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Version: v4

File Bubble

CometChatFileBubble is the content view for a MediaMessage if the media sent is a file.


fileUrlStringthe path of the image to display
titleStringa text to display as name of the file
subtitleStringa text to display below the name of the file
iconIconcustomize the icon to display to download the file
styleFileBubbleStyleused to customize appearance of this widget


FileBubbleStyle is the class containing attributes to customize appearance of this widget.

titleFontTextStyleused to set style of the name of the file
subtitleFontTextStyleused to set style of the text below the name of the file
iconTintstringused to provide colour to the download icon
heightstring | numberused to set height
widthstring | numberused to set width
backgroundColorstringused to set background colour
borderBroderStyleused to set border
borderRadiusnumberused to set border radius


style= {{borderRadius: 6}}