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This refers to the properties of the AISmartReplies component that are available for customisation.

The AISmartRepliesConfiguration has the below properties,


smartRepliesStyleAISmartRepliesStyleUsed to provide custom styling to smart replies view.
backIconUrlstringCustom back button icon.
loadingIconUrlstringCustom loading icon url.
loadingStateView() => anyCustom loading state view for the component.
emptyIconURLstringCustom empty icon url.
emptyStateView() => anyCustom empty state view for the component.
errorIconURLstringCustom error icon url.
errorStateView() => anyCustom error state view for the component.
apiConfiguration(user?: CometChat.User, group?: CometChat.Group) => Promise<Object>The apiConfiguration callback allows you to override the default logic of fetching smart replies. The apiConfiguration callback passes the user/group object of the conversation. You can use the SDK Method & pass additional configuration to customise the response.
customView(response: string[], closeCallBack?: () => void, backCallBack?: () => void) => Promise<any>The customView callback allows you to display a custom UI for conversation starters. The customView callback passes the list of conversations starters & a close call back which you can call when you want to hide/close your UI.


Custom icon URLs

import { AISmartRepliesConfiguration } from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react";

const configuration = new AISmartRepliesConfiguration({
backIconUrl: "URL",
loadingIconURL: "URL",
errorIconURL: "URL",
emptyIconURL: "URL",

Custom state views

import { AISmartRepliesConfiguration } from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react";

const configuration = new AISmartRepliesConfiguration({
errorStateView: () => <CustomErrorStateView />,
emptyStateView: () => <CustomEmptyStateView />,
loadingStateView: () => <CustomLoadingStateView />,

Custom style

import { AISmartRepliesConfiguration, AISmartRepliesStyle} from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react";

const customSmartRepliesStyle = new AISmartRepliesStyle({
textFont: "20px Arial, sans-serif"

configuration = new AISmartRepliesConfiguration({smartRepliesStyle: customSmartRepliesStyle});

API Configuration Callback

import { CometChat } from "@cometchat/chat-sdk-javascript";
import { AISmartRepliesConfiguration } from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react";

const apiConfiguration = (user?:CometChat.User, group?:CometChat.Group)=> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const receiverId = user ? user.getUid() : group.getGuid();
const receiverType = user ? 'user' : 'group';
CometChat.getSmartReplies(receiverId, receiverType).then(
(response: any)=>{
return resolve(response)
return reject(err)

const configuration = new AISmartRepliesConfiguration({apiConfiguration: apiConfiguration});

Custom View Callback

import { CometChat } from "@cometchat/chat-sdk-javascript";
import { AISmartRepliesConfiguration } from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react";

const customView = (response, closeCallBack, backCallBack) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
* Use the response & genrate a custom view for displaying the conversation starter.
return resolve(<CustomSmartRepliesView />);

configuration = new AISmartRepliesConfiguration({customView: customView});