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Group Details


CometChatDetails is a Composite Widget that provides additional information and settings related to a specific group.

The details screen includes the following elements and functionalities:

  1. Group Information: It displays details about the user. This includes his/her profile picture, name, status, and other relevant information.
  2. Group Chat Features: It provides additional functionalities for managing the group. This includes options to add or remove participants, assign roles or permissions, and view group-related information.
  3. Group Actions: This offers actions related to the group, such as leaving the group, or deleting the group.

The CometChatDetails Widget is composed of the following BaseWidgets:

CometChatListBaseCometChatListBase serves as a container widget equipped with a title (navigationBar), search functionality (search-bar), background settings, and a container for embedding a list view.



CometChatDetails, as a widget, offers flexible integration options, allowing it to be launched directly via button clicks or any user-triggered action. Additionally, it seamlessly integrates into tab view controllers. With banned members, users gain access to a wide range of parameters and methods for effortless customization of its user interface.

You can launch CometChatDetails directly using Navigator.push , or you can define it as a widget within the build method of your State class.

1. Using Navigator to Launch CometChatDetails
Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => CometChatDetails(group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: "")))); // A group object is required to launch this widget.
2. Embedding CometChatDetails as a Widget in the build Method
import 'package:cometchat_chat_uikit/cometchat_chat_uikit.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class GroupDetails extends StatefulWidget {
const GroupDetails({super.key});

State<GroupDetails> createState() => _GroupDetailsState();

class _GroupDetailsState extends State<GroupDetails> {

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: SafeArea(
child: CometChatDetails(
group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
) // A group object is required to launch this widget.


Actions dictate how a widget functions. They are divided into two types: Predefined and User-defined. You can override either type, allowing you to tailor the behavior of the widget to fit your specific needs.

1. onBack

Enhance your application's functionality by leveraging the onBack feature. This capability allows you to customize the behavior associated with navigating back within your app. Utilize the provided code snippet to override default behaviors and tailor the user experience according to your specific requirements.

group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
onBack: () {
// TODO("Not yet implemented")

2. onError

You can customize this behavior by using the provided code snippet to override the onError and improve error handling.

group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
onError: (e) {
// TODO("Not yet implemented")


Filters allow you to customize the data displayed in a list within a Widget. You can filter the list based on your specific criteria, allowing for a more customized. Filters can be applied using RequestBuilders of ChatSDK.

CometChatDetails widget does not have available filters.


Events are emitted by a Widget. By using event you can extend existing functionality. Being global events, they can be applied in Multiple Locations and are capable of being Added or Removed.

Events emitted by the Group Details widget is as follows.

ccGroupDeleted()This will get triggered when the logged in user deletes a group
ccGroupLeft()This will get triggered when the logged in user leaves a group
ccGroupMemberScopeChanged()This will get triggered when the logged in user changes the scope of another group member
ccGroupMemberBanned()This will get triggered when the logged in user bans a group member from the group
ccGroupMemberKicked()This will get triggered when the logged in user kicks another group member from the group
ccGroupMemberUnbanned()This will get triggered when the logged in user unbans a user banned from the group
ccGroupMemberJoined()This will get triggered when the logged in user joins a group
ccGroupMemberAdded()This will get triggered when the logged in user add new members to the group
ccOwnershipChangedThis will get triggered when the logged in user transfer the ownership of their group to some other member


import 'package:cometchat_chat_uikit/cometchat_chat_uikit.dart';
import 'package:cometchat_sdk/models/action.dart' as cc;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class YourScreen extends StatefulWidget {
const YourScreen({super.key});

State<YourScreen> createState() => _YourScreenState();

class _YourScreenState extends State<YourScreen> with CometChatGroupEventListener {

void initState() {
CometChatGroupEvents.addGroupsListener("listenerId", this); // Add the listener

void dispose(){
CometChatGroupEvents.removeGroupsListener("listenerId"); // Remove the listener

void ccGroupDeleted(Group group) {
// TODO("Not yet implemented")

void ccGroupLeft(cc.Action message, User leftUser, Group leftGroup) {
// TODO("Not yet implemented")

void ccGroupMemberScopeChanged(cc.Action message, User updatedUser, String scopeChangedTo, String scopeChangedFrom, Group group) {
// TODO("Not yet implemented")

void ccGroupMemberBanned(cc.Action message, User bannedUser, User bannedBy, Group bannedFrom) {
// TODO("Not yet implemented")

void ccGroupMemberKicked(cc.Action message, User kickedUser, User kickedBy, Group kickedFrom) {
// TODO("Not yet implemented")

void ccGroupMemberUnbanned(cc.Action message, User unbannedUser, User unbannedBy, Group unbannedFrom) {
// TODO("Not yet implemented")

void ccGroupMemberJoined(User joinedUser, Group joinedGroup) {
// TODO("Not yet implemented")

void ccGroupMemberAdded(List<cc.Action> messages, List<User> usersAdded, Group groupAddedIn, User addedBy) {
// TODO("Not yet implemented")

void ccOwnershipChanged(Group group, GroupMember newOwner) {
// TODO("Not yet implemented")

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return const Placeholder();



To fit your app's design requirements, you can customize the appearance of the Details widget. We provide exposed methods that allow you to modify the experience and behavior according to your specific needs.


Using Style you can customize the look and feel of the widget in your app, These parameters typically control elements such as the color, size, shape, and fonts used within the widget.

1. Details Style

You can set the DetailsStyle to the CometChatDetails Widget to customize the styling.

group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
detailsStyle: DetailsStyle(
background: Color(0xFFE4EBF5),
titleStyle: TextStyle(color:, fontFamily: "PlaywritePL"),

List of properties exposed by DetailsStyle

Title StyleProvides styling for title texttitleStyle: TextStyle?
Close Icon TintProvide color to close buttoncloseIconTint: Color?
Private Group Icon BackgroundProvides background color for status indicator if group is privateprivateGroupIconBackground: Color?
Protected Group Icon BackgroundProvides background color for status indicator if group is protectedprotectedGroupIconBackground: Color?
Online Status ColorSet online status coloronlineStatusColor: Color?
WidthWidth of the widgetwidth: double?
HeightHeight of the widgetheight: double?
BackgroundBackground color of the widgetbackground: Color?
GradientGradient of the widgetgradient: Gradient?
BorderBorder of the widgetborder: Border?

2. Avatar Style

To apply customized styles to the Avatar widget in the Group Members Widget, you can use the following code snippet. For further insights on Avatar Styles refer

group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
avatarStyle: AvatarStyle(
border: Border.all(width: 5),
borderRadius: 20,

3. StatusIndicator Style

To apply customized styles to the Status Indicator widget in the Group Member Widget, You can use the following code snippet. For further insights on Status Indicator Styles refer

group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
statusIndicatorStyle: StatusIndicatorStyle(
borderRadius: 10,
gradient: LinearGradient(colors: [,], begin: Alignment.topLeft, end: Alignment.bottomRight)

4. ListItem Style

To apply customized styles to the ListItem widget in the CometChatDetails widget, you can use the following code snippet. For further insights on List Item Styles refer

group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
listItemStyle: ListItemStyle(
background: Color(0xFFE4EBF5),
borderRadius: 20,
border: Border.all(width: 2),
margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 10),
padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 10)

5. LeaveGroupDialog Style

To apply customized styles to the Leave Group Dialog in the CometChatDetails Widget, you can use the following code snippet.

group: Group(guid: "group__1715256001347", name: "Rushmore Hiking Group", membersCount: 4, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
leaveGroupDialogStyle: ConfirmDialogStyle(
backgroundColor: Color(0xFFE4EBF5),
shadowColor: Color(0xFFE4EBF5),
confirmButtonTextStyle: TextStyle(color: Color(0xFF6851D6), fontFamily: "PlaywritePL"),


These are a set of small functional customizations that allow you to fine-tune the overall experience of the widget. With these, you can change text, set custom icons, and toggle the visibility of UI elements.

group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
title: "Your Title",
hideProfile: true,
showCloseButton: false

List of Properties exposed by CometChatDetails

GroupGroup object for which the details are to be showngroup: Group?
TitleTitle for the details screentitle: String?
Show Close ButtonToggles visibility for close buttonshowCloseButton: bool?
Close Button IconIcon for the close buttoncloseButtonIcon: Icon?
Disable Users PresenceControls visibility of status indicatordisableUsersPresence: bool?
Hide ProfileHides view profile for usershideProfile: bool?
Protected Group IconIcon for protected group status indicatorprotectedGroupIcon: Widget?
Private Group IconIcon for private group status indicatorprivateGroupIcon: Widget?
ThemeCustom theme for the details screentheme: CometChatTheme?


For advanced-level customization, you can set custom views to the widget. This lets you tailor each aspect of the widget to fit your exact needs and application aesthetics. You can create and define your own widget and then incorporate those into the widget.


You can customize your Subtitle View to meet your specific preferences and needs.

group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
subtitleView: ({BuildContext? context, User? user, Group? group}) {
return Placeholder(); // Replace this placeholder with your custom widget.

Here is the complete example for reference:


group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
subtitleView: ({BuildContext? context, User? user, Group? group}) {
return const Row(
children: [
Icon(, color: Color(0xFF6851D6), size: 25,),
SizedBox(width: 10),
Icon(Icons.video_call, color: Color(0xFF6851D6), size: 25,),
); // Replaced the placeholder with a custom widget.

CustomProfileView report

You can customize your Profile View to meet your specific preferences and needs.

group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
customProfileView: Placeholder(); // Replace this placeholder with your custom widget.

Here is the complete example for reference:


group: Group(guid: "group__1715256001347", name: "Rushmore Hiking Group", membersCount: 4, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
customProfileView: Container(
child: Center(
child: Row(
children: [
const SizedBox(height: 20,),
Icon(Icons.ac_unit, color: Color(0xFF6851D6), size: 50,),
const SizedBox(width: 20,),
const Text("Your Group Name"),
), // Replaced the placeholder with a custom widget.


You can set the Custom appBarOptions to the CometChatDetails widget.

group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
appBarOptions: [
] // Replace this list of placeholder widgets with your list of custom widgets.

Here is the complete example for reference:


group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
appBarOptions: [
onTap: () {
// TODO("Not yet implemented")
child: const Icon(Icons.login, color: Color(0xFF6851D6)),
const SizedBox(width: 10)
] // Replaced the list of placeholder widgets with a list of custom widgets.

Template and Options

The CometChatDetailsOption is the class providing structure for options to be shown for group members

CometChatDetailsOption option = CometChatDetailsOption(
id: "OPTION_ID",
onClick: (user, group, section, state) {},

A list of CometChatDetailsOption defines the structure for sections of options available in the CometChatDetails

Custom ViewCustom view to optionscustomView: Widget?
Tail ViewTail widget for detail optiontail: Widget?
HeightHeight for optionsheight: double?
On ClickFunction triggered on click, takes user, group, section, and state as parametersonClick: Function(User? user, Group? group, String section, CometChatDetailsControllerProtocol state)?
IdIdentifier for the optionid: String
TitleTitle for the optiontitle: String?
IconIcon for the optionicon: String?
Package NamePackage name for the optionpackageName: String?
Title StyleStyle for the titletitleStyle: TextStyle?

The CometChatDetailsTemplate offers a structure for organizing information in the CometChatDetails widget. It serves as a blueprint, defining how group-related details are presented. This structure allows for customization and organization within the CometChat interface.

CometChatDetailsTemplate template = CometChatDetailsTemplate(
options: (user, group, context, theme) => [aboveCreatedOption],

A list of CometChatDetailsTemplate defines the structure for sections of options available in the CometChatDetails

IdUnique identifier for every CometChatDetailsTemplateid: String
OptionsFunction which returns list of CometChatDetailsOption for every CometChatDetailsTemplateoptions: List<CometChatDetailsOption> Function(User? user, Group? group, BuildContext? context, CometChatTheme? theme)?
TitleTitle of CometChatDetailsTemplatetitle: String?
Title StyleStyle of title of CometChatDetailsTemplatetitleStyle: TextStyle?
Section Separator ColorColor of section separatorsectionSeparatorColor: Color?
Hide Section SeparatorBoolean which decides whether to hide section separator or nothideSectionSeparator: bool?
Item Separator ColorColor of item separatoritemSeparatorColor: Color?
Hide Item SeparatorBoolean which decides whether to hide item separator or nothideItemSeparator: bool?

Here is the complete example for reference:


group: Group(guid: "group__1715256001347", name: "Rushmore Hiking Group", membersCount: 4, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
data: (group, user) {
// Create a custom option
CometChatDetailsOption option1 = CometChatDetailsOption(
id: "OPTION_ID",
onClick: (user, group, section, state) {
// TODO("Not yet implemented")
tail: const Icon(
size: 22,
title: "Broadcast",
titleStyle: TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
fontSize: 20,
color: Color(0xFF6851D6)
packageName: UIConstants.packageName

CometChatDetailsOption option2 = CometChatDetailsOption(
id: "OPTION_ID",
onClick: (user, group, section, state) {
// TODO("Not yet implemented")
tail: const Icon(
size: 22,
title: "Saved Messages",
titleStyle: TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
fontSize: 20,
color: Color(0xFF6851D6)
packageName: UIConstants.packageName

CometChatDetailsOption option3 = CometChatDetailsOption(
id: "OPTION_ID",
onClick: (user, group, section, state) {
// TODO("Not yet implemented")
tail: const Icon(
size: 22,
title: "Docs",
titleStyle: TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
fontSize: 20,
color: Color(0xFF6851D6)
packageName: UIConstants.packageName

// Create a custom template
CometChatDetailsTemplate template = CometChatDetailsTemplate(
title: "Templates Options",
titleStyle: const TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
options: (user, group, context, theme) => [option1, option2, option3],
); // Created a custom option and template

return [template]; //Return the created template as a list


Configurations offer the ability to customize the properties of each widget within a Composite Widget. CometChatDetails has Add Members, Banned Members, Transfer Ownership and Group Members widget. Hence, each of these widgets will have its individual Configuration.

Group Members

You can customize the properties of the Group Members widget by making use of the GroupMembersConfiguration. You can accomplish this by employing the GroupMembersConfiguration as demonstrated below:

group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
groupMembersConfiguration: GroupMembersConfiguration()

All exposed properties of GroupMembersConfiguration can be found under Group Members. Properties marked with the report symbol are not accessible within the Configuration Object.


Let's say you want to change the style of the Group Member subwidget and, in addition, you only want to hide search bar and separator.

You can modify the style using the groupMemberStyle property, hide the separator using hideSeparator property and hide the search bar using hideSearch property.

group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
groupMembersConfiguration: GroupMembersConfiguration(
groupMemberStyle: GroupMembersStyle(
background: Color(0xFFE4EBF5),
border: Border.all(width: 2),
borderRadius: 20,
hideSearch: false,
hideSeparator: true

Add Members

You can customize the properties of the Add Members widget by making use of the AddMembersConfiguration. You can accomplish this by employing the AddMembersConfiguration as demonstrated below:

group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
addMemberConfiguration: AddMemberConfiguration(),

All exposed properties of AddMembersConfiguration can be found under Add Members. Properties marked with the report symbol are not accessible within the Configuration Object.


Let's say you want to change the style of the Add Members subwidget and, in addition, you only want to show the back button.

You can modify the style using the ListItemStyle property and AvatarStyle property

group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
addMemberConfiguration: AddMemberConfiguration(
addMembersStyle: AddMembersStyle(
background: Color(0xFFE4EBF5),
titleStyle: TextStyle(color:,
avatarStyle: AvatarStyle(
border: Border.all(width: 5),
borderRadius: 20,

Banned Members

You can customize the properties of the Banned Members widget by making use of the BannedMembersConfiguration. You can accomplish this by employing the BannedMembersConfiguration as demonstrated below:

group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
bannedMemberConfiguration: BannedMemberConfiguration(),

All exposed properties of BannedMembersConfiguration can be found under Banned Members. Properties marked with the report symbol are not accessible within the Configuration Object.


Let's say you want to change the style of the Banned Members subwidget and, in addition, you only want to show the back button.

You can modify the style using the ListItemStyle property and AvatarStyle property

group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
bannedMemberConfiguration: BannedMemberConfiguration(
bannedMembersStyle: BannedMembersStyle(
background: Color(0xFFE4EBF5),
titleStyle: TextStyle(color:,
avatarStyle: AvatarStyle(
border: Border.all(width: 5),
borderRadius: 20,

Transfer Ownership

You can customize the properties of the Transfer Ownership widget by making use of the TransferOwnershipConfiguration. You can accomplish this by employing the TransferOwnershipConfiguration as demonstrated below:

group: Group(guid: "", name: "", membersCount: 0, type: ""), // A group object is required to launch this widget.
transferOwnershipConfiguration: TransferOwnershipConfiguration(),

All exposed properties of TransferOwnershipConfiguration can be found under Transfer Ownership. Properties marked with the report symbol are not accessible within the Configuration Object.

Example Let's say you want to change the style of the Transfer Ownership subwidget and, in addition, you only want to show the back button.

You can modify the style using the ListItemStyle property and AvatarStyle property

group: myGroup, // A group object is required to launch this widget.
transferOwnershipConfiguration: TransferOwnershipConfiguration(
transferOwnershipStyle: TransferOwnershipStyle(
background: Color(0xFFE4EBF5),
avatarStyle: AvatarStyle(
border: Border.all(width: 5),
borderRadius: 20,