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Version: v5

Property Changes


New Properties

hideGroupTypebooleanHides the group type icon which is visible on the group icon.
headerViewJSX.ElementCustom header view which will replace the title as well.
leadingView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom leading view to be rendered for each conversation in the fetched list.
titleView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom title view to be rendered for each conversation in the fetched list.
trailingView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom trailing view to be rendered for each conversation in the fetched list.

Renamed Properties

NameTypeDescriptionOld Name
hideReceiptsbooleanHides the receipt status in the last message.hideReceipt
hideUserStatusbooleanHides the status indicator of user which is visible on user avatar.disableUsersPresence
itemView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom list item view to be rendered for each conversation in the list.listItemView

Removed Properties

titlestringTitle of the component
confirmDialogTitlestringTitle of the confirm dialog
confirmDialogMessagestringMessage of the confirm dialog
cancelButtonTextstringText for the cancel button
confirmButtonTextstringText for the confirm button
disableTypingbooleanDisable typing indicator display
disableMentionsbooleanDisable mentions
disableUsersPresencebooleanHide user presence
hideSeparatorbooleanHide the separator at the bottom of the default list item view
emptyStateTextstringText to display in the default empty view
errorStateTextstringText to display in the default error view
conversationsStyleConversationsStyleStyles to apply to this component
deleteConversationDialogStyleConfirmDialogStyleStyles to apply to the delete conversation dialog component
avatarStyleAvatarStyleStyles to apply to the avatar component of the default list item view
statusIndicatorStyleCSSPropertiesStyles to apply to the status indicator component of the default list item view
listItemStyleListItemStyleStyles to apply to the default list item view
badgeStyleBadgeStyleStyles to apply to the badge component
receiptStyleReceiptStyleStyles to apply to the receipt component
dateStyleDateStyleStyles to apply to the date component
backdropStyleBaseStyleStyles to apply to the backdrop component
titleAlignmentTitleAlignmentAlignment of the title text
protectedGroupIconstringImage URL for the status indicator icon in the default list item view of a conversation related to a password-protected group
passwordGroupIconstringImage URL for the status indicator icon in the default list item view of a conversation related to a password-protected group
privateGroupIconstringImage URL for the status indicator icon in the default list item view of a conversation related to a private group
readIconstringImage URL for the read status of the sent message
deliveredIconstringImage URL for the delivered status of the sent message
waitIconstringImage URL for the wait status of the sent message
errorIconstringImage URL for the error status of the sent message
sentIconstringImage URL for the sent status of the sent message
loadingIconURLstringImage URL for the default loading view
menusJSX.ElementCustom view to render on the top-right of the component


New Properties

headerViewJSX.ElementCustom header view which will replace the title as well.
leadingView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom leading view to be rendered for each user in the fetched list.
titleView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom title view to be rendered for each user in the fetched list.
trailingView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom trailing view to be rendered for each user in the fetched list.

Renamed Properties

NameTypeDescriptionOld Name
disableUsersPresencebooleanHides the status indicator of user which is visible on user avatar.hideUserStatus
itemView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom list item view to be rendered for each user in the list.listItemView

Removed Properties

titlestringTitle of the component
searchPlaceholderTextstringText to be displayed when the search input has no value
disableUsersPresencebooleanHide user presence
searchIconURLstringImage URL for the search icon to use in the search bar
emptyStateTextstringText to display in the default empty view
errorStateTextstringText to display in the default error view
loadingIconURLstringImage URL for the default loading view
hideSeparatorbooleanHide the separator at the bottom of the default list item view
statusIndicatorStyleCSSPropertiesStyles to apply to the status indicator component of the default list item view
avatarStyleAvatarStyleStyles to apply to the avatar component of the default list item view
usersStyleUsersStyleStyles to apply to this component
listItemStyleListItemStyleStyles to apply to the default list item view
fetchTimeOutanyTimeout reference for fetching users
userPresencePlacementUserPresencePlacementPlacement of user presence information within the user interface
tileAlignmentTitleAlignmentAlignment of the title text
closeButtonIconURLstringURL of the icon to be used for the close button
fetchingUsersbooleanFlag to indicate whether users are currently being fetched
menusJSX.ElementCustom view to render on the top-right of the component


New Properties

hideGroupTypebooleanHides the group type icon which is visible on the group icon.
headerViewJSX.ElementCustom header view which will replace the title as well.
leadingView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom leading view to be rendered for each group in the fetched list.
titleView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom title view to be rendered for each group in the fetched list.
trailingView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom trailing view to be rendered for each group in the fetched list.

Renamed Properties

NameTypeDescriptionOld Name
listItemView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom list item view to be rendered for each group in the list.itemView

Removed Properties

titlestringTitle of the component
searchPlaceholderTextstringText to be displayed when the search input has no value
searchIconURLstringImage URL for the search icon to use in the search bar
hideSeparatorbooleanHide the separator at the bottom of the default list item view
loadingIconURLstringImage URL for the default loading view
emptyStateTextstringText to display in the default empty view
errorStateTextstringText to display in the default error view
titleAlignmentTitleAlignmentAlignment of the title text
passwordGroupIconstringImage URL for the status indicator icon in the default list item view of a password-protected group
privateGroupIconstringImage URL for the status indicator icon in the default list item view of a private group
statusIndicatorStyleCSSPropertiesStyles to apply to the status indicator component of the default list item view
avatarStyleAvatarStyleStyles to apply to the avatar component of the default list item view
listItemStyleListItemStyleStyles to apply to the default list item view
groupsStyleGroupsStyleStyles to apply to this component

Group Members

New Properties

hideKickMemberOptionbooleanHides the kick member option.
hideBanMemberOptionbooleanHides the ban member option.
hideScopeChangeOptionbooleanHides the scope change option.
hideUserStatusbooleanHides the status indicator of user which is visible on user avatar.
headerViewJSX.ElementCustom header view which will replace the title as well.
leadingView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom leading view to be rendered for each group member in the fetched list.
titleView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom title view to be rendered for each group member in the fetched list.

Renamed Properties

NameTypeDescriptionOld Name
itemView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom list item view to be rendered for each group member in the list.listItemView
trailingView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom trailing view to be rendered for each group member in the list.tailView

Removed Properties

titlestringTitle of the component
searchPlaceholderstringText to be displayed when the search input has no value
disableUsersPresencebooleanHide user presence. If set to true, the status indicator of the default list item view is not displayed
fetchTimeOutanyTimeout reference for fetching users.
userPresencePlacementUserPresencePlacementPlacement of user presence information within the user interface
backButtonIconURLstringImage URL for the back button
showBackButtonbooleanShow back button
onBack() => voidFunction to call when the default back button is clicked
closeButtonIconURLstringImage URL for the close button
onClose() => voidFunction to call when the close button is clicked
avatarStyleAvatarStyleStyles to apply to the avatar component of the default list item view
statusIndicatorStyleCSSPropertiesStyles to apply to the status indicator component of the default list item view
listItemStyleListItemStyleStyles to apply to the default list item view
groupScopeStyleChangeScopeStyleStyles to apply to the change scope component
groupMembersStyleGroupMembersStyleStyles to apply to this component
dropDownIconURLstringImage URL for the change scope component's arrowIconURL prop
emptyStateTextstringText to display in the default empty view
errorStateTextstringText to display in the default error view
loadingIconURLstringImage URL for the default loading view
hideSeparatorbooleanHide the separator at the bottom of the default list item view
titleAlignmentTitleAlignmentAlignment of the title text
searchIconURLstringImage URL for the search icon to use in the search bar
fetchingUsersbooleanFlag to indicate whether users are currently being fetched
menusJSX.ElementCustom view to render on the top-right of the component

Message Header

New Properties

hideUserStatusbooleanHides the status indicator of user which is visible on user avatar.
hideVideoCallButtonbooleanThis prop defines whether a user can initiate a video call or not.
hideVoiceCallButtonbooleanThis prop defines whether a user can initiate a voice call or not.
showConversationSummaryButtonbooleanThis prop will show the conversation summary button.
summaryGenerationMessageCountnumberNumber of messages for which the summary should be shown.
enableAutoSummaryGenerationbooleanEnables the auto generation of conversation summary.
leadingViewJSX.ElementCustom leading view.
titleViewJSX.ElementCustom title view.

Renamed Properties

NameTypeDescriptionOld Name
itemView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom list item view.listItemView
trailingView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom trailing view.tailView

Removed Properties

avatarStyleAvatarStyleStyles to apply to the avatar component
statusIndicatorStyleBaseStyleStyles to apply to the status indicator component
messageHeaderStyleMessageHeaderStyleStyles to apply to the message header component
listItemStyleListItemStyleStyles to apply to the list item component
backButtonIconURLstringURL for the back button icon
passwordGroupIconstring | undefinedIcon for password-protected groups
privateGroupIconstringIcon for private groups
disableUsersPresencebooleanDisable user presence indicator
disableTypingbooleanDisable typing indicator

Message List

New Properties

hideStickyDatebooleanHide the sticky date separator
hideReplyInThreadOptionbooleanThis prop defines whether Reply In Thread option should be visible or not.
hideTranslateMessageOptionbooleanThis prop defines whether Translate Message option should be visible or not.
hideEditMessageOptionbooleanThis prop defines whether Edit Message option should be visible or not.
hideDeleteMessageOptionbooleanThis prop defines whether Delete Message option should be visible or not.
hideReactionOptionbooleanThis prop defines whether React option should be visible or not.
hideMessagePrivatelyOptionbooleanThis prop defines whether a user can privately message another member of the group or not.
hideCopyMessageOptionbooleanThis prop defines whether a user can copy a message or not.
hideMessageInfoOptionbooleanThis prop defines whether a user can fetch information about the message (e.g., whether it's received) or not.
hideGroupActionMessagesbooleanThis prop defines whether action messages in group chats are visible or not.
hideConversationStartersbooleanThis will not generate conversation starter in new conversations.
hideSmartRepliesbooleanThis prop defines whether Smart Replies should be hidden or not.
reactionsRequestBuilderCometChat.ReactionsRequestBuilderThis is passed to CometChatReactions component.
timePatternDatePatternsPattern for displaying dates
quickOptionsCountnumberThis will show the number of options as quick options on the message bubble.
disableSoundForMessagesbooleanDisable sound for incoming messages
customSoundForMessagesstringCustom sound for incoming messages
smartRepliesKeywords[string]Keywords in the incoming message that will trigger Smart Replies. If set to [], Smart Replies will be fetched for all messages.
smartRepliesDelayDurationnumberNumber of milliseconds after which Smart Replies will be triggered. If set to 0, Smart Replies will be fetched instantly.
onReactionClick(reaction: CometChat.ReactionCount, message: CometChat.BaseMessage) => voidOverride the click of a reaction pill.
onReactionListItemClick(reaction: CometChat.Reaction, message: CometChat.BaseMessage) => voidOverride the click of a list item in CometChatReactionsList.

Renamed Properties

NameTypeDescriptionOld Name
hideReceiptsbooleanDisable message receipt indicatorshideReceipt
hideAvatarbooleanThis prop defines whether an avatar in the message for incoming messages is visible or not in groups.showAvatar
messageAlignmentMessageListAlignmentAlignment of the message listalignment

Removed Properties

disableReactionsbooleanDisable reactions
disableMentionsbooleanDisable mentions
readIconstringIcon for read messages
deliveredIconstringIcon for delivered messages
sentIconstringIcon for sent messages
waitIconstringIcon for waiting messages
errorIconstringIcon for error messages
loadingIconURLstringURL for the loading icon
emptyStateTextstringText to display when the message list is empty
errorStateTextstringText to display when there is an error
timestampAlignmentTimestampAlignmentAlignment of the timestamp
showAvatarbooleanShow avatar in the message list
avatarStyleAvatarStyleStyles to apply to the avatar component
dateSeparatorStyleDateStyleStyles to apply to the date separator
messageListStyleMessageListStyleStyles to apply to the message list
messageInformationConfigurationMessageInformationConfigurationConfiguration for message information
reactionsConfigurationReactionsConfigurationConfiguration for reactions
emojiKeyboardStyleEmojiKeyboardStyleStyles to apply to the emoji keyboard
threadIndicatorIconstringIcon for the thread indicator
backdropStyleBackdropStyleStyles to apply to the backdrop
thresholdValuenumberThreshold value for triggering events
newMessageIndicatorTextstringCustom text for the new message indicator

Message Composer

New Properties

hideImageAttachmentOptionbooleanDefines whether photo can be shared or not.
hideVideoAttachmentOptionbooleanDefines whether video file can be shared or not.
hideAudioAttachmentOptionbooleanDefines whether audio file can be shared or not.
hideFileAttachmentOptionbooleanDefines whether file can be shared or not.
hidePollsOptionbooleanDefines whether polls can be shared or not.
hideCollaborativeDocumentOptionbooleanDefines whether Collaborative Document can be shared or not.
hideCollaborativeWhiteboardOptionbooleanDefines whether Collaborative Whiteboard can be shared or not.
hideAttachmentButtonbooleanHides the attachment button.
hideEmojiKeyboardButtonbooleanHides the emoji keyboard button.
hideStickersButtonbooleanHides the stickers button.
hideSendButtonbooleanHides the send button.
enterKeyBehaviorENUM: sendMessage, newLine, noneDecides behavior of Enter in composer (send, new line, or none).

Renamed Properties

NameTypeDescriptionOld Name
initialComposerTextstringText to fill the message input with (used only when this component mounts).text
hideVoiceRecordingButtonbooleanHides the voice recording button.hideVoiceRecording

Removed Properties

hideLayoutModebooleanHide layout button
hideLiveReactionbooleanHide live reaction button
disableSoundForMessagesbooleanDisable sound for outgoing messages
LiveReactionIconURLstringImage URL for the live reaction button
customSoundForMessagestringCustom audio sound for outgoing messages
placeHolderTextstringText shown in the message input when it is empty
mentionsWarningTextstringWarning text to display when mentions are disabled
voiceRecordingStartIconURLstringIcon for voice recording start
voiceRecordingCloseIconURLstringIcon for voice recording close
voiceRecordingStopIconURLstringIcon for voice recording stop
voiceRecordingSubmitIconURLstringIcon for voice recording submit
InfoSimpleIconstringIcon for simple information
attachmentIconURLstringImage URL for the default secondary button (if secondaryButtonView is not provided)
emojiIconURLstringImage URL for the emoji button
AIIconURLstringImage URL for the AI button
sendButtonIconURLstringImage URL for the send button (if sendButtonView is not provided)
auxiliaryButtonAlignmentAuxiliaryButtonAlignmentAlignment of the auxiliary button
mentionsWarningStyleReact.CSSPropertiesStyles to apply to mentions warning text
messageComposerStyleMessageComposerStyleStyles to apply to this component
actionSheetStyleActionSheetStyleStyles to apply to action sheet component
mediaRecorderStyleMediaRecorderStyleStyles to apply voice recording view
AIOptionsStyleAIOptionsStyleStyles to apply to AI action sheet component
secondaryButtonViewJSX.ElementCustom secondary button view

Call Logs

New Properties

onCallButtonClicked(call: any) => voidFunction to call when the call icon is clicked.
leadingView(call: any) => JSX.ElementCustom leading view to be rendered for each call log in the fetched list.
titleView(call: any) => JSX.ElementCustom title view to be rendered for each call log in the fetched list.

Renamed Properties

NameTypeDescriptionOld Name
itemView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom list item view to be rendered for each call log in the fetched list.listItemView
trailingView(conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.ElementCustom trailing view to be rendered for each call log in the fetched list.tailView

Removed Properties

titlestringTitle of the component
emptyStateTextstringText to display in the default empty view
errorStateTextstringText to display in the default error view
loadingIconURLstringURL for the loading icon
incomingAudioCallIconUrlstringURL for the incoming audio call icon
incomingVideoCallIconUrlstringURL for the incoming video call icon
outgoingAudioCallIconUrlstringURL for the outgoing audio call icon
outgoingVideoCallIconUrlstringURL for the outgoing video call icon
missedAudioCallIconUrlstringURL for the missed audio call icon
missedVideoCallIconUrlstringURL for the missed video call icon
infoIconUrlstringURL for the info icon
hideSeparatorbooleanHide the separator between call log items
onInfoClick(call: any) => voidFunction to call when the info icon is clicked
titleAlignmentTitleAlignmentAlignment of the title text
dateSeparatorPatternDatePatternsPattern for formatting date separators
callLogsStyleCallLogsStyleStyles to apply to the call logs component
avatarStyleAvatarStyleStyles to apply to the avatars in call logs
listItemStyleListItemStyleStyles to apply to each call log item
onInfoClick(call: any) => voidFunction to call when the info icon is clicked (duplicate)

Call Buttons

New Properties

hideVideoCallButtonbooleanThis prop defines whether a user can initiate a video call or not.
hideVoiceCallButtonbooleanThis prop defines whether a user can initiate a voice call or not.
callSettingsBuilder(isAudioOnlyCall: boolean, user?: CometChat.User, group?: CometChat.Group) => typeof CometChatUIKitCalls.CallSettingsBuilderFunction to build call settings based on call type and participants.
outgoingCallConfigurationOutgoingCallConfigurationConfiguration for outgoing calls.

Renamed Properties


Removed Properties

voiceCallIconURLstringImage URL for the voice call icon
voiceCallIconTextstringText to display for the voice call icon
voiceCallIconHoverTextstringHover text to display for the voice call icon
videoCallIconURLstringImage URL for the video call icon
videoCallIconTextstringText to display for the video call icon
videoCallIconHoverTextstringHover text to display for the video call icon
callButtonsStyleCallButtonsStyleCustom styles to apply to the call buttons component
onVoiceCallClick() => voidFunction to call when the voice call button is clicked
onVideoCallClick() => voidFunction to call when the video call button is clicked

Incoming Call

New Properties

callSettingsBuilder(call: CometChat.Call) => typeof CometChatUIKitCalls.CallSettingsBuilderFunction to build custom call settings based on the incoming call
itemView(call: CometChat.Call) => JSX.ElementCustom list item view
leadingView(call: CometChat.Call) => JSX.ElementCustom leading view
titleView(call: CometChat.Call) => JSX.ElementCustom title view
trailingView(call: CometChat.Call) => JSX.ElementCustom tail view

Renamed Properties


Removed Properties

acceptButtonTextstringText to display on the accept button
declineButtonTextstringText to display on the decline button
listItemStyleListItemStyleStyles to apply to the list item
avatarStyleAvatarStyleStyles to apply to the avatar
incomingCallStyleIncomingCallStyleStyles to apply to the incoming call component

Outgoing Call

New Properties

titleViewJSX.ElementCustom view for title.
subtitleViewJSX.ElementCustom view for subtitle.
avatarViewJSX.ElementCustom view for avatar.
cancelButtonViewJSX.ElementCustom view for cancel button.

Renamed Properties

NameTypeDescriptionOld Name
onCallCanceled() => voidFunction which is triggered when the cancel button is clicked.onClose

Removed Properties

avatarStyleAvatarStyleStyles to apply to the avatar
outgoingCallStyleOutgoingCallStyleStyles to apply to the outgoing call component
declineButtonTextstringText to display on the decline button
declineButtonIconURLstringURL for the icon to display on the decline button
customViewanyCustom view for the outgoing call component