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Version: v4

Direct Call


This guide demonstrates how to start call in to an Android application. Before you begin, we strongly recommend you read the calling setup guide.

Add Multiple Calls Event Listeners

For every activity or fragment you wish to receive call listeners, you need to register the __CallsEventListeners using the addCallsEventListeners()`` method.

String listenerId = "UNIQUE_LISTENER_ID";

class YourClassName extends State<CallingViewScreen> with CometChatCallsEventsListener {

void initState() {
CometChatCalls.addCallsEventListeners(listenerId, this); //Register call listener

void dispose() {
CometChatCalls.removeCallsEventListeners(listenerId); //Remove call listener

void onCallEndButtonPressed() {
isCallEndedByMe = true;
}else {
//Leave the current call

void onCallEnded() {
//Call CometChat.endCall() method
}else {
//Call CometChatCalls.endSession() and CometChat.clearActiveCall() methods
} else{
//If a group call has ended and there is only one user left on the call
//you can end the call session for that user by calling the CometChatCalls.endSession()

void onAudioModeChanged(List<AudioMode> devices) {


void onCallSwitchedToVideo(CallSwitchRequestInfo info) {


void onError(CometChatCallsException ce) {


void onRecordingToggled(RTCRecordingInfo info) {


void onUserJoined(RTCUser user) {


void onUserLeft(RTCUser user) {


void onUserListChanged(List<RTCUser> users) {


void onUserMuted(RTCMutedUser muteObj) {


Generate Call Token

Before start call session you have to generate call token. You need to call this method for call token.

String sessionId = "" //Random or available in call obecjt in case of default calling
String userAuthToken = CometChat.getUserAuthToken() //Logged in user auth token

CometChatCalls.generateToken(sessionId, userAuthToken, onSuccess: (GenerateToken generateToken){
debugPrint("Success: ${generateToken.token}");
}, onError: (CometChatCallsException e){
debugPrint("Error: $e");

To get the logged-in user auth token, call CometChat.getUserAuthToken() method which is present in CometChat Chat SDK

sessionIdThe unique random session ID. In case you are using default call then session ID is available in the Call object.
userAuthTokenThe use auth token is logged in user auth tooken which you can get by calling CometChat Chat SDK method CometChat.getUserAuthToken()

On success of generate token method you will get call token. To access it from GenerateToken object "generateToken.getToken()"

Start Call Session

The most important class that will be used in the implementation is the CallSettings class. This class allows you to set the various parameters for the call/conference. In order to set the various parameters of the CallSettings class, you need to use the CallSettingsBuilder class.

A basic example of how to start a call:

Stringg generatedToken = "" //Your Generated Token

CallSettings callSettings= (CallSettingsBuilder()
..defaultLayout = true
..setAudioOnlyCall = true
..listener = this //CometChatCallsEventsListener

CometChatCalls.startSession(generatedToken, callSettings, onSuccess: (Widget? callingWidget){
}, onError: (CometChatCallsException e){
debugPrint("Error: $e");

The setIsAudioOnly() method allows you to set if the call is supposed to be an audio call or an audio-video call. If set to true, the call will be an audio-only call else when set to false the call will be an audio-video call. The default will is false, so if not set, the call will be an audio-video call.

The CometChatCallsEventsListener listener provides you with the below callback methods:

Callback MethodDescription
onCallEnded()The onCallEnded() event is triggered when a call between two users ends. This event is triggered for both users, regardless of who ended the call.

The onCallEnded() event does not trigger if there are more than two users in the call, or if there are fewer than two users in the call..

The best use case for the onCallEnded() event is in the default calling flow. In the default calling flow, the call ends when either user hangs up. In this case, both users will receive the onCallEnded() event. However, the user who ended the call will also receive the onCallEndButtonPressed() event.
onCallEndButtonPressed()This method is called when the user press end call button..

The user who leaves the call or who ends the call by clicking on the calling end call UI button will get the onCallEndButtonPressed() event.
onUserJoined(RTCUser user)This method is called when any other user joins the call. The user details can be obtained from the User object provided.
onUserLeft(RTCUser user)This method is called when a user leaves the call. The details of the user can be obtained from the provided User object.
onUserListChanged(List<RTCUser> users)This method is triggered every time a participant joins or leaves the call providing the list of users active in the call
onAudioModeChanged(List<AudioMode> devices)This callback is triggered if any new audio output source is available or becomes unavailable.
onCallSwitchedToVideo(CallSwitchRequestInfo info)This callback is triggered when an audio call is converted into a video call.
onUserMuted(RTCMutedUser muteObj)This method is triggered when a user is muted in the ongoing call.
onRecordingToggled(RTCRecordingInfo info)This method is triggered when a recording start/stop.
onError(CometChatCallsException e)This method is called when there is some error in establishing the call.

End Call Session

To release the acquired calling resource and end the call, the end call session must be called.

For Default Call


You only need to call the end call method of the chat SDK for default calling flows. Direct calling flows do not require it.

To end a call in the default call flow, you must call the CometChat.endCall() method, which belongs to the CometChat Chat SDK, and the CometChatCalls.endSession() method, which belongs to the CometChat Calls SDK.

The user who pressed the end call button will call the CometChat.endCall() method, and the another user how was on call will call the two methods which is CometChat.clearActiveCall() and CometChatCalls.endSession() methods to release the calling resources


The user who ended the call

onSuccess: (call) {
onError: (error) {
debugPrint("Error ${error.toString()}");

The another user who was on call

CometChatCalls.endSession(onSuccess: (onSuccess) {
debugPrint("End session successful");
}, onError: (e) {
debugPrint("End session failed with error ${e.toString()}");

For Direct Call

CometChatCalls.endSession(onSuccess: (onSuccess) {
debugPrint("End session successful");
}, onError: (e) {
debugPrint("End session failed with error ${e.toString()}");


The CallSettings class is the most important class when it comes to the implementation of the Calling feature. This is the class that allows you to customize the overall calling experience. The properties for the call/conference can be set using the CallSettingsBuilder class. This will eventually give you and object of the CallSettings class which you can pass to the startSession() method to start the call.

The mandatory parameters that are required to be present for any call/conference to work are:

  1. Context - context of the activity/application
  2. RelativeLayout - A RelativeLayout object in which the calling UI is loaded.

The options available for customization of calls are:

bool enableDefaultLayoutIf set to true enables the default layout for handling the call operations.
If set to false it hides the button layout and just displays the Call View
Default value = true
bool setAudioOnlyCallIf set to true call is supposed to be an audio call
If set to false call is supposed to be a video call
Default Value = false
bool showEndCallButtonIf set to true it displays the EndCallButton in Button Layout.
If set to false it hides the EndCallButton in Button Layout
Default value = true
bool showSwitchCameraButtonIf set to true it displays the SwitchCameraButton in Button Layout.
If set to false it hides the SwitchCameraButton in Button Layout
Default value = true
bool showMuteAudioButtonIf set to true it displays the MuteAudioButton in Button Layout.
If set to false it hides the MuteAudioButton in Button Layout
Default value = true
bool showPauseVideoButtonIf set to true it displays the PauseVideoButton in Button Layout.
If set to false it hides the PauseVideoButton in Button Layout
Default value = true
bool showAudioModeButtonIf set to true it displays the AudioModeButton in Button Layout.
If set to false it hides the AudioModeButton in Button Layout
Default value = true
Mode setModeCometChat provides 3 options for the calling UI.
Default value = Mode.MODE_SPOTLIGHT
bool startWithAudioMutedThis ensures the call is started with the audio muted if set to true
Default value = false
bool startWithVideoMutedThis ensures the call is started with the video muted if set to true
Default value = false
AudioModes setDefaultAudioModeThis method can be used if you wish to start the call with a specific audio mode. The available options are:
bool showSwitchToVideoCallButtonThis method shows/hides the switch to video call button. If set to true it will display the switch to video call button. If set to false it will hide the switch to video call button.
Default value = true
bool showCallRecordButtonIf set to true it displays the Recording Button
If set to false it hides the Recording Button
Default value = false
bool startRecordingOnCallStartIf set to true it start recording automatically once call is connected
Default value = false
AvatarModes setAvatarModeThis method sets the mode of avatar. The avatar mode can be one of the below constants:
Default value = CometChatCallsConstants.AVATAR_MODE_CIRCLE
MainVideoContainerSetting setMainVideoContainerSettingThis method can be used to customize the main video container. You can read more about this here
bool enableVideoTileDragThis method can be used to enable/disable video tile drag functionality in Spotlight mode.
Default value = true
bool enableVideoTileClickThis method can be used to enable/disable video tile click functionality in Spotlight mode.
Default value = true
CometChatCallsEventsListener listenerThe CometChatCallsEventsListener listener provides you callbacks"

In case you wish to achieve a completely customised UI for the Calling experience, you can do so by embedding default android buttons to the screen as per your requirement and then use the below methods to achieve different functionalities for the embedded buttons.

For the use case where you wish to align your own custom buttons and not use the default layout provided by CometChat you can embed the buttons in your layout and use the below methods to perform the corresponding operations:

Switch Camera

You can call switchCamera() Method to toggle between camera sources.

CometChatCalls.switchCamera(onSuccess: (success) {
debugPrint("Success $success");
}, onError: (error) {
debugPrint("Error: ${error");

Mute Audio

You can call muteAudio() Method to mute your Audio Stream to the end-user.

CometChatCalls.muteAudio(true ,onSuccess: (success) {
debugPrint("Success $success");
}, onError: (error) {
debugPrint("Error: ${error");

if set to true the audio Stream is muted and if set tofalse the audio Stream is transmitted.

Pause Video

You can call pauseVideo() Method to pause Video Stream to the end-user.

CometChatCalls.pauseVideo(true, onSuccess: (success) {
debugPrint("Success $success");
}, onError: (error) {
debugPrint("Error: ${error");

if set to true the video Stream is muted and if set tofalse video Stream is transmitted.

Set Audio Mode

You can call setAudioMode() to set the output of the audio stream.

CometChatCalls.setAudioMode("", onSuccess: (success) {
debugPrint("Success $success");
}, onError: (error) {
debugPrint("Error: ${error");

The audio mode string can have either one of the below 4 values:


Enter PIP Mode

If you are using a PIP (Picture-In-Picture) mode in your app and you want to render calling view in PIP then you can call enterPIPMode() method.

CometChatCalls.enterPIPMode(onSuccess: (success) {
debugPrint("Success $success");
}, onError: (error) {
debugPrint("Error: ${error");

Exit PIP Mode

You can call exitPIPMode() to enter in PIP mode.

CometChatCalls.exitPIPMode(onSuccess: (success) {
debugPrint("Success $success");
}, onError: (error) {
debugPrint("Error: ${error");

Switch to Video Call

You can call switchToVideoCall() to switch from audio call to video call

CometChatCalls.switchToVideoCall(onSuccess: (success) {
debugPrint("Success $success");
}, onError: (error) {
debugPrint("Error: ${error");

Start Recording

You can call startRecording() to start the recording

CometChatCalls.startRecording(onSuccess: (success) {
debugPrint("Success $success");
}, onError: (error) {
debugPrint("Error: ${error");

Stop Recording

You can call stopRecording() to stop the recording

CometChatCalls.stopRecording(onSuccess: (success) {
debugPrint("Success $success");
}, onError: (error) {
debugPrint("Error: ${error");

End Call

You can call CometChatCalls.endSession() to end the call

CometChatCalls.endSession(onSuccess: (success) {
}, onError: (error) {
debugPrint("Error: ${error");