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Key concepts


  • The CometChat Dashboard enables you to create new apps (projects) and manage your existing apps.
  • Ideally, you should create two apps - one for development and one for production.
  • Do not create separate apps for every platform; if you do, your users on different platforms will not be able to communicate with each other!
  • For every app, a unique App ID (appId) is generated. This appId will be required when integrating CometChat within your app.


  • In CometChat, a "user" refers to anyone who utilizes the service for communication.
  • Each user is uniquely identified using uid.
  • The uid is typically the primary ID of the user from your database.
  • A uid can be alphanumeric with underscore (_) and hyphen (-). Spaces, punctuation and other special characters are not allowed.

User Roles

  • A role is a category for a group of similar users.
  • For example, you may want to group your premium users using the role "Premium".
  • You then use this to filter users or enable/disable features by writing conditional code.

User List

  • The User List can be used to build the Contacts or Who's Online view in your app.
  • The list of users can be different based on the logged-in user.


  • For a user to engage with other users using CometChat, they must be authenticated and logged into CometChat's system, typically after they have logged into your application or website.

  • CometChat does not take care of user management tasks such as registration and login processes. These aspects must be managed within your own application or website. Once a user is logged into your service, you can then programmatically log them into CometChat, ensuring that users never have to log into CometChat directly.

  • Similarly, CometChat does not manage friendships or contacts within its platform. If your application requires a feature where users can add each other as friends, this must be handled on your end. After two users have established a mutual friend connection in your application, you can then reflect this relationship within CometChat, linking them as friends in the messaging system.

Auth workflow

Your AppYour ServerCometChat
User registers in your appYou store the user information in your database (e.g. ID, name, email, phone, location etc. in users table)You add the user to CometChat (only ID & name) using the Rest API
User logs in to your appYou verify the credentials, login the user and retrieve the user IDYou log in the user to CometChat using the same user ID programmatically
User sends a friend requestYou display the request to the potential friendNo action required
User accepts a friend requestYou display the users as friendsYou add both the users as friends using the Rest API

Auth & Rest API Keys

  • From the CometChat dashboard, you can generate two types of keys.
  • Each key serves a distinct purpose and provides different levels of access to the CometChat platform, ensuring that your application's interaction with CometChat is secure and appropriate permissions are maintained.
TypePrivilegesRecommended Use
Auth KeyThe Auth Key can be used to create & login users.In your client-side code (during development)
Rest API KeyThe Rest API Key can be used to perform any CometChat operation.In your server-side code

Auth token

  • Auth tokens are associated with users in CometChat. A single user can have multiple auth tokens. The auth tokens should be per user per device.
  • It should be generated by API call ideally, via server to server call. The auth token should then be given to CometChat for login.
  • An Auth Token can only be deleted via dashboard or using REST API.


  • A group in CometChat is a feature that allows multiple users to engage in conversations about specific topics or shared interests. It facilitates collective communication and collaboration among its members.
  • Each group is uniquely identified using guid.
  • The guid is typically the primary ID of the group from your database.
  • If you do not store group information in your database, you can generate a random string for use as guid.
  • A guid can be alphanumeric with underscore (_) and hyphen (-). Spaces, punctuation and other special characters are not allowed.

Group types

CometChat supports three different types of groups.

PublicAll usersAny user can choose to join
PasswordAll usersAny user with a valid password can choose to join
PrivateOnly users part of the groupInvited users will be auto-joined

Group members

  • After joining a group on CometChat, a participant is considered a member of that group.
  • This membership is ongoing, meaning they will continue to receive messages, calls, and notifications from the group indefinitely.
  • If a member no longer wishes to receive these communications, they must actively leave the group or be removed by being kicked out or banned by a group administrator.

CometChat supports three different types of member scopes in a group:

AdminGroup creator is assigned Admin scope- Change scope of Group Members to admin, moderator or participant.
- Can add members to a group.
- Kick & Ban Participants/Moderators/Admins
- Send & Receive Messages & Calls
- Update group
- Delete group
ModeratorA participant can be made a moderator- Change scope of moderator or participant.
- Update group
- Kick & Ban Participants
- Send & Receive Messages & Calls
ParticipantAny other user is assigned Participant scope- Send & Receive Messages & Calls



Every message in CometChat belongs to either one of the five categories:

  1. Message
  2. Custom
  3. Action
  4. Call
  5. Interactive

Each category can be further be classified into types.


The category message can be used to send messages of the following types:

  1. text - A plain text message
  2. image- An image message
  3. video- A video message
  4. audio- An audio message
  5. file- A file message


  • In the case of messages that belong to the custom category, there are no predefined types.
  • Custom messages can be used by developers to send messages that do not fit in the default category and types provided by CometChat.
  • For messages with the category custom, the developers can set their own type to uniquely identify the custom message.
  • A very good example of a custom message would be the sharing of location co-ordinates. In this case, the developer can decide to use the custom message with type set to location.


Action messages are system-generated messages. Messages belonging to the action category can further be classified into one of the below types:

  1. groupMember - action performed on a group member.
  2. message - action performed on a message.

Action messages hold another property called action which actually determine the action that has been performed For the type groupMember the action can be either one of the below:

  1. joined - when a group member joins a group
  2. left - when a group member leaves a group
  3. kicked - when a group member is kicked from the group
  4. banned - when a group member is banned from the group
  5. unbanned - when a group member is unbanned from the group
  6. added - when a user is added to the group
  7. scopeChanged - When the scope of a group member is changed.

For the type message, the action can be either one of the below:

  1. edited - when a message is edited.
  2. deleted - when a message is deleted.


Messages with the category call are Calling related messages. These can belong to either one of the 2 types

  1. audio
  2. video

The call messages have a property called status that helps you figure out the status of the call. The status can be either one of the below values:

  1. initiated - when a is initiated to a user/group
  2. ongoing - when the receiver of the call has accepted the call
  3. canceled - when the call has been canceled by the initiator of the call
  4. rejected - when the call has been rejected by the receiver of the call
  5. unanswered - when the call was not answered by the receiver.
  6. busy - when the receiver of the call was busy on another call.
  7. ended - when the call was successfully completed and ended by either the initiator or receiver.


Messages with the category interactive are useful where users can perform some action without leaving the conversation. Interactive messages can be of the following types:

  1. form
  2. card
  3. scheduler
  4. customInteractive