We are happy to announce the launch of version 2.1 of our White-labelled Mobile Apps!
Would you like your own white-labelled app in the App Store/ Google Play Store?
We provide completely white-labelled mobile apps that can be uploaded to Google Play Store and App Store. These apps can be purchased along with any CometChat Edition of your choice. So your site will have it’s own messenger app similar to the CometChat messenger but with your branding. It’s time to start competing with the big-wigs. Moreover, you can also charge for your mobile apps or display advertisements in your app and make money!
Amazing New Features in v2.1!
1. Push Notifications for Messages and Announcements Your users will get message and announcement notifications even when your app is not running on their iOS & Android mobile. They will not only be able to view the announcements, but also receive a push notification whenever you send an announcement.
2. Support for AdMob You can now use AdMob in your app and earn every time a user uses your app!
3. Guest Login Support If you have guest login option enabled in CometChat, then your guests can now login and customize their name during login in the mobile apps as well!
4. Social Login Support If you have social login option enabled in CometChat, then your users can login to your app using their Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus credentials.
5. Notification Control Are notifications disturbing your users in an important meeting? We have a solution for it! Your users can choose to get notified using sound or/and vibration or not get notified at all.
6. View Chatroom Members Your users can view other chatroom members by selecting the chatroom of which they wish to see the members, tap on the “…” button and select “View Members”.
7. View User Profiles Your users can now view the profile and more details of other users directly from the app!
8. Slicker Interface We have revamped many aspects of our UI for a smoother chat experience.
9. CometChat Network & Cloud Support Now site owners using CometChat Network (for Ning, SocialEngine Cloud and others) or CometChat Cloud can enable their users to chat using our mobile apps! Contact us for more information.
Advantages of White-labelling!
1. Complete white-labelling You can have your own Logo, Icon, App name (eg. “Avengers Chat”) and Colors to match your site. Your users will not know they are using CometChat.
2. No URL bar (or “Try a demo” button) in the login screen Unlike our “CometChat” mobile apps in the Google/Apple stores, in the login screen of your app, there will be no URL bar or “Try a demo” button. Your users can directly log into your app.
3. Uploaded using your Google/Apple Developer Accounts We will upload your apps using your own Google Developer account and/or Apple Developer account on Google Play Store and App Store respectively.
4. Theming You can change the background color and text color in the top bar and chat bubble. You can also change the color of your login screen and the tabs at the bottom!
Get your White-labelled Mobile App!
Purchase CometChat with White-labelled Mobile chat app Or purchase just our White-labelled Mobile App if you already have CometChat or purchase our re-compilation service if you would like us to upgrade your existing mobile apps. Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance.

Team CometChat