This refers to the properties of the CometChatContacts
component that are available for customisation via the parent component when the component exists in a deep nested hierarchy.
Configurable Properties
Parameters | Description |
tabs | List of tabs to be displayed |
tabVisibility | Sets which tabs needed to be visible or hidden |
selectionMode | Allows user to select one or more users / groups from the contact list |
selectionLimit | Number of items user can select from the contact list |
hideSubmitButton | When set to true, hides the submit button |
onSubmitButtonClick | triggers when user clicks on the submit button of the Contacts component. |
closeIconURL | Asset URL for the close icon |
onClose | Override the method that is invoked when user clicks on the close icon |
contactsStyle | Styling properties of CometChatContacts component |
UsersConfiguration | Properties of the CometChatUsers component that are available for customisation via the CometChatContacts component |
GroupsConfiguration | Properties of the CometChatGroups component that are available for customisation via the CometChatContacts component |