How much Time and Money does it take to make your own Messenger app?

What does a messaging app take to win over 25 percent of all users, which is what statistics of successful messenger applications are? What stack of technology does that require? What is the average cost to construct a messenger app? In this guide, we will answer all of these issues, and more.‍

Manpreet Kalsi • Aug 31, 2020

Today people spend most of the time on their Mobile phones and open Wi-Fi networks. Without messaging apps, people can hardly imagine the world. They are loaded into almost every smartphone, and every day people send out billions of instant messages, images, and videos through these technologies. Chat apps help us stay connected, share moments of our lives, and have fun with friends and family, wherever they are.

You may wonder why the cost of creating software for popular messaging services has risen triple since 2013. Am I integrating some advanced features into the app? Or is this just because it entered the market so heavily over the years? Yeah, the fundamental truth is that messaging apps make the whole process of communication much easier than ever before.

What does a messaging app take to win over 25 percent of all users, which is what statistics of successful messenger applications are?  What stack of technology does that require? What is the average cost to construct a messenger app? In this guide, we will answer all of these issues, and more.

Key features of messenger apps:

If you're trying to build the newest world-leading messenger app, you've been checking your potential competitors' wares. You may have found that even though the most common messengers vary in certain aspects, there are some common features in all of them. They are in reality, indispensable for virtually every chatting app.

  • Registration is the first step on any messenger's user journey. A consumer may be marked and their contacts imported in different ways. Verification by a phone number, or by email or social networking accounts is the most widely used ones.

  • Considering the privacy and safety of user data is also essential.

  • Authentication typically requires third-party APIs or useful tools, such as SDK, Android, or others.

  • Message status. Today's users want to know if their message has been delivered or not, if it has been read by the receiver, and even if the message has been edited. These options should be incorporated into the new Chat app creator.

  • Individual and group chats: Modern instant messaging services always include this function.

  • Quick Search to find specific messages or media files.

  • Voice messaging is a growing trend for users that prefer voice over typing.

  • Voice calls are a recent development in messenger services. First, the features allow users to save cash on cell phone calls and, second, make people feel like they're chatting.

  • Community video calls are one level-up option.

  • The app should have the permission to access the database to conduct media file sharing.

  • Typically using the Google Location SDK or Google Map Android API for Android-based applications, and we use Apple MapKit for iOS-based applications, it should be able to share user locations.

  • In a hyperconnected reality, notifications need to be as instant as the message.

Building One Yourself!

A few vital aspects need to be considered before indulging into key development of the application. The MVP of the final product to consider the feasibility along with the selection of the software development team.

Steps of development:

  • The selection of app structure in terms of server technology has to be the first step to start the development.

  • It's important to choose the right monetizing model knowing your unique target audience and the competitors.

  • The app design and features should be unique in its way to increase your user range.

  • Monetizing models can include in-app purchases for features like stickers or in-app advertising. Sometimes apps use P2P payment methods too.

  • Hiring the software development team with specific functional roles can make the development process very efficient.

  • Project manager responsible for the entire development process.

  • Business Analyst to keep feasibility in check.

  • Depending on the complexity of the development process you may need 2-3 front end and 2-3 backend development engineers.

  • App tester to fix bugs and UI/UX Designers to help with interface design.

  • A marketing manager to promote on various platforms.

How much would it cost?

The whole process of ideation to development may range anywhere between a budget of 30000$ to 50000$.

For instance, financial statistics for the development of one of the most successful messaging services as follows:

  • Prototyping up to 5000$

  • Application development (IOS + Android) up to 28000$

  • Backend development from 17000$


There are various teams and development companies that provide plugin solutions for instant messaging services. They cover various platforms such as website chat, in-app chats, in-app voice calling for businesses etc. One such service is CometChat.

It features various models for different requisites by businesses and organizations.


It's a complicated process to create a messenger app. For each part, it takes different technologies, and over 550 hours of production. Planning should include reliable and flexible data storage, encryption, speed, and an attractive user interface.

For any developer of a brand-new messenger, a trusted development partner can support.

We will collaborate with you on your project and create an optimal solution at CometChat.

Manpreet Kalsi



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