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Version: v4

Scheduler Bubble

CometChatSchedulerBubble is a versatile type of message widget designed to facilitate easy and efficient event scheduling. It offers the following key features:

  1. Event Scheduling: Users can send a calendar-like invitation, similar to Calendly, allowing the recipient to schedule a meeting conveniently.
  2. Flexible event Parameters: Senders have the flexibility to set allowed event times and define the time intervals between consecutive events.
  3. Customisable Availability Hours: Message senders can personalise their availability by specifying a range of hours during which meetings can be scheduled.
  4. ICS File Integration: Seamlessly integrates with ICS files, analysing the data to provide users with available time slots based on their free time.
  5. Developer Configuration: As a developer, you have the freedom to configure actions triggered upon scheduling button clicks. This ensures that the platform can be tailored to specific needs and workflows.

CometChatSchedulerBubble aims to streamline the event scheduling process, offering a user-friendly experience for both senders and recipients. With its robust features, it provides a dynamic solution for coordinating and managing meetings efficiently.


schedulerMessageSchedulerMessageAn instance of the SchedulerMessage class which holds information about the event scheduling availability.
schedulerBubbleStyleSchedulerBubbleStyleAn object of styles for customizing the UI of the meeting bubble. You can override styles for the wrapper, title, goal completion text, schedule button, etc. If a style is not provided, the default style will be used.
onScheduleClickFunctionCallback(DateTime selectedDateTime, SchedulerMessage object )The provided parameter is responsible for managing the on-click callback functionality. By default, this parameter initiates a call to the specified URL as outlined in the example below
themeCometChatThemepasses theme to the form bubble
quickViewStyleQucikViewStyleAn object of styles for customizing the UI of the bubble at goal completion level
timeSlotSelectorStyleTimeSlotSelectorStyleaccepts an object of TimeSlotSelectorStyle which is used to customize the appearance of CometChatTimeSlotSelector


SchedulerBubbleStyle is a class extending BaseStyle containing attributes to customize the appearance of the CometChatSchedulerBubble component.

widthdoubleused to set width
heightdoubleused to set height
backgroundColorused to set the background color
borderBoxBorderused to set border
borderRadiusdoubleused to set border radius
gradientGradientused to set background gradient
avatarStyleAvatarStyleused to set the style for the avatar in the scheduler bubble
suggestedTimeTextStyleTextStyleused to set the style for the suggested time text in the scheduler bubble
suggestedTimeBackgroundColorused to set the background color for the suggested time text in the scheduler bubble
suggestedTimeBorderBoxBorderused to set the border for the suggested time text in the scheduler bubble
scheduleButtonStyleButtonElementStyleused to set the style for the schedule button in the scheduler bubble
titleTextStyleTextStyleused to set the style for the title text in the scheduler bubble
durationTextStyleTextStyleused to set the style for the scheduler duration text in the scheduler bubble
summaryTextStyleTextStyleused to set the style for the summary text in the scheduler bubble
calendarSelectedDayBackgroundColorColorused to set the background color for the selected day in the calendar
calendarSelectedDayTintColorused to set the tint color for the selected day in the calendar
goalCompletionTextStyleTextStylestyle options for the goal completion text within the scheduler bubble.


CometChatSchedulerBubble allows for a dynamic combination of developer-provided data and data collected from the user's interaction. It provides flexibility for developers to customize the behaviour of the scheduler button and integrate it seamlessly into their application.

SchedulerMessage schedulerMessage = SchedulerMessage(
title: 'Meeting with Dr. Jacob',
avatarUrl: '',
receiverUid: 'cometchat-uid-2',
receiverType: 'user',
duration: 30,
interactionGoal: InteractionGoal(type: InteractionGoalType.anyAction,elementIds: ["1"]),
timezoneCode: "Asia/Kolkata",
bufferTime: 15,
availability: {
TimeRange(from: "1100", to: "1900")
TimeRange(from: "1100", to: "1900")
TimeRange(from: "1100", to: "1900")
TimeRange(from: "0000", to: "2400")
TimeRange(from: "1100", to: "2400")
sender: User(
uid:"Dr. Jacob Twarog",name: "Dr. Jacob Twarog"
receiver: User(name: "Trienke",uid: "Trienke"),
dateRangeStart: "2024-03-09",
scheduleElement: ButtonElement(
buttonText: "Schedule",
action: APIAction(
url: "",
method: "POST",
headers: {
"accept": "application/json",
"apiKey": "SECRET_KEY",
"content-type": "application/json"
elementType: UIElementTypeConstants.button,
elementId: "1",
disableAfterInteracted: true,

CometChatSchedulerBubble schedulerBubble = CometChatSchedulerBubble(
schedulerMessage: schedulerMessage,
style: SchedulerBubbleStyle(
titleTextStyle: TextStyle(
fontSize: 20,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold
goalCompletionTextStyle: TextStyle(
fontSize: 20,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold

SchedulerBubble Triggered Request to Endpoint

After user interaction, the SchedulerBubble generates a request to the specified endpoint i.e upon clicking the schedule button. Like in above example scheduler bubble will trigger a POST request to

The request includes the following payload and headers:


"accept": "application/json",
"apiKey": "SECRET_KEY",
"content-type": "application/json"


"appID": "XXXX",
"region": "XX",
"trigger": "ui_message_interacted",
"payload": {
"key1": "value1"
"data": {
"conversationId": "user1_user_user4",
"sender": "user1",
"receiver": "user4",
"receiverType": "user",
"messageCategory": "interactive",
"messageType": "scheduler",
"messageId": 373,
"interactionTimezoneCode": "Asia/Kolkata",
"interactedBy": "user4",
"interactedElementId": "1",
"schedulerData": {
"meetStartAt": "2024-02-15T01:00",
"duration": 60
meetStartAttime slot selected by user
durationduration for the meeting
appIDapp id of the application
regionThe text message
payloadThe type of the receiver- CometChatReceiverType.user (user) or (group)
conversationIdThe type of the message that needs to be sent which in this case can be: CometChatMessageType.text__(text)
senderUID of the message sender
receiverUID of the user or GUID of the group receiving the message
receiverTypeThe type of the receiver- CometChatReceiverType.user (user) or (group)
messageCategoryThe category of the message - MessageCategoryConstants.interactive
messageTypeThe type of message which is MessageTypeConstants.scheduler
messageIdThe id of the message
interactionTimezoneCodeThe time zone of user's device
interactedByThe User id of interacting user
interactedElementIdThe element id of element making the requiest

If header is provided in the action meeting bubble will not add anything to the header while generating the request