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Version: v4

Block Users

Block Users

In other words, as a logged-in user, how do I block a user from sending me messages?

You can block users using the blockUsers() method. Once any user is blocked, all the communication to and from the respective user will be completely blocked. You can block multiple users in a single operation. TheblockUsers() method takes an array of string as a parameter that holds the list of UIDs to be blocked.

let blockUsers = ["UID1", "UID2", "UID3"]

CometChat.blockUsers(blockUsers, onSuccess: {

print("Blocked user successfully.")

}, onError: { (error) in

print("Blocked user failed with error: \\(error?.errorDescription)")


In the onSuccess() callback, you receive a dictionary which contains UIDs as the keys and "success" or "fail" as the value based on if the block operation for the UID was successful or not.

Unblock Users

You can unblock the already blocked users using the unblockUsers() method. You can unblock multiple users in a single operation. TheunblockUsers() method takes an array of string as a parameter that holds the list of UIDs to be unblocked.

let unblockUsers = ["UID1", "UID2", "UID3"]

CometChat.unblockUsers(unblockUsers, onSuccess: { (users) in

print("Unblocked user successfully.")

}, onError: { (error) in

print("Unblocked user failed with error: \\(error?.errorDescription)")


In the onSuccess() callback, you receive a HashMap which contains UIDs as the keys and "success" or "fail" as the value based on if the unblock operation for the UID was successful or not.

Get list of blocked users

In order to fetch the list of blocked users, you can use the BlockedUsersRequest class. To use this class i.e to create an object of the BlockedUsersRequest class, you need to use the BlockedUsersRequestBuilder class. The BlockedUsersRequestBuilder class allows you to set the parameters based on which the blocked users are to be fetched.

The BlockedUsersRequestBuilder class allows you to set the below parameters:

  1. set(limit: Int) - This method sets the limit i.e. the number of blocked users that should be fetched in a single iteration.
let blockedUserRequest = BlockedUserRequest.BlockedUserRequestBuilder.set(limit: 20).build();
  1. set(searchKeyword: String) - This method allows you to set the search string based on which the blocked users are to be fetched.
let blockedUserRequest = BlockedUserRequest.BlockedUserRequestBuilder
.set(searchKeyword: "abc")
.set(limit: 20)
  1. set(direction: CometChat.Blocked) - This can hold one of the below values: a. CometChat.Blocked.byMe - This will ensure that the list of blocked users only contains the users blocked by the logged-in user. b. - setting the direction to this will return only the list of users that have blocked the logged-in user. c. CometChat.Blocked.both - this will make sure the list of users includes both the above cases. This is the default value for the direction variable if it is not set.
let blockedUserRequest = BlockedUserRequest.BlockedUserRequestBuilder
.set(searchKeyword: "abc")
.set(limit: 20)
.set(direction: .both)

Finally, once all the parameters are set to the builder class, you need to call the build() method to get the object of the BlockedUsersRequest class.

Once you have the object of the BlockedUsersRequest class, you need to call the fetchNext() method. Calling this method will return a list of User objects containing n number of blocked users where n is the limit set in the builder class.

let blockedUserRequest = BlockedUserRequest.BlockedUserRequestBuilder(limit: 20).build();

blockedUserRequest.fetchNext(onSuccess : { (users) in

print("Blocked users: \\(users)")

}, onError : { (error) in

print("Error while fetching the blocked user request: \\(error?.errorDescription)")
