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Version: v4

Message Information

CometChatMessageInformation is a standalone component that displays comprehensive information about the message receipts. This will enable users to easily access details such as the message content, recipient and delivery receipt information for a more informed communication experience.



Heading text for the component

titleStringHeading text for the component


Customise message object and message template of the component

messageCometChat.MessageCometChat message object
templateCometChatMessageTemplateOverride the default message bubble view

Loading state

This refers to the state of the component when it is actively retrieving or fetching data.

loadingIconURLstringAsset URL for the loading indicator icon
loadingStateViewviewReference to the template within the user-defined component to customise the loading indicator

Empty state

This refers to the state of the component when it has no content or data to display

emptyStateTextstringThe textual content displayed in the empty state of the component.
emptyStateViewviewReference to the template within the user-defined component to customise the empty state of the component.

Error state

This refers to the state of the component when an error occurs during the retrieval of the data.

errorStateTextstringThe textual content displayed in the error state of the component.
errorStateViewviewReference to the template within the user-defined component to customise the error state of the component.

Assets URL

Custom asset URL used for graphical representation

readIconstringAsset URL for the read state indicating that a sent message is read by the receiver.
deliveredIconstringAsset URL for the delivered state indicating that a sent message is delivered successfully.
closeIconURLstringAsset URL for the close icon

Date pattern

Customise the date pattern of message receipts.

receiptDatePattern(timestamp:number)=>stringOverride the in-built pattern with your custom representation of the timestamp

Custom view

UI component created and customised by the developer to meet your design or functional requirements.

subtitleView(messageObject: CometChat.BaseMessage, messageReceipt?: CometChat.MessageReceipt) => ViewTypeReference to the template within the user-defined component to customise the secondary text shown in the default user profile.
bubbleView(message: CometChat.BaseMessage)=> ViewTypeReference to the template within the user-defined component to customise the message bubble view
listItemView(messageObject: CometChat.BaseMessage, messageReceipt?: CometChat.MessageReceipt) => ViewTypeReference to the template within the user-defined component to customise the each list item

Function callback

Functions that can be invoked by the user in response to a specific event or condition.

onClose()=>voidOverride the method that is invoked when user clicks on the close icon
onError((error:CometChat.CometChatException)=>void) | nullOverride the method that is invoked when an error is encountered within the component


Styling properties and values of all the involved components

listItemStylelistItemStyleStyling properties and values of the Listitem component
messageInformationStyleMessageInformationStyleStyling properties and values of the Message Information component