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You can modify the Reaction Info component's properties using the ReactionInfoConfiguration object. To use a configuration, you simply need to pass it to respective parameter.

The ReactionInfoConfiguration supports the following properties:

Configurable Properties

reactionInfoStyleStyling properties and values of the ReactionInfoStyle component which controls the look of the reaction information.
reactionsRequestBuilderAn instance of ReactionsRequestBuilder which allows you to set various parameters for fetching reactions.
loadingIconURLAsset URL for the loading icon. The default value points to an embedded loading icon.
errorIconURLAsset URL for the error icon. The default value points to an embedded error icon.

You can create an instance of ReactionInfoConfiguration and pass it as a property to customize these attributes.

const reactionInfoConfig = new ReactionInfoConfiguration({
reactionInfoStyle: new ReactionInfoStyle({}),
reactionsRequestBuilder: new CometChat.ReactionsRequestBuilder(),
loadingIconURL: 'url_to_your_custom_loading_icon',
errorIconURL: 'url_to_your_custom_error_icon',


    let messagesConfiguration = new MessagesConfiguration({
messageListConfiguration:new MessageListConfiguration({
reactionsConfiguration: new ReactionsConfiguration({
  <cometchat-conversations-with-messages [messagesConfiguration]="messagesConfiguration"  ></cometchat-conversations-with-messages>