The CometChatReceipt component renders the receipts such as sending, sent, delivered, read and error state indicator of a message.

Name | Type | Description |
waitIcon | string | Asset URL for the wait icon |
sentIcon | string | Asset URL for the sent icon |
deliveredIcon | string | Asset URL for the delivered icon |
readIcon | string | Asset URL for the read icon |
errorIcon | string | Asset URL for the error icon |
receipt | Receipts | Group of constants representing the various receipt status |
Name | Description |
waitIconTint | Sets the color applied to the wait icon |
sentIconTint | Sets the color applied to the sent icon |
deliveredIconTint | Sets the color applied to the delivered icon |
readIconTint | Sets the color applied to the read icon |
errorIconTint | Sets the color applied to the error icon |
<!--display the wait status icon-->
<!--use the element-->