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Text Input Element

The TextInputElement class is used to create a text input element in a user interface.


elementIdstringThis property in constructor accepts the Id for the element
labelstringThis property in constructor accepts the label for input

Class Usage

How to create an instance of the TextInputElement class:

let inputElement = new TextInputElement("1", "Name");

In the above example, a new instance of TextInputElement is created with the elementId "1" and the label "Name".

Key properties and methods

Maximum Lines for Text Input

The setMaxLines() method is used to set the maximum number of lines for a multi-line text input element, while getMaxLines() is used to retrieve the set value.

For example:

let inputElement = new TextInputElement("1", "Name");
inputElement.setMaxLines(1);//set max lines

Placeholder Text for the Input Element

The setPlaceholder() method is used to set placeholder text in the input field and getPlaceholder() is used to retrieve the placeholder text.

For instance:

let inputElement = new TextInputElement("1", "Name");
inputElement.setPlaceholder("Enter your name");

Default Value of the Input Element

The setDefaultValue() method sets the default value in the text input, while getDefaultValue() retrieves the default value.

For example:

let inputElement = new TextInputElement("1", "Name");
inputElement.setDefaultValue("John Doe");


Below is an example that showcases the creation and manipulation of an instance of TextElement:

// Import the class
import { TextInputElement } from "./TextInputElement";

// Create a new instance of the class
let inputElement = new TextInputElement("1", "Name");

// Set the max lines

// Set the placeholder text
inputElement.setPlaceholder("Enter your name");

// Set the default value
inputElement.setDefaultValue("John Doe");