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Version: v6



Events allow for a decoupled, flexible architecture where different parts of the application can interact without having to directly reference each other. This makes it easier to create complex, interactive experiences, as well as to extend and customize the functionality provided by the CometChat UI Kit.

All components have the ability to emit events. These events are dispatched in response to certain changes or user interactions within the component. By emitting events, these components allow other parts of the application to react to changes or interactions, thus enabling dynamic and interactive behavior within the application.


CometChatConversationEvents emits events when the logged-in user executes some action on a conversation object.

ccConversationDeletedThis event is triggered when the user successfully deletes a conversation.


CometChatUserEvents emits events when the logged-in user executes some action on an user object.

It consists of the following events:

ccUserBlockedThis event is triggered when the user successfully blocks another user.
ccUserUnblockedThis event is triggered when the user successfully unblocks another user.


CometChatGroupEvents emits events when the logged-in user executes some action on a group object.

It consists of the following events:

ccGroupCreatedThis event is triggered when the user creates a group successfully
ccGroupDeletedThis event is triggered when the group member deletes the group successfully
ccGroupLeftThis event is triggered when the group member leaves the group successfully
ccGroupMemberScopeChangedThis event is triggered when the group member's scope is updated successfully
ccGroupMemberKickedThis event is triggered when the group member is kicked
ccGroupMemberBannedThis event is triggered when the group member is banned
ccGroupMemberUnbannedThis event is triggered when the group member is un-banned
ccGroupMemberJoinedThis event is triggered when a user joins the group
ccGroupMemberAddedThis event is triggered when a user is added to the group
ccOwnershipChangedThis event is triggered when the group ownership is assigned to another group member


CometChatMessageEvents emits events when the logged-in user executes some action on a message object.

It consists of the following events:

ccMessageSentThis event is triggered when the sent message is in transit and also when it is received by the receiver.
ccMessageEditedThis event is triggered when the user successfully edits the message.
ccMessageDeletedThis event is triggered when the user successfully deletes the message.
ccMessageReadThis event is triggered when the sent message is read by the receiver.
ccLiveReactionThis event is triggered when the user sends a live reaction.
onTextMessageReceivedThis event is emitted when the CometChat SDK listener emits a text message.
onMediaMessageReceivedThis event is emitted when the CometChat SDK listener emits a media message.
onCustomMessageReceivedThis event is emitted when the CometChat SDK listener emits a custom message.
onTypingStartedThis event is emitted when the CometChat SDK listener indicates that a user has started typing.
onTypingEndedThis event is emitted when the CometChat SDK listener indicates that a user has stopped typing.
onMessagesDeliveredThis event is emitted when the CometChat SDK listener indicates that messages have been delivered.
onMessagesReadThis event is emitted when the CometChat SDK listener indicates that messages have been read.
onMessageEditedThis event is emitted when the CometChat SDK listener indicates that a message has been edited.
onMessageDeletedThis event is emitted when the CometChat SDK listener indicates that a message has been deleted.
onTransientMessageReceivedThis event is emitted when the CometChat SDK listener emits a transient message.


CometChatCallEvents emits events when the logged-in user executes some action on a call object.

It consists of the following events:

ccOutgoingCallThis event is triggered when the user initiates a voice/video call.
ccCallAcceptedThis event is triggered when the initiated call is accepted by the receiver.
ccCallRejectedThis event is triggered when the initiated call is rejected by the receiver.
ccCallEndedThis event is triggered when the initiated call successfully ends.

UI events

UI events, refer to actions or interactions performed by a user within the CometChat's UI Kit. These events are triggered when a user interacts with various UI elements, such as buttons, menus, checkboxes, input fields, or any other interactive components.

It consists of the following events:

ccActiveChatChangedThis event is triggered when the user navigates to a particular chat window.