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Styling properties of CometChatJoinGroup component.

widthSets the width of the component
heightSets the height of the component
borderSets the border of the component
borderRadiusSets the border radius of the component
backgroundSets all background style properties at once, such as color, image, origin and size, or repeat method. Reference link
boxShadowAdds shadow effects around the component.
titleTextFontSets all the different properties of font for the heading text. Reference link
titleTextColorSets the foreground color of heading text.
errorTextFontSets all the different properties of font for the error text. Reference link
errorTextColorSets the foreground color of the error text
passwordInputPlaceholderTextFontSets all the different properties of font for the placeholder text on password input. Reference link
passwordInputPlaceholderTextColorSets the foreground color of the placeholder text on the password input
passwordInputTextFontSets all the different properties of font for the password input text. Reference link
passwordInputTextColorSets the foreground color of the text on the password input
passwordInputBackgroundSets all background style properties of the password input at once, such as color, image, origin and size, or repeat method. Reference link
passwordInputBorderSets the border of the password input
passwordInputBorderRadiusSets the border radius of the password input
passwordInputBoxShadowAdds shadow effects around the password input
joinButtonTextFontSets all the different properties of font for the text on join group button. Reference link
joinButtonTextColorSets the foreground color of the text on join group button
joinButtonBackgroundSets all background style properties of the join group button at once, such as color, image, origin and size, or repeat method. Reference link
joinButtonBorderRadiusSets the border radius of the join group button
joinButtonBorderSets the border of the join group button