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Version: v4

Video Bubble

CometChatVideoBubble is the content component for Media message if the media sent is a video.


videoUrlstringthe path of the video to play
thumbnailUrlstringused to set a custom thumbnail for the video
placeholderImageImageTypethe path of the image from assets to display when the actual image is being fetched
styleVideoBubbleStyleInterfaceused to customize appearance of this widget
playIconIconicon to display stacked on top of the bubble
onPressFunctioncustom action on tapping the video bubble play icon


VideoBubbleStyle is the class containing attributes to customize appearance of this widget.

playIconTintstringused to provide colour to the video play icon
backgroundstringSets the background colour
borderRadiusnumberSets the corner radius
borderBorderStyleInterfaceSets the border width for Members
widthstring | numberSets the width for the Members
heightstring | numberSets the heigth for the Members
playIconBackgroundColorstringused to set play background color


style= {{borderRadius: 8}}