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Version: v4

User Details


CometChatDetails functions as a standalone component designed to establish a screen displaying the details of a specific user or group object. It inherits all properties and methods from the CometChatListBase class, ensuring comprehensive functionality and customization options.

CometChatDetails internally implements the following functionalities:

  • User Information: It displays details about the user. This includes his/her profile picture, name, status, and other relevant information.
  • User Actions: The details screen provides actions to block/unblock the user.



As CometChatDetails functions as a view controller, it can be directly launched through a button click or any user-initiated action. Additionally, it can be seamlessly integrated into a tab view controller. CometChatDetails offers a range of parameters and methods for customizing its user interface.

let user =  User(uid: "Your UID", name: "name")

let cometChatDetails = CometChatDetails()
cometChatDetails.set(user: user)
let naviVC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: cometChatDetails)
self.present(naviVC, animated: true)

If you are already using a navigation controller, you can use the pushViewController function instead of presenting the view controller.


Actions dictate how a component functions. They are divided into two types: Predefined and User-defined. You can override either type, allowing you to tailor the behavior of the component to fit your specific needs.

1. SetOnClose

The setOnClose event is typically triggered when the close button is clicked and it carries a default action. However, with the following code snippet, you can effortlessly override this default operation.

This action does not come with any predefined behavior. However, you have the flexibility to override this event and tailor it to suit your needs using the following code snippet.

let cometChatDetails = CometChatDetails()
.set (onClose:{
//Perform Your Action
2. SetOnBack

This method allows users to override the onBack Pressed behavior in CometChatDetails by utilizing the setOnBack , providing customization options for handling the back action.

By default, this action has a predefined behavior: it simply dismisses the current view controller. However, the flexibility of CometChat UI Kit allows you to override this standard behavior according to your application's specific requirements. You can define a custom action that will be performed instead when the back button is pressed.

let cometChatDetails = CometChatDetails()
.setOnBack {
//Perform Your Action
3. SetOnError

This method setOnError, allows users to override error handling within CometChatDetails, providing greater control over error responses and actions.

let cometChatDetails = CometChatDetails()
.setOnError { error in
//Perform Your Action


Filters allow you to customize the data displayed in a list within a Component. You can filter the list based on your specific criteria, allowing for a more customized. Filters can be applied using RequestBuilders of ChatSDK.

CometChatDetails component does not have available filters.


Events are emitted by a Component. By using event you can extend existing functionality. Being global events, they can be applied in Multiple Locations and are capable of being Added or Removed.

To handle events supported by Users you have to add corresponding listeners by using CometChatUserEvents

emitOnUserBlockThis will get triggered when the logged in user blocks another user
emitOnUserUnblockThis will get triggered when the logged in user unblocks another user
///pass the [User] object of the user which has been blocked by the logged in user
CometChatUserEvents.emitOnUserBlock(user: User)

///pass the [User] object of the user which has been unblocked by the logged in user
CometChatUserEvents.emitOnUserUnblock(user: User)


// View controller from your project where you want to listen events.
public class ViewController: UIViewController {

public override func viewDidLoad() {

// Subscribing for the listener to listen events from user module
CometChatUserEvents.addListener("UNIQUE_ID", self as CometChatUserEventListener)

public override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Uncubscribing for the listener to listen events from user module

// Listener events from user module
extension ViewController: CometChatUserEventListener {

func onUserBlock(user: User) {
// Do Stuff

func onUserUnblock(user: User) {
// Do Stuff


To fit your app's design requirements, you can customize the appearance of the details component. We provide exposed methods that allow you to modify the experience and behavior according to your specific needs.


Using Style you can customize the look and feel of the component in your app, These parameters typically control elements such as the color, size, shape, and fonts used within the component.

1. Details Style

You can set the Details Style to the User Detail Component to customize the styling.

        // Creating  DetailsStyle object
let detailsStyle = DetailsStyle()

// Creating Modifying the propeties of details
detailsStyle.set(background: .black)
.set(cornerRadius: CometChatCornerStyle(cornerRadius: 0.0))
.set(borderColor: .blue)
.set(borderWidth: 0)
.set(titleFont: .systemFont(ofSize: 18))
.set(titleColor: .white)
.set(onlineStatusColor: .green)
.set(listItemTitleFont: .systemFont(ofSize: 18))
.set(listItemTitleColor: .red)
.set(listItemsubTitleFont: .systemFont(ofSize: 18))

let cometChatDetails = CometChatDetails()
.set(user: user)

// Setting the detailsStyle
cometChatDetails.set(detailsStyle: detailsStyle)

let naviVC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: cometChatDetails)
self.present(naviVC, animated: true)

List of properties exposed by DetailsStyle

BackgroundSets the background color for details.set(background: UIColor)
CornerRadiusSets the corner radius for details.set(cornerRadius: CometChatCornerStyle)
BorderWidthSets the border width for details.set(borderWidth: CGFloat)
TitleColorSets the title color for details.set(titleColor: UIColor)
TitleFontSets the title font for details.set(titleFont: UIFont)
BackButtonTintSets the back button tint color for details.set(backButtonTint: UIColor)
OnlineStatusColorSets online status color for details.set(onlineStatusColor: UIColor)
PrivateGroupIconBackgroundColorSets private group background color for details.set(privateGroupIconBackgroundColor: UIColor)
ProtectedGroupIconBackgroundColorSets add button font for details.set(protectedGroupIconBackgroundColor: UIColor)
HeaderBackgroundSets header background color for details.set(headerBackground: UIColor)
HeaderTextColorSets header text color for details.set(headerTextColor: UIColor)
HeaderTextFontSets header text font for details.set(headerTextFont: UIFont)
ListItemTitleColorSets list item title color for details.set(listItemTitleColor: UIColor)
ListItemTitleFontSets list item title font for details.set(listItemTitleFont: UIFont)
ListItemSubtitleFontSets list item subtitle font for details.set(listItemsubTitleFont: UIFont)
ListItemSubtitleColorSets list item subtitle color for details.set(listItemSubtitleColor: UIColor)
2. Avatar Style

To apply customized styles to the Avatar component in the User Details Component, you can use the following code snippet. For further insights on Avatar Styles refer

let avatarStyle = AvatarStyle()

// Creating Modifying the propeties of avatar

avatarStyle.set(background: .red)
.set(textFont: .systemFont(ofSize: 18))
.set(textColor: .white)
.set(cornerRadius: CometChatCornerStyle(cornerRadius: 8.0))
.set(borderColor: .white)
.set(borderWidth: 5)
.set(outerViewWidth: 3)
.set(outerViewSpacing: 3)

let cometChatDetails = CometChatDetails()
.set(avatarStyle: avatarStyle)
.set(user: user)

let naviVC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: cometChatDetails)
self.present(naviVC, animated: true)

3. StatusIndicator Style

To apply customized styles to the Status Indicator component in the User Details Component, You can use the following code snippet. For further insights on Status Indicator Styles refer

        // Creating  StatusIndicatorStyle object
let statusIndicatorStyle = StatusIndicatorStyle()

// Creating Modifying the propeties of avatar
statusIndicatorStyle.set(background: .red)
.set(cornerRadius: CometChatCornerStyle(cornerRadius: 8.0))
.set(borderColor: .white)
.set(borderWidth: 5)

let cometChatDetails = CometChatDetails()
.set(statusIndicatorStyle: statusIndicatorStyle)
.set(user: user)

let naviVC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: cometChatDetails)
self.present(naviVC, animated: true)

4. ListItem Style

To apply customized styles to the List Item component in the User Details Component, You can use the following code snippet. For further insights on List Item Styles refer

         // Creating  ListItemStyle object
let listItemStyle = ListItemStyle()

// Creating Modifying the propeties of list item

listItemStyle.set(background: .black)
.set(titleFont: .systemFont(ofSize: 18))
.set(titleColor: .white)
.set(cornerRadius: CometChatCornerStyle(cornerRadius: 2.0))
.set(borderColor: .white)
.set(borderWidth: 5)

let cometChatDetails = CometChatDetails()
.set(listItemStyle: listItemStyle)
.set(user: user)

let naviVC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: cometChatDetails)
self.present(naviVC, animated: true)


These are a set of small functional customizations that allow you to fine-tune the overall experience of the component. With these, you can change text, set custom icons, and toggle the visibility of UI elements.

let cometChatDetails = CometChatDetails()
.hide(profile: true)
.set(closeButtonIcon: UIImage(systemName: "paperplane.fill")!)
.set(title: "cometchat", mode: .automatic)
.set(user: user)

Below is a list of customizations along with corresponding code snippets

Set TitleUsed to set the title.set(title: String, mode: UINavigationItem.LargeTitleDisplayMode)
Hide ProfileUsed to hide user profile view.hide(profile: Bool)
Set Close ButtonUsed to set close button.set(closeButtonIcon: UIImage)
Disable UserPresenceUsed to control visibility of user indicator shown if user is online.disable(userPreference: Bool)
DataUsed to pass custom details templatesetData(data: ((_ user: User?, _ group: Group?) -> [CometChatDetailsTemplate])?)
Set UserUsed to set the user.set(user: User?)


For advanced-level customization, you can set custom views to the component. This lets you tailor each aspect of the component to fit your exact needs and application aesthetics. You can create and define your views, layouts, and UI elements and then incorporate those into the component.


Tailor the subtitle view for each user item to suit your specific preferences and needs.

let cometChatDetails = CometChatDetails()
.set(subTitleView: { user, group in
//Perform Your Actions



You can indeed create a custom Subtitle UIView file named CustomUserDetailsSubtitleView.

Afterwards, seamlessly integrate this CustomUserDetailsSubtitleView UIView file into the .setSubtileView method within CometChatDetails().

import UIKit
import CometChatSDK

class CustomUserDetailsSubtitleView: UIView {

private let subtitleLabel: UILabel = {
let label = UILabel()
label.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)
label.textColor = .gray
label.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
return label

var user: CometChatSDK.User! {
didSet {
switch user.status {
case .online:
subtitleLabel.text = "User is currently online"
case .offline:
subtitleLabel.text = "User is currently offline"
subtitleLabel.text = "User status is unknown"

override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
addSubview(subtitleLabel) // add it as a subview

subtitleLabel.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: leadingAnchor, constant: 10),
subtitleLabel.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: trailingAnchor, constant: -10),
subtitleLabel.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: centerYAnchor)

required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

View controller
let cometChatDetails = CometChatDetails()
.set(user: user)
.set(subTitleView: { user, group in
let customUserDetailsSubtitleView = CustomUserDetailsSubtitleView()
customUserDetailsSubtitleView.user = user
return customUserDetailsSubtitleView

let naviVC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: cometChatDetails)
self.present(naviVC, animated: true)

SetCustomProfileView report

Tailor the custom profile view for each user item to suit your specific preferences and needs.

let cometChatDetails = CometChatDetails()
.set(customProfileView: UIView)


You can indeed create a custom profile view UIView file named CustomUDProfileView.

Afterwards, seamlessly integrate this CustomUDProfileView UIView file into the .setCustomProfileview method within CometChatUsers().


import UIKit
import CometChatSDK
import CometChatUIKitSwift

class CustomUDProfileView: UIView {

private let imageView: CometChatAvatar = {
let imgView = CometChatAvatar(frame: .zero)
imgView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
return imgView

private let nameLabel: UILabel = {
let label = UILabel()
label.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
label.textColor = .white
label.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 14)
return label

private let statusLabel: UILabel = {
let label = UILabel()
label.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
label.textColor = .white
label.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 10)
return label

var user: CometChatSDK.User! {
didSet {
nameLabel.text =
imageView.setAvatar(avatarUrl: user.avatar ?? "", with: ?? "")
// CometChatSDK doesn't provide an API for User's status
// statusLabel.text = statusString(from: user.status)

override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)


imageView.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: centerYAnchor),
imageView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: leadingAnchor, constant: 10),
imageView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 40),
imageView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 40),

nameLabel.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: imageView.trailingAnchor, constant: 10),
nameLabel.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: imageView.topAnchor),
nameLabel.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: centerYAnchor)

backgroundColor = UIColor(named: "#6e2bd9")
layer.cornerRadius = 20
layer.borderWidth = 2
layer.borderColor = UIColor(named: "#e9baff")?.cgColor

required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
let customUDProfileView = CustomUDProfileView()

let cometChatDetails = CometChatDetails()
.set(user: user)
.set(customProfileView: customUDProfileView)

DetailsTemplate report

The CometChatDetailsTemplate offers a structure for organizing information in the CometChat details component. It serves as a blueprint, defining how user-related details are presented. This structure allows for customization and organization within the CometChat interface.

let cometChatDetails = CometChatDetails()
.set(templates: [CometChatDetailsTemplate]?)


You can create a new array of [detailsTemplate] objects. This array will be inflated and then passed to the .setTemplate.

let blockUserOption = CometChatDetailsOption(
id: "custom-block",
title: "BLOCK USER",
customView: nil,
titleColor: .purple,
titleFont: UIFont(name: "Inter", size: 16) ?? UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16),
height: nil,
onClick: { option, user, group, section, controller in
print("Block user option clicked")

let reportUserOption = CometChatDetailsOption(
id: "custom-report",
title: "REPORT USER",
customView: nil,
titleColor: .purple,
titleFont: UIFont(name: "Inter", size: 16) ?? UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16),
height: nil,
onClick: { option, user, group, section, controller in
print("Report user option clicked")

let detailsTemplate = CometChatDetailsTemplate(
id: "Block",
title: "BLOCK/REPORT",
titleFont: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20),
titleColor: .purple,
itemSeparatorColor: .gray,
hideItemSeparator: false,
customView: nil,
options: { user, group in
return [blockUserOption, reportUserOption]

You have the flexibility to provide your own templates to CometChatDetails as needed.

let cometChatDetails = CometChatDetails()
cometChatDetails.set(user: user)
cometChatDetails.set(templates: [detailsTemplate])


The DetailsOption defines the structure for individual options within the CometChat details component, facilitating customization and functionality for user interactions.

This defines the structure of each option for a template in the details component.

IdStringUnique identifier for the template
TitleStringText to display below the template
TitleColorUIColorDefines the color for the title in the template
ItemSeparatorColorUIFontDefines the separator color for the option in the template
HideItemSeparatorBoolUsed to hide the item seperator in the template
CustomViewUIViewUsed to set the customView for the template
Options((_ user: User?, _ group: Group?) -> [CometChatDetailsOption])?Used to set the list of options for the template
Title FontUIFontSets all the different properties of font for the title text
HeightCGFloatSets the height
On click((_ user: User?, _ group: Group?, _ section: Int, _ option: CometChatDetailsOption, _ controller: UIViewController?) -> ())? Sets the onClick Handler for the option