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This refers to the properties of the CometChatUserMemberWrapper component that are available for customization via the parent component when the component exists in a deep nested hierarchy.

userMemberListTypeEnum that can have one of two values: UserMemberListType.USERS or UserMemberListType.GROUPS
onItemClickEvent handler method that triggers when a user or group member is clicked
listItemViewCustom view for list items
avatarStyleStyle properties for the avatar
statusIndicatorStyleStyle properties for the status indicator
subtitleViewCustom view for the subtitle
usersRequestBuilderClass that allows you to set various parameters to fetch the users
disableUsersPresenceWhen set to true, users presence will not be displayed
userPresencePlacementDetermines the placement of the user presence
hideSeparatorWhen set to true, the separator will be hidden
loadingStateViewUser-defined component to customise the loading indicator
groupMemberRequestBuilderClass that allows you to set various parameters to fetch the group members
loadingIconURLAsset URL for the loading indicator icon