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This refers to the properties of the CometChatMessages component that are available for customisation via the parent component when the component exists in a deep nested hierarchy.

Configurable Properties

messageHeaderViewUser-defined component to customise the message header.
messageListViewUser-defined component to customise the message list.
messageComposerViewUser-defined component to customise the message composer.
disableTypingWhen set to true, typing events are disabled and the typing indicators are not displayed.
hideMessageHeaderWhen set to true, message header will not be displayed.
hideMessageComposerWhen set to true, message composer will not be displayed.
hideDetailsWhen set to true, details will not be displayed.
disableSoundForMessagesWhen set to true, the component will not produce sound for all incoming / outgoing messages.
customSoundForIncomingMessagesmp3 file asset of your choice to play for all incoming messages.
customSoundForOutgoingMessagesmp3 file asset of your choice to play for all outgoing messages.
auxiliaryMenuUser-defined component to customise secondary or supplementary menu in the message header in addition the button to view the additional information.
messageHeaderConfigurationProperties of the CometChatMessageHeader component that are available for customisation via the messages component.
messageListConfigurationProperties of the CometChatMessageList component that are available for customisation via the messages component.
messageComposerConfigurationProperties of the CometChatMessageComposer component that are available for customisation via the messages component.
threadedMessagesConfigurationProperties of the CometChatThreadedMessages component that are available for customisation via the messages component.
detailsConfigurationProperties of the CometChatDetails component that are available for customisation via the messages component.