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Version: v4

Virtual Background

This section will guide you to implement virtual background feature in video calls.


Once you have decided to implement Default Calling or Direct Calling calling and followed the steps to implement them. Just few additional methods will help you quickly implement virtual background.

Please make sure your callSettings is configured accordingly for Default Calling or Direct Calling.


The CallSettingsclass allows you to customise the overall calling experience. The properties for the call/conference can be set using the CallSettingsBuilder class. This will eventually give you and object of the CallSettings class which you can pass to the startCall() method to start the call.

The mandatory parameters that are required to be present for any call/conference to work are:

  1. sessionId - The unique session Id for the call/conference session.

The options available for virtual background are:

showVirtualBackgroundSetting(showVBSettings: boolean)This method shows/hides the virtual background settings in the menu bar.
Default value = true
setVirtualBackground(virtualBackground: CometChat.VirtualBackground)This method will set the virtual background setting. This methods takes an Object of Virtual Background Class.

For the use case where you wish to align your own custom buttons and not use the default layout provided by CometChat, you can embed the buttons in your layout and use the below methods to perform the corresponding operations:

Open Virtual Background Setting

You can use the openVirtualBackground() method to open the virtual background settings pop-up.

let callController = CometChat.CallController.getInstance();

Set Background Blur

You can use the setBackgroundBlur() method to apply background blur on the video stream. This method accepts a number which decides the level of blur to be applied.

let callController = CometChat.CallController.getInstance();
let blurLevel = 1;

Set Background Image

You can use the setBackgroundImage()method to set the background image. This method takes either a URL or file Object & sets that image as the background.

let callController = CometChat.CallController.getInstance();

Virtual Background Settings

The VirtualBackground Class is the required in case you want to change how the end user can use virtual background features in a video call. You need to pass the Object of the VirtualBackground Class in the setVirtualBackground() method of the CallSettingsBuilder.

allowBackgroundBlur(allowBackgroundBlur: boolean)This method shows/hides the ability to allow end user to blur background.
Default = true
allowUserImages(allowUserImages: boolean)This method shows/hides the ability to allow end user to add their own custom background image.
Default = true
showDefaultImages(showDefaultImages: boolean)This method shows/hides the ability to allow end user to choose from default background images.
Default = true
setImages(images: Array<String>)This method allows developer to add their custom background image which the end user can choose.
enforceBackgroundBlur(enforceBackgroundBlur: number)This method starts the call with background blurred. To blur the background you need to pass an integer value between 1-99 which decides the blur level.
Default = 0
enforceBackgroundImage(enforceBackgroundImage: string)This methods starts the call with the provided background image.