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Version: v6

Property Changes


New Properties

lastMessageDateTimeFormatCalendarObjectFormat for displaying the timestamp of the last message in the conversations list.

Removed Properties

datePatternDatePatternsFormat for displaying the timestamp of the last message in the conversations list.

Message Header

New Properties

lastActiveAtDateTimeFormatCalendarObjectFormat for displaying the "last active" timestamp in the message header.

Message List

New Properties

separatorDateTimeFormatCalendarObjectFormat for the date separators in the message list.
stickyDateTimeFormatCalendarObjectFormat for sticky date headers displayed in the message list.
messageSentAtDateTimeFormatCalendarObjectFormat for the timestamp displayed next to messages.
messageInfoDateTimeFormatCalendarObjectFormat for timestamps displayed in message details (e.g., delivery or read time).

Removed Properties

datePatternDatePatternsFormat for the date separators & sticky date in the message list.
timePatternDatePatternsFormat for the timestamp displayed next to messages.

Thread Header

New Properties

separatorDateTimeFormatCalendarObjectFormat for the date separators.
messageSentAtDateTimeFormatCalendarObjectFormat for the timestamp displayed next to messages.

Call Logs

New Properties

callInitiatedDateTimeFormatCalendarObjectFormat for displaying the call initiation time in call logs.

Removed Properties

datePatternDatePatternsFormat for rendering dates in the call logs.

CometChatLocalize Class

New Methods

addTranslationAdds custom translations to the default translations.
getDefaultLanguageReturns the default language.
getDateLocaleLanguageReturns the language used for date localization.
formatDateFormats a timestamp based on the provided calendar configuration.

Renamed Methods

NameDescriptionOld Name
getCurrentLanguageGets the current language.getLocale
setCurrentLanguageSets the current language.setLocale
getLocalizedStringLocalizes the given string based on the active language.localize

Removed Methods

getLanguageCodeReturns the language code of current language.
setDefaultLanguageSets the default lannguage if no language is passed in init method.
isRTLReturns true if the active language is rtl otherwise return false.
getDirReturns rtl or ltr based on the active language.