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Version: v4

Text Bubble

CometChatTextBubble is the content view shown for TextMessage.

textStringthe text to display
styleTextBubbleStyleused to customize appearance of this widget
themeThemeused to set custom theme
alignmentBubbleAlignmentalignment can be left, right or center


TextBubbleStyle is the class containing attributes to customize appearance of this widget.

textStyleTextStyleused to set style of the text of the message
heightdoubleused to set height
widthdoubleused to set width
backgroundColorused to set background color
gradientGradientused to set a gradient background
borderBoxBorderused to set border
borderRadiusdoubleused to set border radius


text:'Hi! how are you?',
alignment: BubbleAlignment.right,
theme: cometChatTheme,
style: TextBubbleStyle(background: Colors.teal),