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Version: v4

Users with Messages

This component is responsible for listing all the users registered on CometChat. It also allows users to send text, images, videos, or other media as messages to communicate with one another in real-time.

This component typically includes the following component:

Users: This component lists all the users registered on CometChat.

Messages: This component displays the conversation between participants in a 1:1 or group chat.


User Information

Details associated with a chat participants.

userUser ClassView details of this particular CometChat user


This refers to the display or presentation of the component specifically optimized for viewing on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets.

isMobileViewbooleanWhen set to true, the component adapts the layout, design, and functionality to provide an optimal user experience on smaller screens and touch-based interfaces.


Temporary text displayed to provide a suggestion to the user to select a particular user / group to chat with.

messageTextstringIt represents the textual content which will be replaced with the messages component when user clicks on a particular user / group chat.


Properties of the child components like conversations and messages that are available for customisation.

usersConfigurationUsersConfigurationProperties of the users component that are available for customisation via this component.
messagesConfigurationMessagesConfigurationProperties of the messages component that are available for customisation via this component.


usersWithMessagesStyleWithMessagesStyleStyling properties of the component


//creating users configuration
const usersConfiguration:UsersConfiguration = new UsersConfiguration({

//passing conversations configuration
<CometChatUsersWithMessages :usersConfiguration="usersConfiguration"