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Styling properties of ReactionList component.

sliderEmojiFontSets the font properties of the slider emojis.
sliderEmojiCountFontSets the font properties of the slider emoji count.
sliderEmojiCountColorSets the color of the slider emoji count.
activeEmojiBackgroundSets the background of the active emoji.
loadingIconTintSets the tint or color applied to the loading icon.
errorIconTintSets the tint or color applied to the error icon.
tailViewFontSets the font properties of the tail view.
subtitleTextFontSets the font properties of the subtitle text.
subtitleTextColorSets the color of the subtitle text.
dividerTintSets the tint or color applied to the divider.
widthSets the width of the component.
heightSets the height of the component.