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Version: v4

Connection Status

CometChat SDK provides you with a mechanism to get real-time status of the connection to CometChat web-socket servers. To achieve this you need to use the ConnectionListener class provided by the CometChat SDK

Connection Status provides you with the below 3 methods to get the status of the connection to CometChat web-socket servers:

Delegate MethodInformation
onConnectingThis method is triggered when CometChat SDK is trying to establish a connection to the web-socket server.
onConnectedThis method is called when CometChat SDK has successfully established a connection and now is connected.
onDisconnectedThis method is called when the CometChat SDK gets disconnected due to any issue while maintaining the connection like network fluctuations, etc.
onFeatureThrottledCometChat automatically toggles off certain features to prevent performance loss for end-users under various circumstances
onConnectionErrorThis method is called when the CometChat SDK gets error due to any issue while maintaining the connection like network fluctuations, etc.

Once the connection is broken, the disconnected callback is triggered, the SDK automatically tries to establish the connection again, thus going into the connecting state and triggering the connecting method. Once the attempt to connect is successful, the connected method is triggered thus letting the developer know that the connection is established and is active.

In order to use the ConnectionListeners, you need to add the ConnectionListeners using the addConnectionListener method provided by the SDK. You can add multiple listeners as shown below. Just make sure you add listeners with unique IDs.

class Class_Name  with ConnectionListener {
//1. Register Connection listener
//CometChat.addConnctionListener("listenerId", this);

//2. Ovveride the ConnectionListener methods

void onConnected() {
// TODO: implement onConnected

void onConnecting() {
// TODO: implement onConnecting

void onDisconnected() {
// TODO: implement onDisconnected

void onFeatureThrottled() {
// TODO: implement onFeatureThrottled

void onConnectionError(CometChatException error) {
// TODO: implement onFeatureThrottled


You can also get the current connection status by using getConnectionStatus property provided by CometChat SDK

String connectionStatus = CometChat.getConnectionStatus();

The above method will return either of the below 3 values:

  1. CometChatWSState.connected (connected);
  2. CometChatWSState.connecting(connecting)
  3. CometChatWSState.disconnected(disconnected)
  4. CometChatWSState.featureThrottled(featureThrottled)

Know more about CometChat SDK connection behaviour click here