UIFont)
Set SubtitleTextColorUsed to set subtitle text color.set(subtitleTextColor: UIColor)
Set DetailIconTintSets the tint color for detail icon for message header.set(detailIconTint: UIColor)
Set OnlineStatusColorSets the online status color for message header.set(onlineStatusColor: UIColor)
Set PrivateGroupIconBackgroundColorSets the private group background color for message header.set(privateGroupIconBackgroundColor: UIColor)
Set ProtectedGroupIconBackgroundColorSets the protected group background color for message header.set(protectedGroupIconBackgroundColor: UIColor)
2. Avatar Style report

If you want to apply customized styles to the Avatar component within the MessageHeader Component, you can use the following code snippet. For more information you can refer Avatar Styles.

 // Creating  AvatarStyle object
let avatarStyle = AvatarStyle()

// Creating Modifying the propeties of avatar
avatarStyle.set(background: .red)
.set(textFont: .systemFont(ofSize: 18))
.set(textColor: .white)
.set(cornerRadius: CometChatCornerStyle(cornerRadius: 8.0))
.set(borderColor: .white)
.set(borderWidth: 5)
.set(outerViewWidth: 3)
.set(outerViewSpacing: 3)

// Creating MessageHeaderStyle object
let messageHeaderStyle = MessageHeaderStyle()
.set(typingIndicatorTextColor: .orange)

let messageHeaderConfiguration = MessageHeaderConfiguration()
.set(messageHeaderStyle: messageHeaderStyle)

let cometChatMessages = CometChatMessages()
.set(user: user)
.set(messageHeaderConfiguration: messageHeaderConfiguration)

3. ListItem Style report

If you want to apply customized styles to the ListItemStyle component within the MessageHeader Component, you can use the following code snippet. For more information, you can refer ListItem Styles.

 // Creating  ListItemStyle object
let listItemStyle = ListItemStyle()

// Creating Modifying the propeties of list item
listItemStyle.set(background: .black)
.set(titleFont: .systemFont(ofSize: 18))
.set(titleColor: .white)
.set(cornerRadius: CometChatCornerStyle(cornerRadius: 2.0))
.set(borderColor: .white)
.set(borderWidth: 5)

let messageHeaderStyle = MessageHeaderStyle()

let messageHeaderConfiguration = MessageHeaderConfiguration()
.set(messageHeaderStyle: messageHeaderStyle)

let cometChatMessages = CometChatMessages()
.set(user: user)
.set(messageHeaderConfiguration: messageHeaderConfiguration)

4. StatusIndicator Style report

If you want to apply customized styles to the Status Indicator component within the MessageHeader Component, you can use the following code snippet. For more information you can refer StatusIndicator Styles.

// Creating StatusIndicatorStyle object
let statusIndicatorStyle = StatusIndicatorStyle()

// Creating Modifying the propeties of avatar
statusIndicatorStyle.set(background: .red)
.set(borderColor: .orange)
.set(background: .purple)
.set(borderWidth: 14)

let messageHeaderStyle = MessageHeaderStyle()

let messageHeaderConfiguration = MessageHeaderConfiguration()
.set(messageHeaderStyle: messageHeaderStyle)

let cometChatMessages = CometChatMessages()
.set(user: user)
.set(messageHeaderConfiguration: messageHeaderConfiguration)


These are a set of small functional customizations that allow you to fine-tune the overall experience of the component. With these, you can change text, set custom icons, and toggle the visibility of UI elements.

Here is a code snippet demonstrating how you can customize the functionality of the Message Header component.

// syntax for set(user: User)
messageHeader.set(user: user) // The object which is going to be rendered in the data item

// syntax for set(backIcon: UIImage)
messageHeader.set(backIcon: UIImage(named: "back"))

// syntax for hide(backButton: Bool)
messageHeader.hide(backButton: false)

Following is a list of customizations along with their corresponding code snippets:

UserUsed to pass user object of which header specific details will be shown.set(user: User)
GroupUsed to pass group object of which header specific details will be shown.set(group: Group)
ProtectedGroupIconUsed to set custom protected group icon.set(protectedGroupIcon: UIImage)
PrivateGroupIconUsed to set custom private group icon.set(privateGroupIcon: UIImage)
Hide BackIconUsed to toggle back button visibility.hide(backButton: Bool)
Disable TypingUsed to enable /disable typing indicators.disable(typing: Bool)
Disable UsersPresenceUsed to toggle functionality to show user's presence.set(disableUsersPresence: Bool)


For advanced-level customization, you can set custom views to the component. This lets you tailor each aspect of the component to fit your exact needs and application aesthetics. You can create and define your views, layouts, and UI elements and then incorporate those into the component.


By using the .setSubtitle method, you can modify the SubtitleView to meet your specific needs.

let messageHeaderConfiguration = MessageHeaderConfiguration()
.set(subtitle: { user, group in
let customSubtitleView = CustomSubtitleView(user: user, group: group)
return customSubtitleView



You should create a customSubtitleView file and pass it inside messageHeaderConfiguration function.

import UIKit
import CometChatUIKitSwift
import CometChatSDK

class CustomSubtitleView: UIView {
private let label = UILabel()

init(user: User?, group: Group?) {
super.init(frame: .zero)

// Configure your view here.
// For instance, you might want to show the user's or group's name.
if let user = user {
label.text =
} else if let group = group {
label.text =


// Set up the constraints for your label.
label.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
label.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: centerYAnchor),
label.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: leadingAnchor),
label.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: trailingAnchor)
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
let messageHeaderConfiguration = MessageHeaderConfiguration()
.set(subtitle: { user, group in
let customSubtitleView = CustomSubtitleView(user: user, group: group)
return customSubtitleView

let cometChatMessages = CometChatMessages()
.set(user: user)
.set(messageHeaderConfiguration: messageHeaderConfiguration)

Ensure to pass and present cometChatMessages. If a navigation controller is already in use, utilize the pushViewController function instead of directly presenting the view controller.


Please make sure to include the User's uid and name


You can customize the Back Icon according to your specific requirements by using the .set(backIcon: UIImage) method.

// syntax for set(backButtonIcon: UIImage)
messageHeader.set(backButtonIcon: UIImage(named: "back.png")



You can to create a custom_back_icon UIImage or can use system named UIImage, and then pass it to the MessageHeaderConfiguration method.

let  messageHeaderStyle = MessageHeaderStyle()
.set(backIconTint: .systemRed)

let messageHeaderConfiguration = MessageHeaderConfiguration()
.set(backIcon: UIImage(systemName: "apple.logo")!)
.set(messageHeaderStyle: messageHeaderStyle)
.hide(backButton: false)

let cometChatMessages = CometChatMessages()
.set(user: user)
.set(messageHeaderConfiguration: messageHeaderConfiguration)

Ensure to pass and present cometChatMessages. If a navigation controller is already in use, utilize the pushViewController function instead of directly presenting the view controller.


You can customize the Menu options to meet your specific needs by using the .setMenu() method.

let messageHeaderConfiguration = MessageHeaderConfiguration()
.setMenus { user, group in
let customMenus = CustomMenus(user: user, group: group) // Return view which you want to show in the right side of the message header
return customMenus



You need to create a Custom_Menus UIView file, and then pass it to MessageHeaderConfiguration() method.

import UIKit
import CometChatSDK
import CometChatUIKitSwift

class CustomMenus: UIView {
private let menuButton: UIButton = {
let button = UIButton(type: .system)
button.setImage(UIImage(systemName: "goforward"), for: .normal)
button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(menuButtonTapped), for: .touchUpInside)
return button

init(user: User?, group: Group?) {
super.init(frame: .zero)


menuButton.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
menuButton.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topAnchor),
menuButton.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: bottomAnchor),
menuButton.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: leadingAnchor),
menuButton.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: trailingAnchor),

required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

@objc private func menuButtonTapped() {
print("Menu button tapped!")
// Implement your menu action here

let messageHeaderConfiguration = MessageHeaderConfiguration()
.setMenus { user, group in
let customMenus = CustomMenus(user: user, group: group) // Return view which you want to show in the right side of the message header
return customMenus

let cometChatMessages = CometChatMessages()
.set(user: user)
.set(messageHeaderConfiguration: messageHeaderConfiguration)

Ensure to pass and present cometChatMessages. If a navigation controller is already in use, utilize the pushViewController function instead of directly presenting the view controller.