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Version: v4



Events allow for a decoupled, flexible architecture where different parts of the application can interact without having to directly reference each other. This makes it easier to create complex, interactive experiences, as well as to extend and customize the functionality provided by the CometChat UI Kit.

Both Components and Composite Components have the ability to emit events. These events are dispatched in response to certain changes or user interactions within the component. By emitting events, these components allow other parts of the application to react to changes or interactions, thus enabling dynamic and interactive behavior within the application.

User Events

CometChatUserEvents emits events when the logged-in user executes some action on another user

It contains the following properties and methods


This is a List of Dictionary that contains components listening to user events in key value pairs


[String: CometChatUserEventListener]()


this method stores the passed listenerClass against the passed id in the usersListener.



addListener(_ id: String,_ observer: CometChatUserEventListener)


idStringthe key to store the component against
observerCometChatUserEventListenerthe component listening to user events


this method removes the entry with the passed id from the usersListener.


removeListener(_ id: String)


idStringthe key of the entry to remove


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has blocked a user


onUserBlock(user: User)


userUserthe user that has been blocked


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has unblocked a blocked user.


onUserUnblock(user: User)


userUserthe user that has been unblocked

Return Type


Emitting User Events

There are two types of user event listeners, one is for the SDK, which listens for events emitted from the backend for actions taken by users other than the logged in user and second, the events specific to the UI Kit which listens for events emitted from the client side for actions made by the logged-in user. The code snippets shared below contains how to emit such client-side user events to inform other UI components in your project that a user has been blocked or unblocked, the methods being used are static and hence they can be called without having to create an instance of CometChatUserEvents class.

//pass the [User] object of the user which has been blocked by the logged in user
CometChatUserEvents.emitOnUserBlock(user: User)

//pass the [User] object of the user which has been unblocked by the logged in user
CometChatUserEvents.emitOnUserUnblock(user: User)

Listening to User Events

Here we will go through how anyone can listen to these client-side User Events to update the state of the UI accordingly.

onUserBlockedThis will get triggered when the logged in user blocks another user
onUserUnblockedThis will get triggered when the logged in user unblocks another user
// View controller from your project where you want to listen events.
public class ViewController: UIViewController {

public override func viewDidLoad() {

// Subscribing for the listener to listen events from user module
CometChatUserEvents.addListener("UNIQUE_ID", self as CometChatUserEventListener)

public override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Uncubscribing for the listener to listen events from user module


// Listener events from user module
extension ViewController: CometChatUserEventListener {

func onUserBlock(user: User) {
// Do Stuff

func onUserUnblock(user: User) {
// Do Stuff

Group Events

CometChatGroupEvents emits events when the logged-in user executes some action on a group or group member

It contains the following properties and methods:


This is a List of Dictionary that contains components listening to group events in key value pairs


[String: CometChatGroupEventListener]()


this method stores the passed listenerClass against the passed listenerId in the observer.


addListener(_ id: String,_ observer: CometChatGroupEventListener)


idStringthe key to store the component against
observerCometChatGroupEventListenerthe component listening to group events


this method removes the entry with the passed listenerId from the observer.


removeListener(_ id: String)


idStringthe key of the entry to remove


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has created a group


onGroupCreate(group: Group)


groupGroupthe new group that has been created


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user click on Create group button




This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has deleted a group.


onGroupDelete(group: Group)


groupGroupthe group that has been deleted


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has left a group.


onGroupMemberLeave(leftUser: User, leftGroup:  Group)


leftUserUserthe user that has left the group
leftGroupGroupthe group from which the logged-user has left


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has changed the scope of a member of a group.


onGroupMemberChangeScope(updatedBy: User , updatedUser: User , scopeChangedTo: CometChat.MemberScope , scopeChangedFrom: CometChat.MemberScope, group: Group)


updatedByUserthe user who changed the scope of group member
updatedUserUserthe user whose scope has been changed
scopeChangedToStringthe new scope
scopeChangedFromStringthe old scope
groupGroupthe group from where the scope change has occurred


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has banned a user from the group.


onGroupMemberBan(bannedUser: User, bannedGroup:  Group, bannedBy: User)


bannedUserUserthe user that has been banned
bannedByUserthe user who has banned
bannedFromGroupthe group from which the user has been banned


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has kicked a user from the group.


onGroupMemberKick(kickedUser: User, kickedGroup:  Group, kickedBy: User)


kickedUserUserthe banned user that has been kicked
kickedByUserthe user who has kicked
kickedGroupGroupthe group from which the user has been kicked


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has unbanned a banned user from a group.


onGroupMemberUnban(unbannedUserUser: User, unbannedUserGroup:  Group, unbannedBy: User)


unbannedUserUserthe banned user that has been unbanned
unbannedByUserthe user who has unbanned
unbannedFromGroupthe group from which the banned user has been unbanned


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has joined a group.


onGroupMemberJoin(joinedUser: User, joinedGroup:  Group)


joinedUserUserthe user that has been unblocked
joinedGroupGroupthe group the users have been added to


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has added new members to the group


onGroupMemberAdd(group: Group, members: [GroupMember], addedBy: User)


membersList<User>the list of users added
groupGroupthe group the users have been added to
addedByUserthe user who has added those new members


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has transferred their ownership of a group.


onOwnershipChange(group: Group?, member: GroupMember?)


groupGroupthe group where the ownership has been changed
memberGroupMemberthe group member who has been made owner of the group

Emitting Group Events

There are two types of group event listeners, one is for the SDK, which listens for events emitted from the backend for actions taken by users other than the logged in user and second, the events specific to the UI Kit which listens for events emitted from the client side for actions made by the logged-in user. The code snippets shared below contains how to emit such client-side group events to inform other UI components in a project that a group has been created or deleted or new members have been added to the group, the logged in user themselves have joined a group, members being banned by the logged in user or the change of ownership or scope of a group member, the methods being used are static and hence they can be called without having to create an instance of CometChatGroupEvents class.

//you need to pass the [Group] object of the group which is created
CometChatGroupEvents.emitOnGroupCreate(group: Group)

//you need to pass the [Group] object of the group which is deleted
CometChatGroupEvents.emitOnGroupDelete(group: Group)

//emit this when logged in user leaves the group.
CometChatGroupEvents.emitOnGroupMemberLeave(leftUser: User, leftGroup: Group)

//emit this when group member's scope is changed by logged in user.
CometChatGroupEvents.emitOnGroupMemberChangeScope(updatedBy: User , updatedUser: User , scopeChangedTo: CometChat.MemberScope , scopeChangedFrom: CometChat.MemberScope, group: Group)

//emit this when group member is banned from the group by logged in user.
CometChatGroupEvents.emitOnGroupMemberBan(bannedUser: User, bannedGroup: Group, bannedBy: User)

//emit this when group member is kicked from the group by logged in user.
CometChatGroupEvents.emitOnGroupMemberKick(kickedUser: User, kickedGroup: Group, kickedBy: User)

//emit this when a banned group member is unbanned from group by logged in user.
CometChatGroupEvents.emitOnGroupMemberUnban(unbannedUserUser: User, unbannedUserGroup: Group, unbannedBy: User)

//emit this when logged in user has joined a group successfully.
CometChatGroupEvents.emitOnGroupMemberJoin(joinedUser: User, joinedGroup: Group)

//emit this when members are added to a group by the logged in user.
CometChatGroupEvents.emitOnGroupMemberAdd(group: Group, members: [GroupMember], addedBy: User)

//emit this when ownership is changed by logged in user.
CometChatGroupEvents.emitOnGroupMemberChangeScope(updatedBy: User , updatedUser: User , scopeChangedTo: CometChat.MemberScope , scopeChangedFrom: CometChat.MemberScope, group: Group)

Listening to Group Events

Here we will go through how anyone can listen to these client-side Group Events to update the state of the UI accordingly.

onGroupCreateThis will get triggered when the logged in user creates a group
onGroupDeleteThis will get triggered when the logged in user deletes a group
onGroupMemberLeaveThis will get triggered when the logged in user leaves a group
onGroupMemberChangeScopeThis will get triggered when the logged in user changes the scope of another group member
onGroupMemberBanThis will get triggered when the logged in user bans a group member from the group
onGroupMemberKickThis will get triggered when the logged in user kicks another group member from the group
onGroupMemberUnbanThis will get triggered when the logged in user unbans a user banned from the group
onGroupMemberJoinThis will get triggered when the logged in user joins a group
onGroupMemberAddThis will get triggered when the logged in user add new members to the group
onOwnershipChangeThis will get triggered when the logged in user transfer the ownership of their group to some other member
// View controller from your project where you want to listen events.
public class ViewController: UIViewController {

public override func viewDidLoad() {

// Subscribing for the listener to listen events from user module
CometChatGroupEvents.addListener("UNIQUE_ID", self as CometChatGroupEventListener)

public override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Uncubscribing for the listener to listen events from user module


// Listener events from groups module
extension ViewController: CometChatGroupEventListener {

public func onGroupMemberAdd(group: Group, members: [GroupMember], addedBy: User) {
// Do Stuff

public func onCreateGroupClick() {
// Do Stuff

public func onGroupCreate(group: Group) {
// Do Stuff

public func onGroupDelete(group: Group) {
// Do Stuff

public func onGroupMemberJoin(joinedUser: User, joinedGroup: Group) {
// Do Stuff

public func onGroupMemberLeave(leftUser: User, leftGroup: Group) {
// Do Stuff

public func onGroupMemberBan(bannedUser: User, bannedGroup: Group) {
// Do Stuff

public func onGroupMemberUnban(unbannedUserUser: User, unbannedUserGroup: Group) {
// Do Stuff

public func onGroupMemberKick(kickedUser: User, kickedGroup: Group) {
// Do Stuff

public func onGroupMemberChangeScope(updatedBy: User, updatedUser: User, scopeChangedTo: CometChat.MemberScope, scopeChangedFrom: CometChat.MemberScope, group: Group) {
// Do Stuff

public func onOwnershipChange(group: Group?, member: GroupMember?) {
// Do Stuff

Conversation Events

CometChatConversationEvents emits events when the logged-in user executes some action on a conversation object

It contains the following properties and methods


This is a List of Dictionary that contains components listening to user events in key value pairs


[String: CometChatConversationEventListener]()


this method stores the passed listenerClass against the passed listenerId in the observer.


addListener(_ id: String, _ observer: CometChatConversationEventListener)


idStringthe key to store the component against
observerCometChatConversationEventsthe component listening to conversation events


this method removes the entry with the passed id from the observer.


removeListener(_ id: String)


idStringthe key of the entry to remove

Return Type



This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has deleted a conversation


onConversationDelete(conversation: Conversation)


conversationConversationthe user that has been deleted

Emitting Conversation Events

Here we will go through how to emit events specific to the UI Kit which listens for events emitted from the client side for actions made by the logged-in user. The code snippets shared below contains how to emit such client-side conversation events to inform other UI components in a project that a conversation has been deleted, the methods being used are static and hence they can be called without having to create an instance of CometChatConversationEvents class.

//pass the conversation object you want to delete
CometChatConversationEvents.emitConversationDelete(conversation: Conversation)

Listening to Conversation Events

Here we will go through how anyone can listen to these client-side Conversation Events to update the state of the UI accordingly.

onConversationDeleteThis event will be triggered when the logged in user deletes a conversation
// View controller from your project where you want to listen events.
public class ViewController: UIViewController {

public override func viewDidLoad() {

// Subscribing for the listener to listen events from conversation module
CometChatConversationEvents.addListener("UNIQUE_ID", self as CometChatConversationEventListener)

public override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Uncubscribing for the listener to listen events from conversation module


// Listener events from conversation module
extension ViewController: CometChatConversationEventListener {

func onConversationDelete(conversation: Conversation) {
// Do Stuff


Message Events

CometChatMessageEvents emits events when the logged-in user executes some action involving any message object.

It contains the following properties and methods:


This is a List of Dictionary that contains components listening to message events in key value pairs


[String: CometChatMessageEventListener]()


this method stores the passed listenerClass against the passed id in the observer.


addListener(_ id: String,_ observer: CometChatMessageEventListener)


idStringthe key to store the component against
observerCometChatMessageEventListenerthe component listening to message events


this method removes the entry with the passed id from the observer.


removeListener(_ id: String)


idStringthe key of the entry to remove


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has sent a message


onMessageSent(message: BaseMessage, status: MessageStatus)


messageBaseMessagethe message that has been sent
messageStatusMessageStatusthe status of the message, it can be inProgress, sent or error


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has edited a message


onMessageEdit(message: BaseMessage, status: MessageStatus)


messageBaseMessagethe message that has been sent
messageStatusMessageEditStatusthe status of the message, it can be inProgress or success


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has deleted a message


onMessageDelete(message: BaseMessage)


messageBaseMessagethe message that has been sent
messageStatusEventStatusthe status of the message, it can be inProgress or success


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has read a message


onMessageRead(message: BaseMessage)


messageBaseMessagethe message that has been read


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user has a sent a transient message


onLiveReaction(reaction: TransientMessage)


reactionTransientMessagethe image to send as transient message


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user click on detail button.


onViewInformation(group: Group)
groupGroupthe group for which the information has been shown


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user updates a message that has replies.


onParentMessageUpdate(message: BaseMessage)
messageBaseMessagethe message that has been updated

Emitting Message Events

There are two types of message event listeners, one is for the SDK, which listens for events emitted from the backend for actions taken by users other than the logged in user; and second, the events specific to the UI Kit which listens for events emitted from the client side for actions made by the logged-in user. The code snippets shared below contains how to emit such client-side message events to inform other UI components in a project.

//emit this when the logged in user has sent a message. Pass the object of the [TextMessage], [MediaMessage] or [CustomMessage] being sent and the [MessageStatus] if [inProgress], [sent] successfully or failed with [error]*_
CometChatMessageEvents.emitOnMessageSent(message: BaseMessage, status: MessageStatus)

//emit this for when a message is edited by logged-in user. Pass the object of the [TextMessage], [MediaMessage] or [CustomMessage] being edited and the [MessageEditStatus] if [inProgress] or [success]*_
CometChatMessageEvents.emitOnMessageEdit(message: BaseMessage, status: MessageStatus)

//emit this when a message is being deleted by logged-in user. Pass the object of the [TextMessage], [MediaMessage] or [CustomMessage] being deleted and also pass the [EventStatus] if [inProgress] or [success]*_
CometChatMessageEvents.emitOnMessageDelete(message: BaseMessage)

//emit this when a message is read by logged-in user. Pass the object of the [TextMessage], [MediaMessage] or [CustomMessage] being read*_
CometChatMessageEvents.emitOnMessageRead(message: BaseMessage)

//emit this when a transient message is sent by logged-in user. Pass a [String] asset image of the Live Reaction to show in the animation*_
CometChatMessageEvents.emitOnLiveReaction(reaction: TransientMessage)

//emit this when the logged in user clicked on detail icon.*_
CometChatMessageEvents.emitOnViewInformation(user: User)

//emit this when the logged in user updates a message that contains replies.*_
CometChatMessageEvents.emitOnParentMessageUpdate(message: BaseMessage)

Listening to Message Events

Here we will go through how anyone can listen to these client-side Message Events to update the state of the UI accordingly.

onMessageSentTriggers whenever a loggedIn user sends any message, it will have two states such as: inProgress & sent
onMessageEditTriggers whenever a loggedIn user edits any message from the list of messages .it will have two states such as: inProgress & sent
onMessageDeleteTriggers whenever a loggedIn user deletes any message from the list of messages
onMessageReadTriggers whenever a loggedIn user reads any message.
onLiveReactionTriggers whenever a loggedIn user clicks on live reaction
onViewInformationTriggers whenever a loggedIn user clicks on detail icon
onParentMessageUpdateTriggers whenever a loggedIn user updates a message that contains replies.
// View controller from your project where you want to listen events.
public class ViewController: UIViewController {

public override func viewDidLoad() {

// Subscribing for the listener to listen events from message module
CometChatMessageEvents.addListener("UNIQUE_ID", self as CometChatMessageEventListener)

public override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Uncubscribing for the listener to listen events from message module


// Listener events from message module
extension ViewController: CometChatMessageEventListener {

func onMessageSent(message: BaseMessage, status: MessageStatus) {
// Do Stuff

func onMessageEdit(message: BaseMessage, status: MessageStatus) {
// Do Stuff

func onMessageDelete(message: BaseMessage, status: MessageStatus) {
// Do Stuff

func onMessageReply(message: BaseMessage, status: MessageStatus) {
// Do Stuff

func onMessageRead(message: BaseMessage) {
// Do Stuff

func onLiveReaction(reaction: TransientMessage) {
// Do Stuff

func onMessageError(error: CometChatException) {
// Do Stuff

func onVoiceCall(user: User) {
// Do Stuff

func onVoiceCall(group: Group) {
// Do Stuff

func onVideoCall(user: User) {
// Do Stuff

func onVideoCall(group: Group) {
// Do Stuff

func onViewInformation(user: User) {
// Do Stuff

func onMessageReact(message: BaseMessage, reaction: CometChatMessageReaction) {
// Do Stuff


Call Events

CometChatCallEvents emits events when the logged-in user executes some action involving any call object.

It contains the following properties and methods:


This is a List of Dictionary that contains components listening to call events in key value pairs




This method stores the passed listenerClass against the passed id in the addListener.


addListener(_ id: String,_ observer: CometChatCallEventListener)
idStringthe key to store the component against
observerCometChatCallEventListenerthe component listening to call events


This method removes the entry with the passed id from the observer.


removeListener(_ id: String)
idStringthe key of the entry to remove


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user accepts the incoming call


onIncomingCallAccepted(call: Call)
callCallthe call that has been accepted


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user rejects the incoming call


onIncomingCallRejected(call: Call)
callCallthe call that has been rejected


This method is used to perform some task when the logged-in user initiates a call


onCallInitiated(call: Call)
callCallthe call that has been initiated


This method is used to perform some task when the ongoing or outgoing call ends.


onCallEnded(call: Call)
callCallthe call that has been ended


This method is used to perform some task when the outgoing call is accepted.


onOutgoingCallAccepted(call: Call)
callCallthe call that has been accepted by the other user.


This method is used to perform some task when the outgoing call is rejected.


onOutgoingCallRejected(call: Call)
callCallthe call that has been rejected by the other user.

Emitting Call Events

There are two types of call event listeners, one for the SDK, which listens for events emitted from the backend for actions taken by users other than the logged-in user; and another for events specific to the UI Kit, which listens for events emitted from the client side for actions made by the logged-in user. The code snippets shared below contain how to emit such client-side call events to inform other UI components in a project.

//emit this when logged in user initiates a call
CometChatCallEvents.emitOnCallInitiated(call: Call)

//emit this when logged in user cancels a call
CometChatCallEvents.emitOnCallEnded(call: Call)

//emit this when logged in user accepts the incoming call
CometChatCallEvents.emitOnIncomingCallAccepted(call: Call)

//emit this when logged in user rejects the incoming call
CometChatCallEvents.emitOnIncomingCallRejected(call: Call)
//emit this when the other user accepts the call
CometChatCallEvents.emitOnOutgoingCallAccepted(call: Call)

//emit this when the other user rejects a call
CometChatCallEvents.emitOnOutgoingCallRejected(call: Call)

Listening to Call Events

Here we will go through how anyone can listen to these client-side Call Events to update the state of the UI accordingly.

onIncomingCallAcceptedTriggers whenever incoming call is accepted by the user
onIncomingCallRejectedTriggers whenever incoming call is rejected by the user
onCallEndedTriggers whenever the call is ended
onCallInitiatedTriggers whenever the call is getting initiated
onOutgoingCallAcceptedTriggers whenever outgoing call is accepted by the user
onOutgoingCallRejectedTriggers whenever outgoing call is rejected by the user
// View controller from your project where you want to listen events.
public class ViewController: UIViewController {

public override func viewDidLoad() {

// Subscribing for the listener to listen events from user module
CometChatCallEvents.addListener("UNIQUE_ID", self as CometChatCallEventListener)

public override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Uncubscribing for the listener to listen events from user module


// Listener events from user module
extension ViewController: CometChatCallEventListener {

func onIncomingCallAccepted(call: Call) {
// Do Stuff

func onIncomingCallRejected(call: Call)
// Do Stuff

func onCallEnded(call: Call) {
// Do Stuff

func onCallInitiated(call: Call)
// Do Stuff

func onOutgoingCallAccepted(call: Call) {
// Do Stuff

func onOutgoingCallRejected(call: Call)
// Do Stuff