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Version: v4

Ongoing Call

This component is displayed during an ongoing voice or video call. This provides a dedicated screen or interface where users can engage in real-time conversation, view video streams, access call controls, and interact with various call-related features.

The design and functionality of the call screen component includes:

  1. Video Display: In video calls, the call screen component includes a video display area where users can see the live video stream of the other participants in the call.
  2. Call Controls: The call screen component offers various controls for managing the ongoing call. This may include options to mute/unmute the microphone, turn on/off the camera, add or remove participants, and end the call.
  3. Participant Information: The component may display information about the participants involved in the call, such as their names, profile pictures, or status indicators.
  4. Call Status: The call screen component often provides information about the call status, such as signal strength, or network quality indicators.
  5. Call Recording and Screen-sharing: The call screen component provide options for call recording and screen-sharing, enabling users to capture and share the call content or their screen with other participants.



sessionIDstringThe unique session ID available in the Call object


callSettingsBuilderCometChat.CallSettingsBuilderClass that allows you to set various parameters to the CallSettings customize the overall calling experience.

Asset URLs

Custom asset URL used for graphical representation

minimiseIconURLstringAsset URL for the minimise icon which minimises the call screen
maximiseIconURLstringAsset URL for the maximise icon which maximises the call screen


Styling properties and values of all the involved components

ongoingCallStyleOngoingCallStyleStyling properties of this component


//customised call settings builder in order to enable recording feature
const sessionId = call.sessionId;
const callType = call.type;
const callSettings = new CometChat.CallSettingsBuilder()

<CometChatOngoingCall :callSettingsBuilder="callSettings"></CometChatOngoingCall>