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Version: v4

Interactive Messages

An InteractiveMessage is a specialized object that encapsulates an interactive unit within a chat message, such as an embedded form that users can fill out directly within the chat interface. This enhances user engagement by making the chat experience more interactive and responsive to user input.


InteractiveMessage is a chat message with embedded interactive content. It can contain various properties:

receiverIdThe UID or GUID of the recipientRequired
receiverTypeThe type of the receiver to whom the message is to be sent. Options: CometChatConstants.RECEIVER_TYPE_USER (user) or CometChatConstants.RECEIVER_TYPE_GROUP (group)Required
messageTypeThe type of the message that needs to be sentRequired
interactiveDataA JSONObject holding structured data for the interactive element.Required
allowSenderInteractionA boolean determining whether the message sender can interact with the message. Default is set to false.
interactionGoalAn InteractionGoal object encapsulating the intended outcome of interacting with the InteractiveMessage. Default is set to none.


An Interaction represents a user action involved with an InteractiveMessage. It includes:

  • elementId: An identifier for a specific interactive element.
  • interactedAt: A timestamp indicating when the interaction occurred.

Mark as Interacted

This method marks a message as interacted by identifying it with the provided Id. it also logs the interactive element associated with the interaction.

int messageId = 1;
String elementId = "elementId";
CometChat.markAsInteracted(messageId, elementId, new CometChat.CallbackListener<Void>() {
public void onSuccess(Void unused) {


public void onError(CometChatException e) {


Goal Completion

A key feature of InteractiveMessage is checking whether a user's interactions with the message meet the defined InteractionGoal

You would be tracking every interaction users perform on an InteractiveMessage (captured as Interaction objects) and comparing those with the defined InteractionGoal. The completion of a goal can vary depending on the goal type:

Any InteractionThe goal is considered completed if there is at least one interaction.CometChatConstants.INTERACTION_TYPE_ANY
Any of Specific InteractionsThe goal is achieved if any of the specified interactions occurred.CometChatConstants.INTERACTION_TYPE_ANY_OF
All of Specific InteractionsThe goal is completed when all specified interactions occur.CometChatConstants.INTERACTION_TYPE_ALL_OF
NoneThe goal is never completed.CometChatConstants.INTERACTION_TYPE_NONE


The InteractionGoal represents the desired outcome of an interaction with an InteractiveMessage. It includes:

  • elementIds: A list of identifiers for the interactive elements.
  • type: The type of interaction goal from the CometChatConstants.

Sending InteractiveMessages

The InteractiveMessage can be sent using the sendInteractiveMessage method of the CometChat class. The method requires an InteractiveMessage object and a CallbackListener for handling the response.

Here is an example of how to use it:

JSONObject interactiveData = new JSONObject();
try {
interactiveData.put("title", "Demo Form");
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
JSONObject textInput = new JSONObject();
textInput.put("elementType", "textInput");
textInput.put("elementId", "element1");
textInput.put("label", "Name");
textInput.put("optional", false);
textInput.put("maxLines", 1);
interactiveData.put("formFields", jsonArray);
JSONObject submitElement = new JSONObject();
submitElement.put("elementType", "button");
submitElement.put("elementId", "element8");
submitElement.put("buttonText", "Submit");
submitElement.put("disableAfterInteracted", true);
JSONObject action = new JSONObject();
action.put("actionType", "urlNavigation");
action.put("url", "");
submitElement.put("action", action);
interactiveData.put("submitElement", submitElement);
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

InteractiveMessage interactiveMessage = new InteractiveMessage(receiverId,receiverType,"form", interactiveData);

CometChat.sendInteractiveMessage(interactiveMessage, new CometChat.CallbackListener<InteractiveMessage>() {
public void onSuccess(InteractiveMessage interactiveMessage) {
// This block is executed when the InteractiveMessage is sent successfully.

public void onError(CometChatException e) {
// This block is executed if an error occurs while sending the InteractiveMessage.

Event Listeners

CometChat SDK provides event listeners to handle real-time events related to InteractiveMessage.

On InteractiveMessage Received The onInteractiveMessageReceived event listener is triggered when an InteractiveMessage is received.

Here is an example:

CometChat.addMessageListener("UNIQUE_ID", new CometChat.MessageListener() {
public void onInteractiveMessageReceived(InteractiveMessage interactiveMessage){
// This block is executed when an InteractiveMessage is received.
// Here you can define logic to handle the received InteractiveMessage and display it in your chat interface.

On Interaction Goal Completed

The onInteractionGoalCompleted event listener is invoked when an interaction goal is achieved.

Here is an example:

CometChat.addMessageListener("UNIQUE_ID", new CometChat.MessageListener() {
public void onInteractionGoalCompleted(InteractionReceipt interactionReceipt) {
// This block is executed when an interaction goal is completed.
// Here you can specify the actions your application should take once an interaction goal is achieved, such as updating the UI or notifying the user.

These event listeners offer your application a way to provide real-time updates in response to incoming interactive messages and goal completions, contributing to a more dynamic and responsive user chat experience.


An InteractiveMessage is constructed with the receiver's UID, the receiver type, the interactive type, and interactive data as a JSONObject. Once created, the InteractiveMessage can be sent using CometChat's sendInteractiveMessage() method. Incoming InteractiveMessages can be received and processed via CometChat's message listener framework.