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Styling properties of the CometChatMessageComposer component

widthSets the width of the component
heightSets the height of the component
borderSets the border of the component
borderRadiusSets the border radius of the component
backgroundSets all background style properties at once, such as color, image, origin and size, or repeat method. Reference link
inputBackgroundSets the Sets all background style properties at once, such as color, image, origin and size, or repeat method of the text input in the component. Reference link
inputBorderSets the border of the text input in the component
inputBorderRadiusSets the border radius of the text input in the component
maxInputHeightSets the maximum height allowed for the text input preventing it from expanding indefinitely. Once the content within the text input reaches the maximum height, the text input will become scrollable.
textFontSets all the different properties of font for the input text.
textColorSets the foreground color of the input text displayed in the component.
placeHolderTextFontSets all the different properties of font for the placeholder text.
placeHolderTextColorSets the foreground color of placeholder text displayed in the component.
attachIconTintSets the tint or color applied to the attach icon of the component
ActionSheetTitleFontSets all the different properties of font for the title text displayed in the action sheet.
ActionSheetTitleColorSets the foreground color of title text displayed in the action sheet.
ActionSheetSeparatorTintSets the tint or color applied to the separator in the action sheet that toggles when user clicks on the attach icon of the component
ActionSheetLayoutModeIconTintSets the tint or color applied to the icon that toggles the layout mode in the action sheet of the component
emojiIconTintSets the tint or color applied to the icon that toggles the emoji keyboard in the component
emojiKeyboardTextFontSets all the different properties of font for all the emojis displayed in the emoji keyboard.
emojiKeyboardTextColorSets the foreground color of all emojis displayed in the emoji keyboard.
voiceRecordingIconTintSets the tint or color applied to the icon that toggles the voice recording feature
sendButtonIconTintSets the tint or color applied to the send button icon of the component
previewTitleFontSets all the different properties of font for the title displayed in the preview section.
previewTitleColorSets the foreground color of title text displayed in the preview section.
previewSubtitleFontSets all the different properties of font for the subtitle displayed in the preview section.
previewSubtitleColorSets the foreground color of subtitle text displayed in the preview section.
closePreviewTintSets the tint or color applied to the close icon in the preview section of the component
dividerTintSets the tint or color applied to the separator displayed below the message input.
liveReactionIconTintSets the tint or color applied to the live reaction icon displayed below the message input.