Property Changes
New Properties
Name | Type | Description |
hideGroupType | boolean | Hides the group type icon which is visible on the group icon. |
headerView | JSX.Element | Custom header view which will replace the title as well. |
leadingView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom leading view to be rendered for each conversation in the fetched list. |
titleView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom title view to be rendered for each conversation in the fetched list. |
trailingView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom trailing view to be rendered for each conversation in the fetched list. |
Renamed Properties
Name | Type | Description | Old Name |
hideReceipts | boolean | Hides the receipt status in the last message. | hideReceipt |
hideUserStatus | boolean | Hides the status indicator of user which is visible on user avatar. | disableUsersPresence |
itemView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom list item view to be rendered for each conversation in the list. | listItemView |
Removed Properties
Name | Type | Description |
title | string | Title of the component |
confirmDialogTitle | string | Title of the confirm dialog |
confirmDialogMessage | string | Message of the confirm dialog |
cancelButtonText | string | Text for the cancel button |
confirmButtonText | string | Text for the confirm button |
disableTyping | boolean | Disable typing indicator display |
disableMentions | boolean | Disable mentions |
disableUsersPresence | boolean | Hide user presence |
hideSeparator | boolean | Hide the separator at the bottom of the default list item view |
emptyStateText | string | Text to display in the default empty view |
errorStateText | string | Text to display in the default error view |
conversationsStyle | ConversationsStyle | Styles to apply to this component |
deleteConversationDialogStyle | ConfirmDialogStyle | Styles to apply to the delete conversation dialog component |
avatarStyle | AvatarStyle | Styles to apply to the avatar component of the default list item view |
statusIndicatorStyle | CSSProperties | Styles to apply to the status indicator component of the default list item view |
listItemStyle | ListItemStyle | Styles to apply to the default list item view |
badgeStyle | BadgeStyle | Styles to apply to the badge component |
receiptStyle | ReceiptStyle | Styles to apply to the receipt component |
dateStyle | DateStyle | Styles to apply to the date component |
backdropStyle | BaseStyle | Styles to apply to the backdrop component |
titleAlignment | TitleAlignment | Alignment of the title text |
protectedGroupIcon | string | Image URL for the status indicator icon in the default list item view of a conversation related to a password-protected group |
passwordGroupIcon | string | Image URL for the status indicator icon in the default list item view of a conversation related to a password-protected group |
privateGroupIcon | string | Image URL for the status indicator icon in the default list item view of a conversation related to a private group |
readIcon | string | Image URL for the read status of the sent message |
deliveredIcon | string | Image URL for the delivered status of the sent message |
waitIcon | string | Image URL for the wait status of the sent message |
errorIcon | string | Image URL for the error status of the sent message |
sentIcon | string | Image URL for the sent status of the sent message |
loadingIconURL | string | Image URL for the default loading view |
menus | JSX.Element | Custom view to render on the top-right of the component |
New Properties
Name | Type | Description |
headerView | JSX.Element | Custom header view which will replace the title as well. |
leadingView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom leading view to be rendered for each user in the fetched list. |
titleView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom title view to be rendered for each user in the fetched list. |
trailingView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom trailing view to be rendered for each user in the fetched list. |
Renamed Properties
Name | Type | Description | Old Name |
disableUsersPresence | boolean | Hides the status indicator of user which is visible on user avatar. | hideUserStatus |
itemView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom list item view to be rendered for each user in the list. | listItemView |
Removed Properties
Name | Type | Description |
title | string | Title of the component |
searchPlaceholderText | string | Text to be displayed when the search input has no value |
disableUsersPresence | boolean | Hide user presence |
searchIconURL | string | Image URL for the search icon to use in the search bar |
emptyStateText | string | Text to display in the default empty view |
errorStateText | string | Text to display in the default error view |
loadingIconURL | string | Image URL for the default loading view |
hideSeparator | boolean | Hide the separator at the bottom of the default list item view |
statusIndicatorStyle | CSSProperties | Styles to apply to the status indicator component of the default list item view |
avatarStyle | AvatarStyle | Styles to apply to the avatar component of the default list item view |
usersStyle | UsersStyle | Styles to apply to this component |
listItemStyle | ListItemStyle | Styles to apply to the default list item view |
fetchTimeOut | any | Timeout reference for fetching users |
userPresencePlacement | UserPresencePlacement | Placement of user presence information within the user interface |
tileAlignment | TitleAlignment | Alignment of the title text |
closeButtonIconURL | string | URL of the icon to be used for the close button |
fetchingUsers | boolean | Flag to indicate whether users are currently being fetched |
menus | JSX.Element | Custom view to render on the top-right of the component |
New Properties
Name | Type | Description |
hideGroupType | boolean | Hides the group type icon which is visible on the group icon. |
headerView | JSX.Element | Custom header view which will replace the title as well. |
leadingView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom leading view to be rendered for each group in the fetched list. |
titleView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom title view to be rendered for each group in the fetched list. |
trailingView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom trailing view to be rendered for each group in the fetched list. |
Renamed Properties
Name | Type | Description | Old Name |
listItemView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom list item view to be rendered for each group in the list. | itemView |
Removed Properties
Name | Type | Description |
title | string | Title of the component |
searchPlaceholderText | string | Text to be displayed when the search input has no value |
searchIconURL | string | Image URL for the search icon to use in the search bar |
hideSeparator | boolean | Hide the separator at the bottom of the default list item view |
loadingIconURL | string | Image URL for the default loading view |
emptyStateText | string | Text to display in the default empty view |
errorStateText | string | Text to display in the default error view |
titleAlignment | TitleAlignment | Alignment of the title text |
passwordGroupIcon | string | Image URL for the status indicator icon in the default list item view of a password-protected group |
privateGroupIcon | string | Image URL for the status indicator icon in the default list item view of a private group |
statusIndicatorStyle | CSSProperties | Styles to apply to the status indicator component of the default list item view |
avatarStyle | AvatarStyle | Styles to apply to the avatar component of the default list item view |
listItemStyle | ListItemStyle | Styles to apply to the default list item view |
groupsStyle | GroupsStyle | Styles to apply to this component |
Group Members
New Properties
Name | Type | Description |
hideKickMemberOption | boolean | Hides the kick member option. |
hideBanMemberOption | boolean | Hides the ban member option. |
hideScopeChangeOption | boolean | Hides the scope change option. |
hideUserStatus | boolean | Hides the status indicator of user which is visible on user avatar. |
headerView | JSX.Element | Custom header view which will replace the title as well. |
leadingView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom leading view to be rendered for each group member in the fetched list. |
titleView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom title view to be rendered for each group member in the fetched list. |
Renamed Properties
Name | Type | Description | Old Name |
itemView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom list item view to be rendered for each group member in the list. | listItemView |
trailingView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom trailing view to be rendered for each group member in the list. | tailView |
Removed Properties
Name | Type | Description |
title | string | Title of the component |
searchPlaceholder | string | Text to be displayed when the search input has no value |
disableUsersPresence | boolean | Hide user presence. If set to true, the status indicator of the default list item view is not displayed |
fetchTimeOut | any | Timeout reference for fetching users. |
userPresencePlacement | UserPresencePlacement | Placement of user presence information within the user interface |
backButtonIconURL | string | Image URL for the back button |
showBackButton | boolean | Show back button |
onBack | () => void | Function to call when the default back button is clicked |
closeButtonIconURL | string | Image URL for the close button |
onClose | () => void | Function to call when the close button is clicked |
avatarStyle | AvatarStyle | Styles to apply to the avatar component of the default list item view |
statusIndicatorStyle | CSSProperties | Styles to apply to the status indicator component of the default list item view |
listItemStyle | ListItemStyle | Styles to apply to the default list item view |
groupScopeStyle | ChangeScopeStyle | Styles to apply to the change scope component |
groupMembersStyle | GroupMembersStyle | Styles to apply to this component |
dropDownIconURL | string | Image URL for the change scope component's arrowIconURL prop |
emptyStateText | string | Text to display in the default empty view |
errorStateText | string | Text to display in the default error view |
loadingIconURL | string | Image URL for the default loading view |
hideSeparator | boolean | Hide the separator at the bottom of the default list item view |
titleAlignment | TitleAlignment | Alignment of the title text |
searchIconURL | string | Image URL for the search icon to use in the search bar |
fetchingUsers | boolean | Flag to indicate whether users are currently being fetched |
menus | JSX.Element | Custom view to render on the top-right of the component |
Message Header
New Properties
Name | Type | Description |
hideUserStatus | boolean | Hides the status indicator of user which is visible on user avatar. |
hideVideoCallButton | boolean | This prop defines whether a user can initiate a video call or not. |
hideVoiceCallButton | boolean | This prop defines whether a user can initiate a voice call or not. |
showConversationSummaryButton | boolean | This prop will show the conversation summary button. |
summaryGenerationMessageCount | number | Number of messages for which the summary should be shown. |
enableAutoSummaryGeneration | boolean | Enables the auto generation of conversation summary. |
leadingView | JSX.Element | Custom leading view. |
titleView | JSX.Element | Custom title view. |
Renamed Properties
Name | Type | Description | Old Name |
itemView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom list item view. | listItemView |
trailingView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom trailing view. | tailView |
Removed Properties
Name | Type | Description |
avatarStyle | AvatarStyle | Styles to apply to the avatar component |
statusIndicatorStyle | BaseStyle | Styles to apply to the status indicator component |
messageHeaderStyle | MessageHeaderStyle | Styles to apply to the message header component |
listItemStyle | ListItemStyle | Styles to apply to the list item component |
backButtonIconURL | string | URL for the back button icon |
passwordGroupIcon | string | undefined | Icon for password-protected groups |
privateGroupIcon | string | Icon for private groups |
disableUsersPresence | boolean | Disable user presence indicator |
disableTyping | boolean | Disable typing indicator |
Message List
New Properties
Name | Type | Description |
hideStickyDate | boolean | Hide the sticky date separator |
hideReplyInThreadOption | boolean | This prop defines whether Reply In Thread option should be visible or not. |
hideTranslateMessageOption | boolean | This prop defines whether Translate Message option should be visible or not. |
hideEditMessageOption | boolean | This prop defines whether Edit Message option should be visible or not. |
hideDeleteMessageOption | boolean | This prop defines whether Delete Message option should be visible or not. |
hideReactionOption | boolean | This prop defines whether React option should be visible or not. |
hideMessagePrivatelyOption | boolean | This prop defines whether a user can privately message another member of the group or not. |
hideCopyMessageOption | boolean | This prop defines whether a user can copy a message or not. |
hideMessageInfoOption | boolean | This prop defines whether a user can fetch information about the message (e.g., whether it's received) or not. |
hideGroupActionMessages | boolean | This prop defines whether action messages in group chats are visible or not. |
hideConversationStarters | boolean | This will not generate conversation starter in new conversations. |
hideSmartReplies | boolean | This prop defines whether Smart Replies should be hidden or not. |
reactionsRequestBuilder | CometChat.ReactionsRequestBuilder | This is passed to CometChatReactions component. |
timePattern | DatePatterns | Pattern for displaying dates |
quickOptionsCount | number | This will show the number of options as quick options on the message bubble. |
disableSoundForMessages | boolean | Disable sound for incoming messages |
customSoundForMessages | string | Custom sound for incoming messages |
smartRepliesKeywords | [string] | Keywords in the incoming message that will trigger Smart Replies. If set to [] , Smart Replies will be fetched for all messages. |
smartRepliesDelayDuration | number | Number of milliseconds after which Smart Replies will be triggered. If set to 0 , Smart Replies will be fetched instantly. |
onReactionClick | (reaction: CometChat.ReactionCount, message: CometChat.BaseMessage) => void | Override the click of a reaction pill. |
onReactionListItemClick | (reaction: CometChat.Reaction, message: CometChat.BaseMessage) => void | Override the click of a list item in CometChatReactionsList . |
Renamed Properties
Name | Type | Description | Old Name |
hideReceipts | boolean | Disable message receipt indicators | hideReceipt |
hideAvatar | boolean | This prop defines whether an avatar in the message for incoming messages is visible or not in groups. | showAvatar |
messageAlignment | MessageListAlignment | Alignment of the message list | alignment |
Removed Properties
Name | Type | Description |
disableReactions | boolean | Disable reactions |
disableMentions | boolean | Disable mentions |
readIcon | string | Icon for read messages |
deliveredIcon | string | Icon for delivered messages |
sentIcon | string | Icon for sent messages |
waitIcon | string | Icon for waiting messages |
errorIcon | string | Icon for error messages |
loadingIconURL | string | URL for the loading icon |
emptyStateText | string | Text to display when the message list is empty |
errorStateText | string | Text to display when there is an error |
timestampAlignment | TimestampAlignment | Alignment of the timestamp |
showAvatar | boolean | Show avatar in the message list |
avatarStyle | AvatarStyle | Styles to apply to the avatar component |
dateSeparatorStyle | DateStyle | Styles to apply to the date separator |
messageListStyle | MessageListStyle | Styles to apply to the message list |
messageInformationConfiguration | MessageInformationConfiguration | Configuration for message information |
reactionsConfiguration | ReactionsConfiguration | Configuration for reactions |
emojiKeyboardStyle | EmojiKeyboardStyle | Styles to apply to the emoji keyboard |
threadIndicatorIcon | string | Icon for the thread indicator |
backdropStyle | BackdropStyle | Styles to apply to the backdrop |
thresholdValue | number | Threshold value for triggering events |
newMessageIndicatorText | string | Custom text for the new message indicator |
Message Composer
New Properties
Name | Type | Description |
hideImageAttachmentOption | boolean | Defines whether photo can be shared or not. |
hideVideoAttachmentOption | boolean | Defines whether video file can be shared or not. |
hideAudioAttachmentOption | boolean | Defines whether audio file can be shared or not. |
hideFileAttachmentOption | boolean | Defines whether file can be shared or not. |
hidePollsOption | boolean | Defines whether polls can be shared or not. |
hideCollaborativeDocumentOption | boolean | Defines whether Collaborative Document can be shared or not. |
hideCollaborativeWhiteboardOption | boolean | Defines whether Collaborative Whiteboard can be shared or not. |
hideAttachmentButton | boolean | Hides the attachment button. |
hideEmojiKeyboardButton | boolean | Hides the emoji keyboard button. |
hideStickersButton | boolean | Hides the stickers button. |
hideSendButton | boolean | Hides the send button. |
enterKeyBehavior | ENUM: sendMessage, newLine, none | Decides behavior of Enter in composer (send, new line, or none). |
Renamed Properties
Name | Type | Description | Old Name |
initialComposerText | string | Text to fill the message input with (used only when this component mounts). | text |
hideVoiceRecordingButton | boolean | Hides the voice recording button. | hideVoiceRecording |
Removed Properties
Name | Type | Description |
hideLayoutMode | boolean | Hide layout button |
hideLiveReaction | boolean | Hide live reaction button |
disableSoundForMessages | boolean | Disable sound for outgoing messages |
LiveReactionIconURL | string | Image URL for the live reaction button |
customSoundForMessage | string | Custom audio sound for outgoing messages |
placeHolderText | string | Text shown in the message input when it is empty |
mentionsWarningText | string | Warning text to display when mentions are disabled |
voiceRecordingStartIconURL | string | Icon for voice recording start |
voiceRecordingCloseIconURL | string | Icon for voice recording close |
voiceRecordingStopIconURL | string | Icon for voice recording stop |
voiceRecordingSubmitIconURL | string | Icon for voice recording submit |
InfoSimpleIcon | string | Icon for simple information |
attachmentIconURL | string | Image URL for the default secondary button (if secondaryButtonView is not provided) |
emojiIconURL | string | Image URL for the emoji button |
AIIconURL | string | Image URL for the AI button |
sendButtonIconURL | string | Image URL for the send button (if sendButtonView is not provided) |
auxiliaryButtonAlignment | AuxiliaryButtonAlignment | Alignment of the auxiliary button |
mentionsWarningStyle | React.CSSProperties | Styles to apply to mentions warning text |
messageComposerStyle | MessageComposerStyle | Styles to apply to this component |
actionSheetStyle | ActionSheetStyle | Styles to apply to action sheet component |
mediaRecorderStyle | MediaRecorderStyle | Styles to apply voice recording view |
AIOptionsStyle | AIOptionsStyle | Styles to apply to AI action sheet component |
secondaryButtonView | JSX.Element | Custom secondary button view |
Call Logs
New Properties
Name | Type | Description |
onCallButtonClicked | (call: any) => void | Function to call when the call icon is clicked. |
leadingView | (call: any) => JSX.Element | Custom leading view to be rendered for each call log in the fetched list. |
titleView | (call: any) => JSX.Element | Custom title view to be rendered for each call log in the fetched list. |
Renamed Properties
Name | Type | Description | Old Name |
itemView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom list item view to be rendered for each call log in the fetched list. | listItemView |
trailingView | (conversation: CometChat.Conversation) => JSX.Element | Custom trailing view to be rendered for each call log in the fetched list. | tailView |
Removed Properties
Name | Type | Description |
title | string | Title of the component |
emptyStateText | string | Text to display in the default empty view |
errorStateText | string | Text to display in the default error view |
loadingIconURL | string | URL for the loading icon |
incomingAudioCallIconUrl | string | URL for the incoming audio call icon |
incomingVideoCallIconUrl | string | URL for the incoming video call icon |
outgoingAudioCallIconUrl | string | URL for the outgoing audio call icon |
outgoingVideoCallIconUrl | string | URL for the outgoing video call icon |
missedAudioCallIconUrl | string | URL for the missed audio call icon |
missedVideoCallIconUrl | string | URL for the missed video call icon |
infoIconUrl | string | URL for the info icon |
hideSeparator | boolean | Hide the separator between call log items |
onInfoClick | (call: any) => void | Function to call when the info icon is clicked |
titleAlignment | TitleAlignment | Alignment of the title text |
dateSeparatorPattern | DatePatterns | Pattern for formatting date separators |
callLogsStyle | CallLogsStyle | Styles to apply to the call logs component |
avatarStyle | AvatarStyle | Styles to apply to the avatars in call logs |
listItemStyle | ListItemStyle | Styles to apply to each call log item |
onInfoClick | (call: any) => void | Function to call when the info icon is clicked (duplicate) |
Call Buttons
New Properties
Name | Type | Description |
hideVideoCallButton | boolean | This prop defines whether a user can initiate a video call or not. |
hideVoiceCallButton | boolean | This prop defines whether a user can initiate a voice call or not. |
callSettingsBuilder | (isAudioOnlyCall: boolean, user?: CometChat.User, group?: CometChat.Group) => typeof CometChatUIKitCalls.CallSettingsBuilder | Function to build call settings based on call type and participants. |
outgoingCallConfiguration | OutgoingCallConfiguration | Configuration for outgoing calls. |
Renamed Properties
Removed Properties
Name | Type | Description |
voiceCallIconURL | string | Image URL for the voice call icon |
voiceCallIconText | string | Text to display for the voice call icon |
voiceCallIconHoverText | string | Hover text to display for the voice call icon |
videoCallIconURL | string | Image URL for the video call icon |
videoCallIconText | string | Text to display for the video call icon |
videoCallIconHoverText | string | Hover text to display for the video call icon |
callButtonsStyle | CallButtonsStyle | Custom styles to apply to the call buttons component |
onVoiceCallClick | () => void | Function to call when the voice call button is clicked |
onVideoCallClick | () => void | Function to call when the video call button is clicked |
Incoming Call
New Properties
Name | Type | Description |
callSettingsBuilder | (call: CometChat.Call) => typeof CometChatUIKitCalls.CallSettingsBuilder | Function to build custom call settings based on the incoming call |
itemView | (call: CometChat.Call) => JSX.Element | Custom list item view |
leadingView | (call: CometChat.Call) => JSX.Element | Custom leading view |
titleView | (call: CometChat.Call) => JSX.Element | Custom title view |
trailingView | (call: CometChat.Call) => JSX.Element | Custom tail view |
Renamed Properties
Removed Properties
Name | Type | Description |
acceptButtonText | string | Text to display on the accept button |
declineButtonText | string | Text to display on the decline button |
listItemStyle | ListItemStyle | Styles to apply to the list item |
avatarStyle | AvatarStyle | Styles to apply to the avatar |
incomingCallStyle | IncomingCallStyle | Styles to apply to the incoming call component |
Outgoing Call
New Properties
Name | Type | Description |
titleView | JSX.Element | Custom view for title. |
subtitleView | JSX.Element | Custom view for subtitle. |
avatarView | JSX.Element | Custom view for avatar. |
cancelButtonView | JSX.Element | Custom view for cancel button. |
Renamed Properties
Name | Type | Description | Old Name |
onCallCanceled | () => void | Function which is triggered when the cancel button is clicked. | onClose |
Removed Properties
Name | Type | Description |
avatarStyle | AvatarStyle | Styles to apply to the avatar |
outgoingCallStyle | OutgoingCallStyle | Styles to apply to the outgoing call component |
declineButtonText | string | Text to display on the decline button |
declineButtonIconURL | string | URL for the icon to display on the decline button |
customView | any | Custom view for the outgoing call component |