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Notifications play a crucial role in alerting users to activity within conversations, such as new messages, replies, reactions, and more. CometChat facilitates user engagement through various notification methods, including:

Push Notifications

Deliver instant updates and improve user engagement. CometChat has the following offerings.

Email Notifications

Dispatch updates at intervals to re-engage users with extended absence using Emails.

SMS Notifications

Dispatch updates at intervals to re-engage users with extended absence using SMS.

Why choose enhanced?

CometChat introduces Push Notifications (Enhanced), Email Notifications (Enhanced), and SMS Notifications (Enhanced) featuring advanced capabilities and granular control options, empowering both administrators and users to customize their experience according to specific needs and preferences.

While these features are presently in Beta, the Push Notifications (Extension), Email Notifications (Extension), and SMS Notifications (Extension) are available for those seeking a stable version.