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Styling properties of CometChatCallLogs component.

titleFontSets the font for Title of Component
titleColorSets the color for Title of Component
emptyStateTextColorSets the foreground color of placeholder text displayed in the component.
emptyStateTextFontSets all the different properties of font for the placeholder text.
errorStateTextColorSets all the different properties of font for the error message.
errorStateTextFontSets the foreground color of error message displayed in the component.
loadingIconTintSets the tint or color applied to the loading indicator icon of the component
infoIconTintSets the tint or color applied to the info indicator icon of the component
missedCallIconTintSets the tint or color applied to the missed call indicator icon of the component
outgoingCallIconTintSets the tint or color applied to the outgoing call indicator icon of the component
incomingCallIconTintSets the tint or color applied to the incoming call indicator icon of the component
callStatusTextFontSets all the different properties of font for the call status text.
callStatusTextColorSets the foreground color of call status text.
dateTextFontSets all the different properties of font for the date text.
dateTextColorSets the foreground color of date text.
dateSeparatorTextFontSets all the different properties of font for the separator date text.
dateSeparatorTextColorSets the foreground color of separator date text.