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Version: v4

Message Information

The MessageInformation is a Component designed to display message-related information, such as delivery and read receipts. It serves as an integral part of the CometChat UI Kit, extending the ListBase class, which provides the underlying infrastructure for CometChat UI components. With its rich set of methods and properties, developers can easily customize and tailor the appearance and behavior of the message information view to suit the specific requirements of their application.


MessageInformation is comprised of the following Base Components:

Base ComponentsDescription
List BaseThis renders common components used across Conversations, Groups & Users.



The following code snippet illustrates how you can directly incorporate the MessageInformation component into your View_Controller file.

self.present(UINavigationController(rootViewController: CometChatMessageInformation()), animated: true)

If you are already using a navigation controller, you can use the pushViewController function instead of presenting the view controller.


Actions dictate how a component functions. They are divided into two types: Predefined and User-defined. You can override either type, allowing you to tailor the behavior of the component to fit your specific needs.

1. OnBackPress

The OnBackButtonClick event is typically triggered when the back button is pressed and it carries a default action. However, with the following code snippet, you can effortlessly override this default operation.

let messageInformationConfiguration = MessageInformationConfiguration()
.setOnBack {
// Your BackPress action
2. onError

This function is used to set a callback that triggers in response to any errors.

let messageInformationConfiguration = MessageInformationConfiguration()
.setStyle(messageInformationStyle: messageInformationStyle)
.setOnError { error in
// your error handling logic


MessageInformation component does not have any available filters.


MessageInformation component does not have any available events.


To fit your app's design requirements, you can customize the appearance of the MessageInformation component. We provide exposed methods that allow you to modify the experience and behavior according to your specific needs.


Using Style you can customize the look and feel of the component in your app, These parameters typically control elements such as the color, size, shape, and fonts used within the component.

1. MessageInformation Style

To modify the styling, you can apply the MessageInformationStyle to the MessageInformation Component using the setStyle method.

let messageInformationStyle = MessageInformationStyle()

let messageInformationConfiguration = MessageInformationConfiguration()
.setStyle(messageInformationStyle: messageInformationStyle)

The following properties are exposed by MessageInformationStyle:

SubtitleText ColorSets the text color for the subtitle.set(subtitleTextColor: UIColor)
SubtitleText AppearanceSets the text appearance for the subtitle.set(subtitleTextFont: UIFont)
Title FontSets the font for the title.set(titleTextFont: UIFont)
EmptyText FontSets the font for the empty state textsetEmptyTextFont(String emptyTextFont)
Title ColorSets the text color for the title.set(titleTextColor: UIColor)
Background ColorSets the background color.set(background: UIColor)
Corner RadiusSets the corner radiusset(cornerRadius: CometChatCornerStyle)
Border WidthSets the width of the border.set(borderWidth: CGFloat)
Border ColorSets the color of the border.set(borderColor: UIColor)


These are a set of small functional customizations that allow you to fine-tune the overall experience of the component. With these, you can change text, set custom icons, and toggle the visibility of UI elements.

let messageInformationConfiguration = MessageInformationConfiguration()
.set(titleText: "CometChat")

let messageListConfiguration = MessageListConfiguration()
.set(messageInformationConfiguration: messageInformationConfiguration)

let cometChatMessages = CometChatMessages()
.set(messageListConfiguration: messageListConfiguration)
.set(user: user)

How to integrate CometChatMesssageInformation ?

CometChatMessageInformation is a view controller that can be presented or pushed. CometChatMessageInformation includes various attributes and methods to customize its UI.

self.present(UINavigationController(rootViewController: CometChatMessageInformation()), animated: true)

If you are already using a navigation controller, you can use the pushViewController function instead of presenting the view controller.


titleTextStringused to set title
backIconUIImageused to set the back icon
readIconUIImageused to set the read icon
deliveredIconUIImageused to set the delivered icon
emptyStateTextStringused to set the empty state text
emptyStateViewUIViewused to set the empty state view
loadingIconUIImageused to set the loading icon
loadingStateViewUIViewused to set the loading state view
errorStateTextStringused to set the error state text
errorStateViewUIViewused to set the error state view
listItemStyleListItemStyleused to set the list item style
templateCometChatMessageTemplateused to set the template of the message
messageInformationStyleMessageInformationStyleused to set the message information style
subtitle(message: BaseMessage, _ receipt: MessageReceipt) -> UIViewused to set the subtitle view
bubbleView(message: BaseMessage) -> UIViewused to set a custom bubble view
listItemView(message*: BaseMessage,* receipt: MessageReceipt) -> UIViewused to set a custom listItemView
onError(error: CometChatException) -> Voidused to set a callback triggered in case any error happens
onBack() -> Voidused to set the back icon function when tapped on back icon
receiptDatePattern(_ timestamp: Int?) -> Stringused to set the date pattern for delivered and read date time


allows you to set the styling for message information

backgroundUIColorUsed to set the background color
cornerRadiusCometChatCornerStyleused to set the corner radius
borderWidthCGFloatused to set the border width
borderColorUIColorused to set the border color
widthCGFloatused to set width
heightCGFloatused to set height
titleTextColorUIColorused to set the title text color
titleTextFontUIFontused to set the title text font
sendIconTintUIColorused to set the send icon color
readIconTintUIColorused to set the read icon color
deliveredIconTintUIColorused to set the delivered icon color
subtitleTextColorUIColorused to set the subtitle text color
subtitleTextFontUIFontused to set the subtitle text font
dividerTintUIColorused to set the divider color
let messageInformationController = CometChatMessageInformation()
let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: messageInformationController)

if let template = templates?.filter({$0.template.type == MessageUtils.getDefaultMessageTypes(message: message) && $0.template.category == MessageUtils.getDefaultMessageCategories(message: message) }).first?.template {
messageInformationController.set(template: template)

messageInformationController.set(message: message)

self.present(navigationController, animated: true)

If you are already using a navigation controller, you can use the pushViewController function instead of presenting the view controller.