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Version: v4

Audio Bubble

CometChatAudioBubble is the content view for a MediaMessage if the media sent is an audio.


srcstringURL of the audio file
autoPlaybooleanWhen set to true, the audio will automatically begin playback as soon as it can do so, without waiting for the entire audio file to finish downloading.
loopbooleanWhen set to true, the audio player will automatically seek back to the start upon reaching the end of the audio.
mutedbooleanwhen set to true, the audio will be initially silenced.
audioStyleAudioBubbleStyleStyling properties and values of the element


widthSets the width of the element
heightSets the height of the element
borderSets the border of the element
borderRadiusSets the border radius of the element
backgroundSets all background style properties at once, such as color, image, origin and size, or repeat method. Reference link


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