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Version: v4

Retrieve Groups

Retrieve List of Groups

In other words, as a logged-in user, how do I retrieve the list of groups I've joined and groups that are available?

In order to fetch the list of groups, you can use the GroupsRequest class. To use this class i.e to create an object of the GroupsRequest class, you need to use the GroupsRequestBuilder class. The GroupsRequestBuilder class allows you to set the parameters based on which the groups are to be fetched.

Set Limit

This method sets the limit i.e. the number of groups that should be fetched in a single iteration.

GroupsRequest groupsRequest =  (GroupsRequestBuilder()
..limit= 20

Set Search Keyword

This method allows you to set the search string based on which the groups are to be fetched.

GroupsRequest groupsRequest =  (GroupsRequestBuilder()
..limit= 20
..searchKeyword = "abc"

Joined Only

This method when used, will ask CometChat to only return the groups that the user has joined or is a part of.

GroupsRequest groupsRequest =  (GroupsRequestBuilder()
..limit= 20
..joinedOnly = true

Set Tags

This method accepts a list of tags based on which the list of groups is to be fetched. The list fetched will only contain the groups that have been tagged with the specified tags.

List<String> tags =[];
GroupsRequest groupsRequest = (GroupsRequestBuilder()
..limit= 20
..tags = tags

With Tags

This property when set to true will fetch tags data along with the list of groups.

GroupsRequest groupsRequest =  (GroupsRequestBuilder()
..limit= 20
..withTags = true

Finally, once all the parameters are set to the builder class, you need to call the build() method to get the object of the GroupsRequest class.

Once you have the object of the GroupsRequest class, you need to call the fetchNext() method. Calling this method will return a list of Group objects containing 'n' number of groups depending on the limit set.

The list of groups fetched will only have the public and password type groups. The private groups will only be available if the user is a member of that private group.

GroupsRequest groupsRequest =  (GroupsRequestBuilder()
..limit= 20

groupsRequest.fetchNext(onSuccess: (List<Group> groupList) {
debugPrint("Fetched Group Successfully : $groupList ");
}, onError: (CometChatException e) {
debugPrint("Group Request failed with exception: ${e.message}");

Retrieve Particular Group Details

In other words, as a logged-in user, how do I retrieve information for a specific group?

To get the information of a group, you can use the getGroup() method.

String GUID = "GUID";

CometChat.getGroup(GUID, onSuccess: (Group group) {
debugPrint("Fetched Group Successfully : $group ");
}, onError: (CometChatException e) {
debugPrint("Group Request failed with exception: ${e.message}");
GUIDThe GUID of the group for whom the details are to be fetched

On success, the Group object containing the details of the group is returned.

Get online group member count

To get the total count of online users in particular groups, you can use the getOnlineGroupMemberCount() method.

List<String> guids =  [];

onSuccess: (Map<String, int> count) {
debugPrint("Fetched Online Group Member Count Successfully : $count ");
}, onError: (CometChatException e) {
debugPrint("Online Group Member failed with exception: ${e.message}");

This method returns a Map with the GUID of the group as the key and the online member count for that group as the value.