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Version: v5

React Integration

Start your first conversation

The CometChat UI Kit for React simplifies the process of integrating in-app chat functionality with essential messaging features. With a collection of prebuilt UI components, it offers seamless theming options, including light and dark themes, various fonts, colors, and extensive customization possibilities.

Supporting both one-to-one and group conversations, the CometChat UI Kit for React empowers developers to initiate chat functionalities effortlessly. Follow the guide below to begin implementing chat features into your React applications using CometChat React UI Kit.



Before installing UI Kit for React, you need to create a CometChat application on the CometChat Dashboard, which comprises everything required in a chat service including users, groups, calls & messages. You will require the App ID, AuthKey, and Region of your CometChat application when initializing the UI Kit.

i. Register on CometChat

ii. Get Your Application Keys

  • Create a new app
  • Head over to the QuickStart or API & Auth Keys section and note the App ID, Auth Key, and Region.

Each CometChat application can be integrated with a single client app. Within the same application, users can communicate with each other across all platforms, whether they are on mobile devices or on the web.

iii. IDE Setup

  • You have Node.js installed on your machine.
  • You have a code editor like Visual Studio Code or Atom installed.
  • You have npm or Yarn installed.

Built With

Getting Started

Step 1

Create a project

To get started with React, follow these steps:

  1. Open your code editor.
  2. Create a new project by initializing a new React application using Create React App or any other boilerplate.
  3. Navigate to your project directory and open the project in your code editor.
  4. Begin developing your React application in the "src" directory.
  5. Install additional dependencies as required.

Step 2

Add Dependency

This developer kit is an add-on feature to CometChat Javascript SDK, so installing it will also install the core Chat SDK.

npm install @cometchat/chat-uikit-react@5.x

Step 3

Initialize CometChat UI Kit

The Init method initialises the settings required for CometChat. Please ensure to call this method before invoking any other methods from CometChat UI Kit or CometChat SDK.


The Auth Key is an optional property of the UIKitSettings Class. It is intended for use primarily during proof-of-concept (POC) development or in the early stages of application development. You can use the Auth Token method to log in securely.

import { CometChatUIKit, UIKitSettingsBuilder } from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react";

APP_ID: "APP_ID", //Replace with your App ID
REGION: "REGION", //Replace with your App Region
AUTH_KEY: "AUTH_KEY", //Replace with your Auth Key or leave blank if you are authenticating using Auth Token

//create the builder
const UIKitSettings = new UIKitSettingsBuilder()

//Initialize CometChat UI Kit
.then(() => {
console.log("Initialization completed successfully");
// You can now call login function.

Make sure to replace the APP_ID with your CometChat appId, AUTH_KEY with your CometChat app auth key and REGION with your app region in the above code.

Step 4

Login User

For login, you require a UID. You can create your own users on the CometChat Dashboard or via API. We have pre-generated test users: cometchat-uid-1, cometchat-uid-2, cometchat-uid-3, cometchat-uid-4, cometchat-uid-5.

The Login method returns the User object containing all the information of the logged-in user.


This straightforward authentication method is ideal for proof-of-concept (POC) development or during the early stages of application development. For production environments, however, we strongly recommend using an Auth Token instead of an Auth Key to ensure enhanced security.

import { CometChatUIKit } from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react";

const UID = "UID"; //Replace with your UID

CometChatUIKit.getLoggedinUser().then((user: CometChat.User | null) => {
if (!user) {
//Login user
.then((user: CometChat.User) => {
console.log("Login Successful:", { user });
//mount your app
} else {
//mount your app

Step 5

Render Conversations

  1. Conversations can be rendered by adding the following code snippet to the App.js file:
import { CometChatConversations } from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react"; //import the component in your App.js file

export const App = () => {
return <CometChatConversations />;
  1. Update your App.scss file located in the /src folder to import CometChat UI Kit's CSS file.
@import url('../node_modules/@cometchat/chat-uikit-react/dist/styles/css-variables.css');

Step 6

Run the project

npm start

🎉 You can now see conversations component like below,


Building a Messaging UI with Conversations


Step 1: Let's create a Tabs component which will render the different tabs and on change we can render different components. Create a folder CometChatTabs in src folder. And add the below code,

import { React, useState } from "react";
import { localize } from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react";
import "./CometChatTabs.css";

export const CometChatTabs = (props: {
onTabClicked?: (tabItem: { name: string; icon?: string; }) => void;
activeTab?: string;
}) => {

const {
onTabClicked = () => { },
} = props;

const [hoverTab, setHoverTab] = useState("");

const tabItems = [
"name": localize("CHATS"),
"icon": "ICON_URL" //Icon URL here
"name": localize("CALLS"),
"icon": "ICON_URL" //Icon URL here
"name": localize("USERS"),
"icon": "ICON_URL" //Icon URL here
"name": localize("GROUPS"),
"icon": "ICON_URL" //Icon URL here

return (
<div className="cometchat-tab-component">
{ => (
onClick={() => onTabClicked(tabItem)}
className={(activeTab === || hoverTab === ? "cometchat-tab-component__tab-text cometchat-tab-component__tab-text-active" : "cometchat-tab-component__tab-text"}
onMouseEnter={() => setHoverTab(}
onMouseLeave={() => setHoverTab("")}


Step 2: Let's create the Sidebar component which will render the different components(Conversations, Users, Groups, Calls). Create a folder CometChatSelector in the src folder. And add the below code,

import { React, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { Call, Conversation, Group, User, CometChat } from "@cometchat/chat-sdk-javascript";
import { CometChatCallLogs, CometChatConversations, CometChatGroups, CometChatUIKit, CometChatUIKitLoginListener, CometChatUsers } from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react";
import { CometChatTabs } from "../CometChatTabs/CometChatTabs.tsx";
import "./CometChatSelector.css";

interface SelectorProps {
onSelectorItemClicked?: (input: User | Group | Conversation | Call, type: string) => void;
onHide?: () => void;
onNewChatClicked?: () => void;

export const CometChatSelector = (props: SelectorProps) => {
const {
onSelectorItemClicked = () => { },
} = props;

const [loggedInUser, setLoggedInUser] = useState<CometChat.User | null>();
const [activeItem, setActiveItem] = useState<CometChat.Conversation | CometChat.User | CometChat.Group | CometChat.Call | undefined>();
const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = useState<string>("chats");

useEffect(() => {
let loggedInUsers = CometChatUIKitLoginListener.getLoggedInUser();
}, [CometChatUIKitLoginListener?.getLoggedInUser()])

const logOut = () => {
CometChatUIKit.logout().then(() => {
}).catch((error) => {
console.log("error", error)

return (
{loggedInUser && <>
{activeTab == "chats" ? (
activeConversation={activeItem instanceof CometChat.Conversation ? activeItem : undefined}
onItemClick={(e) => {
onSelectorItemClicked(e, "updateSelectedItem");
) : activeTab == "calls" ? (
activeCall={activeItem instanceof CometChat.Call ? activeItem : undefined}
onItemClick={(e: Call) => {
onSelectorItemClicked(e, "updateSelectedItemCall");
) : activeTab == "users" ? (
activeUser={activeItem instanceof CometChat.User ? activeItem : undefined}
onItemClick={(e) => {
onSelectorItemClicked(e, "updateSelectedItemUser");
) : activeTab == "groups" ? (
activeGroup={activeItem instanceof CometChat.Group ? activeItem : undefined}
onItemClick={(e) => {
onSelectorItemClicked(e, "updateSelectedItemGroup");
) : null}
<CometChatTabs activeTab={activeTab} onTabClicked={(item) => {
}} />

Step 3: Now we will update the App.tsx & App.css files to import these new components as below,

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { CometChatMessageComposer, CometChatMessageHeader, CometChatMessageList, CometChatUIKit, UIKitSettingsBuilder } from "@cometchat/chat-uikit-react";
import { CometChat } from "@cometchat/chat-sdk-javascript";
import { CometChatSelector } from "./CometChatSelector/CometChatSelector.tsx";
import "./App.css";

export const App = () => {
const [selectedUser, setSelectedUser] = useState<CometChat.User | undefined>(undefined);
const [selectedGroup, setSelectedGroup] = useState<CometChat.Group | undefined>(undefined);
const [selectedCall, setSelectedCall] = useState<CometChat.Call | undefined>(undefined);

return (
<div className="conversations-with-messages">
<div className="conversations-wrapper">
<CometChatSelector onSelectorItemClicked={(activeItem) => {
let item = activeItem;
if (activeItem instanceof CometChat.Conversation) {
item = activeItem.getConversationWith();
if (item instanceof CometChat.User) {
setSelectedUser(item as CometChat.User);
} else if (item instanceof CometChat.Group) {
setSelectedGroup(item as CometChat.Group);
else if (item instanceof CometChat.Call) {
//custom logic to open call details
setSelectedCall(item as CometChat.Call);
}} />
{selectedUser || selectedGroup || selectedCall ? (
<div className="messages-wrapper">
<CometChatMessageHeader user={selectedUser} group={selectedGroup} />
<CometChatMessageList user={selectedUser} group={selectedGroup} />
<CometChatMessageComposer user={selectedUser} group={selectedGroup} />
) : (
<div className="empty-conversation">Select Conversation to start</div>