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Styling properties of AIConversationSummary component.

titleTextFontSets all the different properties of font of title.
titleTextColorSets the foreground color of title.
textFontSets all the different properties of font of summary.
textColorSets the foreground color of summary.
buttonTextColorSets the foreground color of the button.
buttonTextFontSets all the different properties of font for the button.
buttonBackgroundSets the background for the button.
closeIconTintSets the tint or color applied to the close button icon.
emptyStateTextFontSets all the different properties of font for the placeholder text for empty state.
emptyStateTextColorSets the foreground color of placeholder text for empty state displayed in the component.
loadingStateTextFontSets all the different properties of font for the loading message.
loadingStateTextColorSets the foreground color of loading message displayed in the component.
errorStateTextFontSets all the different properties of font for the error message.
errorStateTextColorSets the foreground color of error message displayed in the component.
loadingIconTintSets the tint or color applied to the loading icon.
emptyIconTintSets the tint or color applied to the empty icon.
errorIconTintSets the tint or color applied to the error icon.