Form Message
The FormMessage
class is used to create an interactive form message that can be sent via CometChat. It extends the Interactive Messages class from CometChat.
Name | Type | Description |
receiverUid | String | The ID of the receiver |
receiverType | String | The type of the receiver |
title | String | The title of the form |
formFields | List<ElementEntity> | The fields of the form |
submitElement | ButtonElement | The submit button of the form |
goalCompletionText | String | The text visible after completion of goal |
interactionGoal | InteractionGoal | The sets the interaction goal for the form to ma |
interactions | Interactions | Gives the list of elements you have interacted with |
allowSenderInteraction | bool | Allows the sender interaction |
Class Usage
How to create an instance of the FormMessage
- Dart
String receiver = "cometchat-uid-2";//replace this with receiver user
String appId = "XXXXX";
String apiKey = "XXXXXX";//Replace this with your api key
String senderId = "XXXXXXX";//Replace this with sender/on behalf of user id
String receiverType = ReceiverTypeConstants.user; //replace this with receiver type
User? loggedInUser = await CometChat.getLoggedInUser();
Map<String, String> header = {
"appId": appId,
"apiKey": apiKey,
"onBehalfOf": senderId,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"accept": "application/json"
Map<String, dynamic> payload = {
"data": {
"text": "Thanks For filling the Form!"
"type": "text",
"category": "message",
"receiver": receiver,
"receiverType": "user"
FormMessage formMessage = FormMessage(
allowSenderInteraction: true,
title: "Society Survey",
receiverType: receiverType,
receiverUid: receiver,
sender: loggedInUser,
formFields: [
TextInputElement( elementId: "name", label: "Enter name ", optional: false),
TextInputElement( elementId: "age", label: "Enter age "),
elementId: "gender",
label: "Gender",
options: [
OptionElement(label: "Male",value: "Male" ),
OptionElement(label: "Female",value: "Female" ),
optional: false
CheckBoxElement( elementId: "service",
label: "Select Services",
defaultValue: ["pool"],
options: [
OptionElement(label: "pool",value: "pool" ),
OptionElement(label: "gym",value: "gym" ),
OptionElement(label: "garden",value: "garden" ),
DropdownElement(elementId: "Block", label: "Select block" ,
options: [
OptionElement(label: "A",value: "A" ),
OptionElement(label: "B",value: "B" ),
ButtonElement(//Button element to open web view with given url
elementId : "aboutUs",
buttonText: "About Us" ,
action: URLNavigationAction(
url: "",
submitElement : ButtonElement(//Submit button with call to cometchat's managment api to send anoher message
elementId : "button1",
buttonText: "Submit" ,
action: APIAction(
url: "https://${appId}.api-${CometChatConstants.region}",
dataKey: "cometchatData",
headers: header,
payload: payload
interactionGoal: InteractionGoal(
type: InteractionGoalTypeConstants.allOf,
elementIds: ["button1"]
goalCompletionText: "Goal completed !!",
Send Form Message
- Dart
CometChatUIKit.sendFormMessage(formMessage, onSuccess: (FormMessage message){
// TODO("Not yet implemented")
}, onError: (exception){
// TODO("Not yet implemented")