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This refers to the properties of the CometChatBannedMembers component that are available for customisation via the parent component when the component exists in a deep nested hierarchy.

Configurable Properties

titleAlignmentAlignment of the heading text for the component
searchIconURLAsset URL for the search icon.
hideSearchWhen set to true, hides the search input.
loadingIconURLAsset URL for the loading indicator icon
loadingStateViewUser-defined component to customise the loading indicator
emptyStateViewUser-defined component to customise the empty state of the component.
errorStateViewUser-defined component to customise the error state of the component.
searchRequestBuilderClass that allows you to set various parameters to the BannedMembersRequestBuilder class based on which the group members are searched
bannedMembersRequestBuilderClass that allows you to set various parameters to the BannedMembersRequestBuilder class based on which the group members are fetched
unbanIconURLAsset URL for the unban icon
hideErrorWhen set to true, hides the error messages displayed within the component
hideSeparatorWhen set to true, hides the separator between the individual elements in the list.
disableUsersPresenceWhen set to true, Users will not be able to see whether a particular user is currently online or offline.
selectionModeAllows user to select individual or multiple items for applying specific operations.
onSelectMethod invoked which returns the selected group members.
subtitleViewUser-defined Vue component to customise the secondary text shown in the banned member profile.
tailViewUser-defined Vue component to customise the trailing view of the banned member profile.
menuUser-defined Vue component to showcase options related to the group members in the header section.
optionsUser-defined actions which appears for each banned member on mouseover.
onBackOverride the method that is invoked when the user clicks on the back button.
onErrorOverride the method that is invoked when an error is encountered within the component
backButtonIconURLAsset URL for the back button icon
showBackButtonWhen set to true, displays the back button
avatarStyleStyling properties and values of the Avatar component
statusIndicatorStyleStyling properties and values of the StatusIndicator component
listItemStyleStyling properties and values of the ListItem component
bannedMembersStyleStyling properties and values of the CometChatBannedMembers component