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Version: v4



The Users is a Component, showcasing an accessible list of all available users. It provides an integral search functionality, allowing you to locate any specific user swiftly and easily. For each user listed, the widget displays the user's name by default, in conjunction with their avatar when available. Furthermore, it includes a status indicator, visually informing you whether a user is currently online or offline.


The Users component is composed of the following BaseComponents:

CometChatLista reusable container component having title, search box, customisable background and a List View
ListItema component that renders data obtained from a User object on a Tile having a title, subtitle, leading and trailing view



The following code snippet illustrates how you can directly incorporate the Users component into your App.tsx file.

return <CometChatUsers />;


Actions dictate how a component functions. They are divided into two types: Predefined and User-defined. You can override either type, allowing you to tailor the behavior of the component to fit your specific needs.

1. onSelection

The onSelection event is activated when you select the done icon in the Menubar while in selection mode. This returns a list of all the users that you have selected.

This action does not come with any predefined behavior. However, you have the flexibility to override this event and tailor it to suit your needs using the following code snippet.

import { CometChat } from "@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native";
import { CometChatUsers } from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native";

function App(): React.JSX.Element {
const onSelectionHandler = (list: CometChat.User[]) => {

return (
<CometChatUsers onSelection={onSelectionHandler} selectionMode="multiple" />
2. onItemPress

The onItemPress event is activated when you press on the UserList item. This action does not come with any predefined behavior. However, you have the flexibility to override this event and tailor it to suit your needs using the following code snippet.

import { CometChat } from "@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native";
import { CometChatUsers } from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native";

function App(): React.JSX.Element {
const onItemPresshandler = (user: CometChat.User) => {

return <CometChatUsers onItemPress={onItemPresshandler} />;
3. onItemLongPress

The onItemLongPress event is activated when you Long Press on the UserList item. This action does not come with any predefined behavior. However, you have the flexibility to override this event and tailor it to suit your needs using the following code snippet.

import { CometChat } from "@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native";
import { CometChatUsers } from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native";

function App(): React.JSX.Element {
const onItemLongPresshandler = (user: CometChat.User) => {

return <CometChatUsers onItemLongPress={onItemLongPresshandler} />;
4. onBack

The onBack function is built to respond when you tap the back button in the Toolbar of the activity.

By default, this action has a predefined behavior: it simply closes the current activity. However, the flexibility of CometChat UI Kit allows you to override this standard behavior according to your application's specific requirements. You can define a custom action that will be performed instead when the back button is pressed.

import { CometChat } from "@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native";
import { CometChatUsers } from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native";

function App(): React.JSX.Element {
const onBackHandler = () => {

return <CometChatUsers showBackButton={true} onBack={onBackHandler} />;
5. onError

This action doesn't change the behavior of the component but rather listens for any errors that occur in the User component.

import { CometChat } from "@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native";
import { CometChatUsers } from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native";

function App(): React.JSX.Element {
const onErrorHandler = (error: CometChat.CometChatException) => {

return <CometChatUsers onError={onErrorHandler} />;


Filters allow you to customize the data displayed in a list within a Component. You can filter the list based on your specific criteria, allowing for a more customized. Filters can be applied using RequestBuilders of ChatSDK.

1. UserRequestBuilder

The UserRequestBuilder enables you to filter and customize the user list based on available parameters in UserRequestBuilder. This feature allows you to create more specific and targeted queries when fetching users. The following are the parameters available in UserRequestBuilder

setLimitnumbersets the number users that can be fetched in a single request, suitable for pagination
setSearchKeywordstringused for fetching users matching the passed string
hideBlockedUsersboolused for fetching all those users who are not blocked by the logged in user
friendsOnlyboolused for fetching only those users in which logged in user is a member
setRolesArray<string>used for fetching users containing the passed tags
setTagsArray<string>used for fetching users containing the passed tags
withTagsboolused for fetching users containing tags
setUserStatusstringused for fetching users by their status online or offline
setUIDsArray<string>used for fetching users containing the passed users


In the example below, we are applying a filter to the UserList based on Friends.

import { CometChat } from "@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native";
import { CometChatUsers } from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native";

function App(): React.JSX.Element {
const usersRequestBuilder = new CometChat.UsersRequestBuilder()

return <CometChatUsers usersRequestBuilder={usersRequestBuilder} />;
2. SearchRequestBuilder

The SearchRequestBuilder uses UserRequestBuilder enables you to filter and customize the search list based on available parameters in UserRequestBuilder. This feature allows you to keep uniformity between the displayed UserList and searched UserList.


import { CometChat } from "@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native";
import { CometChatUsers } from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native";

function App(): React.JSX.Element {
const usersRequestBuilder = new CometChat.UsersRequestBuilder()

return <CometChatUsers searchRequestBuilder={usersRequestBuilder} />;


Events are emitted by a Component. By using event you can extend existing functionality. Being global events, they can be applied in Multiple Locations and are capable of being Added or Removed.

The users component does not produce any events directly.


To fit your app's design requirements, you can customize the appearance of the conversation component. We provide exposed methods that allow you to modify the experience and behavior according to your specific needs.


Using Style you can customize the look and feel of the component in your app, These parameters typically control elements such as the color, size, shape, and fonts used within the component.

1. Users Style

You can set the UsersStyle to the Users Component to customize the styling.

import { CometChat } from "@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native";
import {
} from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native";

function App(): React.JSX.Element {
const usersStyle: CometChatListStylesInterface = {
background: "#ddd7f7",
titleColor: "#6851D6",

return <CometChatUsers usersStyle={usersStyle} />;

List of properties exposed by MessageListStyle

backgroundUsed to set the background colorbackground?: string
borderUsed to set border widthborder?: BorderStyleInterface
borderRadiusUsed to set border radiusborderRadius?: number
titleFontUsed to set the title fonttitleFont?: FontStyleInterface
titleColorUsed to set the color of the titletitleColor?: string
backIconTintUsed to set the tint for back iconbackIconTint?: string
searchBorderUsed to set the border for the search boxsearchBorder?: BorderStyleInterface
searchBorderRadiusUsed to set the border radius of the search boxsearchBorderRadius?: number
searchBackgroundUsed to set the background color for the search boxsearchBackground?: string
searchTextFontUsed to set the font for the search boxsearchTextFont?: FontStyleInterface
searchTextColorUsed to set the color for the search box textsearchTextColor?: string
searchIconTintUsed to set the color of the search icon in the search boxsearchIconTint?: string
SearchBorderWidthUsed to set the border width of the search boxsetSearchBorderWidth(int)
loadingIconTintUsed to set the color of the icon shown while the list of group members is being fetchedloadingIconTint?: string
emptyTextFontUsed to set the font for the empty state (when user list is empty)searchTextFont?: FontStyleInterface
emptyTextColorUsed to set the text color for the empty state (when user list is empty)searchTextColor?: string
onlineStatusColorUsed to set the color of the status indicator shown if a group member is onlineonlineStatusColor?: string
separatorColorUsed to set the color of the divider separating the user itemsseparatorColor?: string
sectionHeaderTextFontUsed to set the font for the section headersectionHeaderTextFont?: FontStyleInterface
sectionHeaderTextColorUsed to set the color for the section header textsectionHeaderTextColor?: string
2. Avatar Style

To apply customized styles to the Avatar component in the Users Component, you can use the following code snippet. For further insights on Avatar Styles refer

import { CometChat } from "@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native";
import {
} from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native";

function App(): React.JSX.Element {
const avatarStyle: AvatarStyleInterface = {
outerViewSpacing: 5,
outerView: {
borderWidth: 2,
borderStyle: "dotted",
borderColor: "blue",
border: borderStyle,

return <CometChatUsers avatarStyle={avatarStyle} />;
3. StatusIndicator Style

To apply customized styles to the Status Indicator component in the Users Component, You can use the following code snippet. For further insights on Status Indicator Styles refer

import { CometChat } from "@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native";
import {
} from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native";

function App(): React.JSX.Element {
const statusIndicatorStyle: StatusIndicatorStyleInterface = {
backgroundColor: "grey",

return <CometChatUsers statusIndicatorStyle={statusIndicatorStyle} />;


These are a set of small functional customizations that allow you to fine-tune the overall experience of the component. With these, you can change text, set custom icons, and toggle the visibility of UI elements.

import { CometChat } from "@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native";
import {
} from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native";

function App(): React.JSX.Element {
const statusIndicatorStyle: StatusIndicatorStyleInterface = {
backgroundColor: "grey",

return <CometChatUsers title="Contacts" showBackButton={true} />;

Below is a list of customizations along with corresponding code snippets

titleUsed to set title in the app bartitle?: string;
searchPlaceholderTextUsed to set search placeholder textsearchPlaceholderText?: string;
backButtonIconUsed to set back button iconbackButtonIcon?: ImageURISource
showBackButtonUsed to toggle visibility for back buttonshowBackButton?: boolean
searchBoxIconUsed to set search Icon in the search fieldsearchBoxIcon?: ImageURISource
hideSearchUsed to toggle visibility for search boxhideSearch?: boolean
hideErrorUsed to hide error on fetching usershideError?: boolean
hideSeparatorUsed to hide the divider separating the user itemshideSeparator?: boolean
disableUsersPresenceUsed to control visibility of user indicator shown if user is onlinedisableUsersPresence?: boolean
selectionIconUsed to override the default selection complete iconselectionIcon?: ImageURISource
emptyStateTextUsed to set a custom text response when fetching the users has returned an empty listemptyStateText?: string
errorStateTextUsed to set a custom text response when some error occurs on fetching the list of userserrorStateText?: string


For advanced-level customization, you can set custom views to the component. This lets you tailor each aspect of the component to fit your exact needs and application aesthetics. You can create and define your views, layouts, and UI elements and then incorporate those into the component.


With this function, you can assign a custom ListItem to the Users Component.

import { CometChat } from "@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native";
import {
} from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native";

function App(): React.JSX.Element {
const viewStyle: StyleProp<ViewStyle> = {
flex: 1,
flexDirection: "row",
alignItems: "flex-start",
padding: 10,
borderColor: "black",
borderWidth: 1,
backgroundColor: "#E8EAE9",
borderRadius: 10,
margin: 2,

const getListItemView = (info: { item: CometChat.User; index: number }) => {
let user = info.item;
return (
<View style={viewStyle}>
image={user.getAvatar() ? { uri: user.getAvatar() } : undefined}

<Text style={{ color: "black", fontWeight: "bold" }}>
<Text style={{ color: "#667" }}>{user.getStatus()}</Text>

return <CometChatUsers ListItemView={getListItemView} />;




You can set the Custom AppBarOptions to add more options to the Users component.

import {CometChat} from '@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native';
import { CometChatUsers, CometChatListStylesInterface } from '@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native';

function App(): React.JSX.Element {

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
button: {
height: 20,
width: 20,
borderRadius: 0,
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
image: {
height: 20,
width: 20,
tintColor: '#7E57C2',

const getAppBarOptions = () => {
return (
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.button} onPress={() => {/_code_/}}>
<Image source={Notification} style={styles.image} />

return (




You can set a custom loader view using LoadingStateView to match the loading view of your app.

import { CometChat } from "@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native";
import {
} from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native";

function App(): React.JSX.Element {
const loadingViewStyle: StyleProp<ViewStyle> = {
flex: 1,
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center",
padding: 10,
borderColor: "black",
borderWidth: 1,
backgroundColor: "#E8EAE9",

const getLoadingStateView = () => {
return (
<View style={loadingViewStyle}>
<Text style={{ fontSize: 20, color: "black" }}>Loading...</Text>

return <CometChatUsers LoadingStateView={getLoadingStateView} />;




You can customize the subtitle view for each user item to meet your requirements.

import {CometChat} from '@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native';
import { CometChatUsers } from '@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native';

function App(): React.JSX.Element {

const getSubtitleView = (user) => {
return (
fontSize: 12,
color: theme.palette.getAccent800(),
Last Active At:{' '}
? formatTime(user?.lastActiveAt)
: '--'}

return (




You can customize the tail view for each user item to meet your requirements.

import {CometChat} from '@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native';
import { CometChatUsers } from '@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native';

function App(): React.JSX.Element {

const getTailView = (user: any) => {
return (
fontSize: 12,
color: theme.palette.getAccent800(),

return (




You can set a custom EmptyStateView using EmptyStateView to match the empty view of your app.

import {CometChat} from '@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native';
import { CometChatUsers, CometChatListStylesInterface } from '@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native';

function App(): React.JSX.Element {

const usersRequestBuilder = new CometChat.UsersRequestBuilder().setLimit(5).setSearchKeyword('user-does-not-exist');

const emptyViewStyle: StyleProp<ViewStyle> = {
flex: 1,
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
padding: 10,
borderColor: 'black',
borderWidth: 1,
backgroundColor: '#E8EAE9',

const getEmptyStateView = () => {
return (
<View style={emptyViewStyle}>
<Text style={{fontSize: 80, color: "black"}}>Empty</Text>

return (



Swipe Options

You can set the Custom options to the Users component.

import {CometChat} from '@cometchat/chat-sdk-react-native';
import { CometChatUsers, CometChatOptions } from '@cometchat/chat-uikit-react-native';

function App(): React.JSX.Element {

const getCustomOptions = (
user: CometChat.User,
) => {
const customOption: CometChatOptions = ({
id: "custom id",
title: "Call",
icon: Call,
iconTint: "#7316f5",
backgroundColor: "#93f5bf",
onPress: () => console.log("custom action"),

return (


