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Version: v4

Audio Bubble

CometChatAudioBubble is the content view for a MediaMessage if the media sent is an audio.


audioUrlstringthe path of the image to display
titlestringa text to display as name of the audio file
subtitlestringa text to display below the name of the audio file
styleAudioBubbleStyleused to customize appearance of this widget
playIconImageTypecustomize the icon to display to play the audio
pauseIconImageTypecustomize the icon to display to pause the audio
onPressFunctionAn action to be performed on pressing the icon


attributes to customize appearance of this widget.

titleFontFontStyleused to set style of the name of the audio file
iconTintstringused to provide colour to the audio play icon
subtitleFontFontStyleused to set font style of subtitle
subtitleColorstringused to set subtitle colour
titleFontFontStyleused to set font style of title
titleColorstringused to provide colour to the title
backgroundColorstringSets the background colour for Avatar
borderRadiusnumberSets the corner radius for Avatar
borderBorderStyleInterfaceSets the border styles for Avatar
heightnumber | stringSets the height for Avatar
widthnumber | stringSets the width for Avatar


title='Sample Audio'