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Version: v4

Call Logs


CometChat's Android Call SDK provides a comprehensive way to integrate call logs into your application, enhancing your user experience by allowing users to effortlessly keep track of their communication history. Call logs provide crucial information such as call duration, participants, and more.

This feature not only allows users to review their past interactions but it also serves as an effective tool to revisit important conversation details. With the flexibility of fetching call logs, filtering them according to specific parameters, and obtaining detailed information of individual calls, application developers can use this feature to build a more robust and interactive communication framework.

In the following sections, we will guide you through the process of working with call logs, offering a deeper insight into how to optimally use this feature in your Android application.

Fetching Call Logs

To fetch all call logs in your Android application, you should use the CallLogRequestBuilder, This builder allows you to customize the call logs fetching process according to your needs.

CallLogRequest callLogRequest = new CallLogRequest.CallLogRequestBuilder()

CallLogRequestBuilder has the following settings available.

setLimit(int limit)Specifies the number of call logs to fetch.
setCallType(@CometChatCallsConstants.CallType String callType)Sets the type of calls to fetch (audio or video). It accepts CallType Enum with following values CometChatCallsConstants.CallType.CALL_TYPE_VIDEO, CometChatCallsConstants.CallType.CALL_TYPE_AUDIO & CometChatCallsConstants.CallType.CALL_TYPE_AUDIO_VIDEO
setCallStatus(@CometChatCallsConstants.CallStatus String callStatus)Sets the status of calls to fetch (initiated, ongoing, etc.). It accepts CallStatus Enum with following values CometChatCallsConstants.CallStatus.CALL_STATUS_ONGOING, CometChatCallsConstants.CallStatus.CALL_STATUS_BUSY, CometChatCallsConstants.CallStatus.CALL_STATUS_REJECTED, CometChatCallsConstants.CallStatus.CALL_STATUS_CANCELLED, CometChatCallsConstants.CallStatus.CALL_STATUS_ENDED, CometChatCallsConstants.CallStatus.CALL_STATUS_MISSED, CometChatCallsConstants.CallStatus.CALL_STATUS_INITIATED, CometChatCallsConstants.CallStatus.CALL_STATUS_UNANSWERED
setHasRecording(boolean hasRecording)Sets whether to fetch calls that have recordings.
setCallCategory(@CometChatCallsConstants.CallLogCategory String callCategory)Sets the category of calls to fetch (call or meet). It accepts CallLogCategory Enum with following values CometChatCallsConstants.CallLogCategory.CALL_CATEGORY_CALL & CometChatCallsConstants.CallLogCategory.CALL_CATEGORY_MEET
setCallDirection(@CometChatCallsConstants.CallDirection String callDirection)Sets the direction of calls to fetch. It accepts CallDirection Enum with following values CometChatCallsConstants.CallDirection.CALL_DIRECTION_INCOMING & CometChatCallsConstants.CallDirection.CALL_DIRECTION_OUTGOING
setUid(String uid)Sets the UID of the user whose call logs to fetch.
setGuid(String guid)Sets the GUID of the user whose call logs to fetch.
setAuthToken(String authToken)Sets the Auth token of the logged-in user.

Fetch Next

The fetchNext() method retrieves the next set of call logs.

CallLogRequest callLogRequest = new CallLogRequest.CallLogRequestBuilder()

callLogRequest.fetchNext(new CometChatCalls.CallbackListener<List<CallLog>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<CallLog> callLogs) {
// Handle the fetched call logs

public void onError(CometChatException e) {
// Handle the error

Fetch Previous

The fetchPrevious() method retrieves the previous set of call logs.

CallLogRequest callLogRequest = new CallLogRequest.CallLogRequestBuilder()

callLogRequest.fetchPrevious(new CometChatCalls.CallbackListener<List<CallLog>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<CallLog> callLogs) {
// Handle the fetched call logs

public void onError(CometChatException e) {
// Handle the error

Get Call Details

To retrieve the specific details of a call, use the getCallDetails() method. This method requires the Auth token of the logged-in user and the session ID along with a callback listener.

String sessionID = "SESSION_ID";
CometChatCalls.getCallDetails(sessionID, new CometChatCalls.CallbackListener<List<CallLog>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<CallLog> callLogs) {
// Handle the fetched call details

public void onError(CometChatException e) {
// Handle the error

Note: Replace "SESSION_ID" with the ID of the session you are interested in.