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This refers to the properties of the CometChatMessageInformation component that are available for customisation via the parent component when the component exists in a deep nested hierarchy.

subtitleViewReference to the template within the user-defined component to customise the secondary text shown in the default user profile.
listItemViewReference to the template within the user-defined component to customise the each list item
bubbleViewReference to the template within the user-defined component to customise the message bubble view
receiptDatePatternOverride the in-built pattern with your custom representation of the timestamp
deliveredIconAsset URL for the delivered state indicating that a sent message is delivered successfully.
readIconAsset URL for the read state indicating that a sent message is read by the receiver.
loadingIconURLAsset URL for the loading indicator icon
loadingStateViewReference to the template within the user-defined component to customise the loading indicator
emptyStateViewReference to the template within the user-defined component to customise the empty state of the component.
errorStateViewReference to the template within the user-defined component to customise the error state of the component.
onCloseOverride the method that is invoked when user clicks on the close icon
onErrorOverride the method that is invoked when an error is encountered within the component
listItemStyleStyling properties and values of the ListItem component