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Version: v4

Presenter Mode


The Presenter Mode feature allows developers to create a calling service experience in which:

  1. There are one or more users who are presenting their video, audio and/or screen (Maximum 5)
  2. Viewers who are consumers of that presentation. (They cannot send their audio, video or screen streams out).
  3. The total number of presenters and viewers can go up to 100.
  4. Features such as mute/unmute audio, show/hide camera capture, recording, etc. will be enabled only for the Presenter in this mode.
  5. Other call participants will not get these features. Hence they act like passive viewers in the call.

Using this feature developers can create experiences such as:

  1. All hands calls
  2. Keynote speeches
  3. Webinars
  4. Talk shows
  5. Online classes and many more...

About this guide

This guide demonstrates how to start a presentation into an Android application. Before you begin, we strongly recommend you read the calling setup guide.

Before starting a call session you have to generate a call token. You need to call this method for the call token.

Start Presentation Session

The most important class that will be used in the implementation is the PresentationSettings class. This class allows you to set the various parameters for the Presentation Mode. In order to set the various parameters of the PresentationSettings class, you need to use the PresentationSettingsBuilder class. Below are the various options available with the PresentationSettings class.

PresentationSettingsBuilder class takes the 1 mandatory parameter as a part of the constructor:

  1. Context of the application.

You will also need to set the User Type, There are 2 type of users in Presenter Mode, Presenter & Participant , You can set this PresentationSettingsBuilder by using the following method isPresenter(true/false)

A basic example of how to start a Presentation:

    RelativeLayout videoContainer;
Context activityContext = this; //Your activity reference
String callToken = ""; //Received on generate token onSuccess

PresentationSettings presenterSettings = new CometChatCalls.PresentationSettingsBuilder(activityContext)
.setEventListener(new CometChatCallsEventsListener() {
public void onCallEnded() {

public void onCallEndButtonPressed() {

public void onUserJoined(RTCUser user) {

public void onUserLeft(RTCUser user) {

public void onUserListChanged(ArrayList<RTCUser> users) {

public void onAudioModeChanged(ArrayList<AudioMode> devices) {

public void onCallSwitchedToVideo(CallSwitchRequestInfo callSwitchRequestInfo) {

public void onUserMuted(RTCMutedUser muteObj) {

public void onRecordingToggled(RTCRecordingInfo recordingInfo) {

public void onError( ce) {

CometChatCalls.joinPresentation(callToken, presenterSettings, videoContainer, new CometChatCalls.CallbackListener<String>() {
public void onSuccess(String s) {
Log.e(TAG, "startSession onSuccess");

public void onError( e) {
Log.e(TAG, "CallSDKLog >>>: startSession onError: " + e);
activityContextThe activity in which you want to show the calling view.
videoContainerAn object of the RelativeLayout class in which CometChatCalls can load the calling views.

The CometChatCallsEventsListener listener provides you with the below callback methods:

Callback MethodDescription
onCallEnded()This method is called when the call is successfully ended. The call details can be obtained from the Call object provided.
onCallEndButtonPressed()This method is called when the user presses the end call button.
onUserJoined(user: RTCUser)This method is called when any other user joins the call. The user details can be obtained from the User object provided.
onUserLeft(user: RTCUser)This method is called when a user leaves the call. The details of the user can be obtained from the provided User object.
onUserListChanged(users: ArrayList<RTCUser?>)This method is triggered every time a participant joins or leaves the call, providing the list of users active in the call.
onAudioModeChanged(devices: ArrayList<AudioMode?>)This callback is triggered if any new audio output source is available or becomes unavailable.
onCallSwitchedToVideo(callSwitchRequestInfo: CallSwitchRequestInfo)This callback is triggered when an audio call is converted into a video call.
onUserMuted(muteObj: RTCMutedUser)This method is triggered when a user is muted in the ongoing call.
onRecordingToggled(recordingInfo: RTCRecordingInfo)This method is triggered when a recording starts/stops.
onError(e: CometChatException)This method is called when there is some error in establishing the call.


The PresentationSettings class is the most important class when it comes to the implementation of the Calling feature. This is the class that allows you to customize the overall calling experience. The properties for the call/conference can be set using the PresentationSettingsBuilder class. This will eventually give you and object of the PresentationSettings class which you can pass to the joinPresentation() method to start the call.

The mandatory parameters that are required to be present for any call/conference to work are:

Context - context of the activity/application RelativeLayout - A RelativeLayout object in which the calling UI is loaded. The options available for customization of calls are:

setIsPresenter(boolean value)If set to true, the user will join the call as a presenter. If set to false, the user will join the call as an audience member.
Default value = false
setDefaultLayoutEnable(boolean value)If set to true enables the default layout for handling the call operations. If set to false, it hides the button layout and just displays the Call View.
Default value = true
setIsAudioOnly(boolean value)If set to true, the call is supposed to be an audio call. If set to false, the call is supposed to be a video call.
Default value = false
showEndCallButton(boolean value)If set to true, it displays the End Call Button in the Button Layout. If set to false, it hides the End Call Button in the Button Layout.
Default value = true
showSwitchCameraButton(boolean value)If set to true, it displays the Switch Camera Button in the Button Layout. If set to false, it hides the Switch Camera Button in the Button Layout.
Default value = true
showMuteAudioButton(boolean value)If set to true, it displays the Mute Audio Button in the Button Layout. If set to false, it hides the Mute Audio Button in the Button Layout.
Default value = true
showPauseVideoButton(boolean value)If set to true, it displays the Pause Video Button in the Button Layout. If set to false, it hides the Pause Video Button in the Button Layout.
Default value = true
showAudioModeButton(boolean value)If set to true, it displays the Audio Mode Button in the Button Layout. If set to false, it hides the Audio Mode Button in the Button Layout.
Default value = true
startWithAudioMuted(boolean value)This ensures the call is started with the audio muted if set to true.
Default value = false
startWithVideoMuted(boolean value)This ensures the call is started with the video muted if set to true.
Default value = false
setDefaultAudioMode(boolean value)This method can be used if you wish to start the call with a specific audio mode. The available options are CometChatCallsConstants.AUDIO_MODE_SPEAKER, CometChatCallsConstants.AUDIO_MODE_EARPIECE, CometChatCallsConstants.AUDIO_MODE_BLUETOOTH, CometChatCallsConstants.AUDIO_MODE_HEADPHONES.
Default value = false
showRecordingButton(boolean value)If set to true, it displays the Recording Button. If set to false, it hides the Recording Button.
Default value = false
setEventListener(new CometChatCallsEventsListener())The CometChatCallsEventsListener listener provides you callbacks.

In case you wish to achieve a completely customised UI for the Calling experience, you can do so by embedding default android buttons to the screen as per your requirement and then use the below methods to achieve different functionalities for the embedded buttons.

For the use case where you wish to align your own custom buttons and not use the default layout provided by CometChat you can embed the buttons in your layout and use the below methods to perform the corresponding operations: