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Version: v5



Theming in CometChat allows you to create visually consistent and customizable user interfaces that align with your application's branding. With the CometChatTheme.DayNight style which is built on Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar and acts as a global theme applied across all components, you can seamlessly integrate light and dark modes, define custom colors, typography, and component-specific styles, and enhance user experience across all CometChat components.

Using Theming in Your Project

Set the CometChatTheme.DayNight as the parent theme for your application in the themes.xml file. You can extend it with your custom theme as needed:

<!-- themes.xml -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="CometChatTheme.DayNight">


In your AndroidManifest.xml file, set the theme for your application or activity:

<!-- AndroidManifest.xml -->
<!-- Other configurations -->

If you need to apply specific styles to a particular activity, override the theme as follows:

<!-- AndroidManifest.xml -->
<!-- Other configurations -->




To customize the primary color in your app, you can override the cometchatPrimaryColor attribute in your theme. Here's how:

<!-- themes.xml -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="CometChatTheme.DayNight">

<item name="cometchatPrimaryColor">#F76808</item>


To know more such attributes, visit the theme attributes file.
