Sports & Gaming

Transform gaming experiences with seamless chat integration

Boost player retention and communication with seamless in-game messaging, voice, and video.

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Key benefits

Why CometChat for online gaming apps

Real-time interactions

Boost player engagement with instant chat and voice features.

Low latency

Ensure smooth gameplay with fast and reliable chat functions.

Community building

Foster player communities with group chats and discussion forums.

Scalable for massive multiplayers

Handle thousands of simultaneous players without compromising on speed or reliability.

Prioritize player safety

Moderated gaming for safe and respectful interactions

With advanced moderation features ensure that your game remains a positive space for genuine players, free from trolls and abuse.

Connect & converse

Tailored conversations for every player

Let your users dive into private chats for focused conversations or join group chats to collaborate and celebrate with the entire squad.

Interactive Demo

Experience messaging built on CometChat

Give our sample messaging app a spin. This interactive demo app is built with our latest UI Kits for you to experience all the UI elements and functionalities of CometChat.

Our platform

Everything you need to build an in-game communication platform, baked into one powerful solution.

Messaging & chat

Flexible, secure, and easy-to-manage messaging for your games.

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Voice & video calling

Enterprise-grade security, robust infrastructure, and a familiar UI as your chat.

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Unlock the ultimate gaming chat experience

With features and extensions you need to create a safe and secure experience your users will love.

1 to 1 chat

Group chat

Voice & video calling

Secure file transfer

Chat search & history

Start building today

Build faster, scale smarter, and elevate your chat experience with tools that grow with your business.