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Data Insights

CometChat’s Data Insights feature provides a comprehensive analytics dashboard to help businesses understand user behavior, messaging trends, and voice/video calling statistics. These insights enable customers to:

  • Gain detailed statistics about user interactions with CometChat services.
  • Measure user engagement using various parameters.
  • Identify churn patterns and take corrective actions.
  • Define and analyze conversational funnels using AI-powered insights.
  • Classify and measure user personalities based on conversation styles.
  • Optimize chat experiences and enhance user engagement through data-driven decision-making.

User and Group Insights

User and Group Insights provide various visualizations and metrics related to users and groups.

User Engagement Metrics

  • Overview and trends: Displays user activity trends over time.
  • Top 10 users: Identifies the most active users based on chat activity.
  • Top 10 groups: Lists the most engaged chat groups.
  • Average group size: Useful for social and community apps to determine group engagement levels.
  • Concurrent users heatmap: Shows online activity per hour on a given day to determine user activity trends.
  • OS usage: Indicates number of users per platform (iOS, Android, Web).

Growth and Engagement Metrics

  • New users created (daily/monthly): Tracks growth trends in user registrations.
  • Time to first message: Measures user engagement speed post-signup.
  • Users who reacted the most: Shows most active and influenced users from a Reaction perspective.
  • Users who received the most Reactions: Shows most influential users.
  • Online frequency distribution: Shows how often users come online in a day, indicating their engagement level.
  • New friends Count: Tracks relationship-building activities in social or dating apps.
  • Active group count: Measures group engagement over time.
  • Online users per day: Shows daily active user trends.

Churn and Retention Analysis

  • User retention analysis: Tracks number of users who have some activity in the last 30 days to assess churn trends.
  • Cohort analysis of user abandonment: Identifies when users drop off and helps address engagement gaps and abandonment analysi.
  • User abandon analysis funnel: Categorizes user churn based on activity type (e.g., never sent a message, sent messages but never made a call, etc.) for abandonment analysis.
  • Group churn per day: Tracks the number of groups which don't have any messages in the last 30 days to assess group churn trends.

Messaging Insights

User and Group Insights provide various visualizations and metrics from a messaging perspective.

  • Messaging activity: Tracks overall message sent, delivered and read numbers per day.
  • Messages sent heatmap: Displays data to indicate hours when users perfer to send messages.
  • Messages delivered heatmap: Displays data to indicate hours when users typically receive messages.
  • Messages sent heatmap: Displays data to indicate hours when users perfer to read messages.
  • Messages by conversation type: Breaks down messages into one-on-one and group conversations.
  • Average messages across conversations: Measures engagement levels in terms of the number of messages sent in conversations.
  • Message types sent : Identifies trends in text, images, video, and other media types.
  • Thread messages: Shows the number of conversations that generated threaded discussions.
  • Average word and character Count: Measures the verbosity of messages.

Growth and Engagement Metrics

  • New conversations per day: Indicates overall chat engagement growth.
  • Active conversation distribution: Shows a distribution of the number of ongoing conversations accross users.
  • Message engagement frequency: Tracks how often in terms of days do users send messages over time.
  • User messaging behavior: Differentiates between active and passive users from their messaging behaviour.
  • Number of messages before first image: Measures the transition from text to media engagement.
  • Engagement progression by message type: Measures the transition from text to an alternative message type (excluding images).
  • Average first response time: Measures response speed in a new conversations.
  • Average response time per day: Measures response speed in a conversations per day.
  • Chat to calls conversions: Measures the number of conversations which resulted in a call signifying an increase in engagement.
  • Messages vs voice vs video: Measures the proportion of messages, voice calls, and video calls to measure the engagement patterns.
  • Month over month active conversations: Compares the number of active conversations in a month compared to the previous one.
  • Pre-call messaging: Measures the number of messages exchanged before a call.
  • Number of mentions: Measures the number of mentions across conversations.
  • Reactions count: Measures the number of reactions across conversations.

Retention and Churn Metrics

  • Number of conversation churns: Measures the number of conversations without any new messages the last 30 days indicating an eminent churn.
  • Messages before conversation churn: Measures the number of messages exchanged before conversation churns.
  • Conversation churn time distribution: Measures the number of days after which conversations churn.
  • Declining conversation count: Measures the number of conversations with a consistently declining message volume.

Voice and Video Calling Insights

  • Call duration: Measures the total call duration across all calls for a given day.
  • Call participation: Measures the average number of users in a call across all calls on a given day.
  • Concurrent calls heatmap: Displays data to indicate hours when users perfer to make calls.
  • Call duration distribution: Measures the call duration pattern across calls.
  • Calls per day: Measures the total calls per day for a given day.
  • Calling engagement frequency: Tracks how often in terms of days do users make calls.